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Re: MHA Threats

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To: Pope Bubba XIII From: majorddf Date: 7/24/2009 11:51:59 AM

Subject: Your War


You have attacked a member of MHA. If you offer peace immediately and pay for damage done then you will be forgiven. You have 24 hours to respond otherwise you may be attacked in the defense of MHA.


Commander Fleet I MHA

Being the gentleman I am I plan on keeping this brief. Sileath is not a member of the MHA as far as the League is concerned. At time attacks were made you had confirmed that he was an unauthorized ghost. Furthermore, he no longer flies the MHA alliance affiliation, and has attacked Menotah, a sovereign alliance. In addition to his previous rogue attacks on the BTA, that puts him at war with at least three different alliances: BTA, Menotah, and of course, FAIL.

I can only conclude that the MHA knew this and has decided to make a scene in order to act upon the petty grudge they harbor against me. Let it be known that I, Rebel Virginia, will not be so easily intimidated. The Federated Allied Independence League will pay no extortion money.....pardon me, I mean, damages, to either Sileath or the MHA.

With that said, attacks on Sileath will continue into perpetuity. As for the twenty-four hours to respond, I see no issue with that. Consider this to be the League's final statement on this issue.

-Emperor Rebel Virginia

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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Ah, the old drama queen. Of course it wasnt just a simple mistake, it was a plot to bring you down...

A mistake? Hardly likely. Do notice that this is a commander making the demands. Any commander worth his worth would take the time to look for all the details before sending out messages to foreign parties, to prevent incidents you see. A quick and simple check could have allowed him to see that Sileath is clearly a rogue. So, one of two things can be concluded here. Either MHA has gone back on its word, or its military commanders are incompetent. Which do you think is more likely?

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NSO doesnt protect people until they make their own peace.

Indeed that is true, so the only logical conclusion that can be made is that the MHA is trying to provoke FAIL's wrath. Now I am a forgiving man, and I really would like to bury the hatchet with the MHA, however, until they can show reason and common sense it seems we are going to keep meeting like this, and that is a shame. If only you could learn to control yourself MHA. For shame.

Now tell me, what is it? Is it that your commanders are simply too incompetent to do simple checks, and have thus made this unnecessary mistake. Or is it something more sinister? You have your options MHA, now tell us which ones is true. Are you incompetent, or are you liars?

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They actually (re)accepted Sileath? Why? Does MHA hate MHA?

Well, based on this message it appears that they are intent on protecting him.

These topics are getting really annoying RV. Can you not be such an attention whore?

You know, I doubt you would be saying this if I were the leader of a hundred plus nation alliance. Because my alliance consists of only one nation does my voice not matter? Am I irrelevant? Well then, forgive me for not seeing things your way, but I believe that the mob does not rule, and an injury to one, no matter how insignificant, is an injury to all. I will not be silenced because I am not as big and bad as the MHA, nor because I do not have as many friends as they. If that is the line of thought that dominates this new world I will fight it tooth and nail, to the death. Such thinking led this world into tyranny once before. I will not allow it to happen again. Not while I still have some strength left.

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You know, I doubt you would be saying this if I were the leader of a hundred plus nation alliance. Because my alliance consists of only one nation does my voice not matter? Am I irrelevant? Well then, forgive me for not seeing things your way, but I believe that the mob does not rule, and an injury to one, no matter how insignificant, is an injury to all. I will not be silenced because I am not as big and bad as the MHA, nor because I do not have as many friends as they. If that is the line of thought that dominates this new world I will fight it tooth and nail, to the death. Such thinking led this world into tyranny once before. I will not allow it to happen again. Not while I still have some strength left.

Well said and I totaly agree with this.

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You know, I doubt you would be saying this if I were the leader of a hundred plus nation alliance. Because my alliance consists of only one nation does my voice not matter? Am I irrelevant? Well then, forgive me for not seeing things your way, but I believe that the mob does not rule, and an injury to one, no matter how insignificant, is an injury to all. I will not be silenced because I am not as big and bad as the MHA, nor because I do not have as many friends as they. If that is the line of thought that dominates this new world I will fight it tooth and nail, to the death. Such thinking led this world into tyranny once before. I will not allow it to happen again. Not while I still have some strength left.

Well, you aren't the leader of a 100 man plus alliance and your doing this just to try and get some bad PR for MHA.

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You know, I doubt you would be saying this if I were the leader of a hundred plus nation alliance. Because my alliance consists of only one nation does my voice not matter? Am I irrelevant? Well then, forgive me for not seeing things your way, but I believe that the mob does not rule, and an injury to one, no matter how insignificant, is an injury to all. I will not be silenced because I am not as big and bad as the MHA, nor because I do not have as many friends as they. If that is the line of thought that dominates this new world I will fight it tooth and nail, to the death. Such thinking led this world into tyranny once before. I will not allow it to happen again. Not while I still have some strength left.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I never even implied that. We all know your alliance is a joke alliance. Its the fact that you always post a stupid topic about who pissed you off today.

Edited by crazyisraelie
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