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The Unjust War


Unjust War  

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Unjust, proud to be. Dissapointed that ~ won, more dissapointed in the cowardly Prez we had at the time. Ninja R, Virillius wasn't, and that guy disbanding \m/ was one of the worst moves in CN.

Also, LOLDN.

Edited by Margrave
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Unjust, proud to be. Dissapointed that ~ won, more dissapointed in the cowardly Prez we had at the time. Ninja R, Virillius wasn't, and that guy disbanding \m/ was one of the worst moves in CN.

Also, LOLDN.

Virillius didn't disband \m/. He had \m/'s military stand down following the "zomg OOC attacks." Soon thereafter he was forced out of \m/ due to his decision, which left WarriorConcept, Jason8 and ChairmanHal to finally put \m/ out of its misery.
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Virillius didn't disband \m/. He had \m/'s military stand down following the "zomg OOC attacks." Soon thereafter he was forced out of \m/ due to his decision, which left WarriorConcept, Jason8 and ChairmanHal to finally put \m/ out of its misery.

But it's still the best damn allliance ever!


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Your government was in the ~ command channel early on.

Don't even try to tell me they weren't. I was there.

~ all the way baby.

I am making a personal statement. I was not t3 level government and as such was never in any channels, nor was ever given pertinent information. I am not in the business of speaking for those who were my superiors at the time.

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I fought for Polar under the ~ banner, and I still enjoy dancing on the UJPs mass grave on occasion.

Remember kids: 9/19 never forget \m/ >_< \m/

As I remind former Polars and even a few present ones, the chain of events that followed your victory eventually lead to the dethroning of Electron Sponge, the departure of many long time Polaris members, and the War of the Coalition, which saw everything that Polaris built up after the war get crushed.

Had the terms presented to \m/ and other UJP alliances been different, Polaris would have had a lot fewer people doing a war chant in July 2008 and perhaps BLEU would still be around.

So indeed 9/19 is a double edged sword. Sure it marked the end of the era of \m/, but it also marked the beginning of the end of Sponge's own empire.

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UjP. Joined GOONS in August, got hooked on CyberButtes politics bc when I went on IRC for the first time everyone was going apecrap over ModGate and Loldavi and generally wanted to burn down the world. Fought mostly IRON including Shahenshah, nooblet Sunstar from ODN, and a couple people from NpO and Zenith.

Was there a previous version? The current incarnation was formed right around War of the NoCB/Coalition

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As I remind former Polars and even a few present ones, the chain of events that followed your victory eventually lead to the dethroning of Electron Sponge, the departure of many long time Polaris members, and the War of the Coalition, which saw everything that Polaris built up after the war get crushed.

Had the terms presented to \m/ and other UJP alliances been different, Polaris would have had a lot fewer people doing a war chant in July 2008 and perhaps BLEU would still be around.

So indeed 9/19 is a double edged sword. Sure it marked the end of the era of \m/, but it also marked the beginning of the end of Sponge's own empire.

Are you using Vladmir logic to say that in the end, \m/ won the war against Sponge?

I know you aren't, just kidding :P

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As I remind former Polars and even a few present ones, the chain of events that followed your victory eventually lead to the dethroning of Electron Sponge, the departure of many long time Polaris members, and the War of the Coalition, which saw everything that Polaris built up after the war get crushed.
I will point out the fact that the end of the Unjust War did not, as you seem to imply, make Polaris fate in July 2008 an inevitability.
Had the terms presented to \m/ and other UJP alliances been different, Polaris would have had a lot fewer people doing a war chant in July 2008 and perhaps BLEU would still be around.
For some reason I doubt a lightening of terms would've somehow swayed the remnants of the UJP over to Polaris side in time for the Second Patriotic War.
So indeed 9/19 is a double edged sword. Sure it marked the end of the era of \m/, but it also marked the beginning of the end of Sponge's own empire.
At the risk of sounding like a snob, \m/ never had an "era" of power or influence.
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Not according to the pubbies who baww'd on the OWF.

\m/ is so RAD it's \m/

Depends on your definition of "era" I suppose.

From my perspective, for an alliance or group to have an "era" they need to have a strong combination of power, influence, and prestige from which they can dominate the game through either brute force, diplomacy or intimidation. On its own \m/ never achieved a strong such a combination from which to reach that status. Instead they remained part of the Initiative; a group which, by my previously stated definition, had their own "era" from the end of Great War II to the beginning of the Unjust War.

Edited by Fallen_Fool
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Interesting. Well that could be a way out for UjP for a stalemate, still, dont know about the domino effect though.

One big player would have to leave the side of the coalition set against UjP for such a scenario to happen.

From what I can remember (someone may need to correct me, it's been a while) we had a few alliances on the ~ side who were interested in discussing a way out of the war. By no means would this have won the war for us, but we hoped for a chain reaction with enough alliances dropping out to balance the field a bit. When TPF and the others surrendered after the incident, we pretty much lost this bargaining chip and accepted that a stalemate was no longer an option.

UJH/UJH Victory.

I like to think we would've handled the post-war in a most excellent fashion.

I shudder to think what GOD would look like today if I hadn't gotten fed up with politics and quit government. So there we go, the UjW loss saved you from having to put up with my erratic behaviour.

For some reason I doubt a lightening of terms would've somehow swayed the remnants of the UJP over to Polaris side in time for the Second Patriotic War.

I'm unsure if they'd have been swayed into action. I do know from my own experience that it affected how I viewed the War of the Coalition. I knew the CB was !@#$%^&*, but I also held a massive grudge against Polar and was happy to see them stomped. My opinion of Polar has since changed, though.

#unjustmassacre was incredible fun when it wasn't in shambles. I haven't seen/spoken to many people from there since not long after the war.

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WAPA had a MADP with \m/ when it blew off we left BLEU as we didn't really know anyone form their. However i do wish we would of won because we were forced out of blue because of our decision. I remember we were accused for spying on BLEU however WAPA members never went on the BLEU forums.

That was a totaly awesome war. I got ZI'ed twice. :awesome: Even though we lost.

WAPA was a great ally of \m/. Truly amazing how that happened - you were beaten by \m/, forced to join the alliance, and then found that you liked it there... and became very, very close allies.

Seeing that happened made me gain so much respect for WAPA that I still hold to this day :D

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It's all wonderful in retrospect to wish upon the goons a glorious victory in that conflict...

But the gods-honest truth is that at that time goons had done little to differentiate themselves from the "oppressive" NPO aside from enjoying the occasional LUL. I sort of put them in with FAN in the "people only liked them once they were curb stomped by the NPO, too" category (FAN were insufferable until that occurred, TBH).

That isn't to say I didn't like a lot of GOONS members --because I certainly did-- but as an outside observer I didn't care either way if they (collectively) got thrashed by the NPO. It was like watching two things you didn't like fight over who you would like less when it was over. Congrats to the NPO on winning that particular battle, by the way.

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fought for UJP, in retrospect i could really care less who would of won and while i'm sure the game would be different i don't think "the cybernations world would of been saved" had UJP won

it was my first war in CN though and i had fun fighting it, fought 3 guys with much more NS than me and i did pretty well although i only had 9 Infrastructure at the end, all in all it was a good learning experience of how to manage when you have no chance to win and you're fighting opponents much larger than you, so despite the loss i still enjoyed it :P

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Vladimir is right, I can't speak for other alliances but FOK wouldn't have joined the continuum if either GGA NOV or NpO were going to be part of it. We had issues with NpO because of their UJW display, their interference in two FOK conflicts with an alliance called "the peace", and their conflicts with TOP. I do think that NPO's intention with the continuum was to kill NpO, but in the end the NPO weren't that sure anymore and protected them for some time. Probably knowing that when they would lose Polar they would be more vulnerable for attacks from other alliances which the Karma war showed.

Grämlins neither ;)

In retrospective NPO was kinda schizophrenic about their polar relations. I never really understood the relations between the two of them, on the on hand Q was a counterpart to BLEU on the other NPO shielded polar at several occasions. If i would be malicous, i would say NPO tried to play "both" sides, if i would be nice i would say NPO tried to balance things. I guess it was something in between.

About the UJP war, prior to it there was a small chance TOP and Grämlins would have entered on the UJP side, if Grämlins relations to GOONS weren´t that bad prior we may had put more effort in joining it. Funny thing the FOK incident with GATO could have caused the same again but ES dodged that bullet.

Edited by Steelrat
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About the UJP war, prior to it there was a small chance TOP and Grämlins would have entered on the UJP side, if Grämlins relations to GOONS weren´t that bad prior we may had put more effort in joining it. Funny thing the FOK incident with GATO could have caused the same again but ES dodged that bullet.

The problem with TOP was that of around 50 members who voiced their opinion in a poll, around 6-8 supported GOONS. Hardly a recipe for entry.

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The only regrets I have from that period are not fully understanding what an incredibly dysfunctional cluster$%&@ relationship the Orders had

I think a lot of ~ alliances got caught out by the above. Certainly UPN is one of them.

Glad ~ won, very glad. But then constantly getting threatened by UJP alliances has that affect on you.

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