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Family Trees in CNRP

Il Terra Di Agea

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Zarfef is convinced that he is a descendant of himself. When he rules the world and invents a time machine in 2120 (he develops a cure for aging first) he goes back in time and becomes his own grandpa. Seeing as all of his genes are the prominent ones he basically clones himself (1 generation down because all his dominant genes skip a generation) and therefore guarantees his existence in the future so he can take over the world and build that time machine. After this point however, he fails to find a way back into the future so his existence is in and of itself a form of circular logic.

Ok, that's not really true, but when he takes over the world he plans on implementing it :P.

Edited by Zarfef
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Ah, I see.

So he's really almost two thousand years old, is that what you're trying to say? :P

/me facepalms

Two thousand years of lineage does not involve "millions" of people. It involves, at an average age of 20 for each man to have another child, five men per 100 years. 2000 / 100 = 20, 20 x 5 = 100.

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/me facepalms

Two thousand years of lineage does not involve "millions" of people. It involves, at an average age of 20 for each man to have another child, five men per 100 years. 2000 / 100 = 20, 20 x 5 = 100.

That's assuming, of course, each person has only one child. A very narrow-minded assumption, if you ask me... :P

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A lot of Christians/Catholics can believe that Christ had one child, but they still have 4 or 5. -_-

Catholics are Christian, m'kay.

But Sargun, what if they were captured by heretics and forced to have more than one so as to taint the bloodline? And then that child decided to have more than one, and so on...it only takes one to break the combo.

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Um.. The only ones Ive kinda Rp'd


I wouldn't mind picking up the Cain one again after I have finished with Cambodia

If you want to joint RP a family, I'm always all for that. Already developed or named characters are something I love to do.

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Lets see here, my first character(Sir Keshav IV) was the son of Sir Keshav III who moved from Solamnia to East Timor during the fall of Timor and then Sir Keshav IV became king. That was how I started my RP story. Sir Keshav III was the son of the Lion King Sir Keshav II whoe ruled Solamnia for like 50 years before abdicating. Sir Keshav I is not known. Probably will work on that later.

Rorschach's blood line shall soon be released once I think on how to RP the backstory of Rorschach.

Megan Fox married Mykep and is having a child currently, not sure what Acca wants to call it. Mykep is the son of Emperor Mykep and Queen of Wales(welshgazza's charcter) I dunno anything else though.

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Your peculiar logic is growin more and more twisted...sooner or later it's going to snap... :P

And that's even assuming I believe the claim that Christ had a child... ^_^

It's not peculiar. Christians are supposed to believe and follow in the Ten Commandments, but they don't. Considering this is the family of God, they'd probably do something like have only one male child.

A lot of Christians/Catholics can believe that Christ had one child, but they still have 4 or 5. -_-

Only idiots actually follow their religion to the letter.

Catholics are Christian, m'kay.

But Sargun, what if they were captured by heretics and forced to have more than one so as to taint the bloodline? And then that child decided to have more than one, and so on...it only takes one to break the combo.

If the bloodline was tainted by force and not will then then there is no problem. As long as the initial branch was done under torture and against their will, then there is no reason to consider it tainted.

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It's not peculiar. Christians are supposed to believe and follow in the Ten Commandments, but they don't. Considering this is the family of God, they'd probably do something like have only one male child.

so female chiildren don't count? :P

Only idiots actually follow their religion to the letter.

While I happen to agree with you...I'll play devil's advocate.

Why would they be idiots for doing that? After all, they believe the Bible is God's Word.

If the bloodline was tainted by force and not will then then there is no problem. As long as the initial branch was done under torture and against their will, then there is no reason to consider it tainted.

But there still remains the problem that it's more than one child per generation... :P

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The Penchuk line refuses to marry monarchs or leaders of other nations. There is a fine selection of female Scots available at home.

Also no one would want to forcibly marry only royalty and end up with this now would we? ;)

That is why European monarchs shouldn't marry each other. There are plenty of Asian and Oceanic monarchs out there. Just putting it out there, but since I became Sultan, my harem is looking a little empty.

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so female chiildren don't count? :P

Female children are killed upon birth. It's a somewhat uncommon but still prevalent practice in many Asian societies (like China) today, to kill female child upon birth because the family is too poor to pay a dowry upon marriage.

While I happen to agree with you...I'll play devil's advocate.

Why would they be idiots for doing that? After all, they believe the Bible is God's Word.

The Bible is the word of man and contains many inconsistencies and is a dated work. While the concepts of Christianity may be honorable, the Bible itself is fatally flawed because it was written in a time completely apart from our own. I'm quite sure you could get arrested for several things today. :v:

But there still remains the problem that it's more than one child per generation... :P

Did they do it willingly? No? Then what's the problem? The bloodline will be forked but it will be a !@#$%^& child, forged by force and not love.

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Edward Bartowski III, the current President of Nedland, is the grandson of the former Communist Dictator of the island during the 90's, Edward Bartowski II. Edward Bartowski II is, in turn, the son of Edward Bartowski I, the first Communist leader of Nedland (although whether or not Edward I was a dictator is up to debate). The Bartowski family is also distantly related to the British (Richard III is a direct relative), French (Charlemagne is also a direct relative), and Polish royal families.

The 4th cousin, twice removed of President Bartowski is a lowly computer nerd in Los Angeles named Charles Bartowski (nicknamed "Chuck"). :awesome:

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Did they do it willingly? No? Then what's the problem? The bloodline will be forked but it will be a !@#$%^& child, forged by force and not love.

I won't even touch the other points...but hmm...the child still exists...and the bloodline is there, whether it's acknowledged or not.

Even illefgitimate children have at times been named heirs.

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