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An STA announcement

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it is fine. Just that, getting know another alliance and what we can learn from them. but getting most cut out or all, and one have to all is very heavy burden.

Nothing but official assignments are being cut out. If someone has an interest in communicating with another alliance they are free to do so. They just need to take some initiative. And those that have initiative will provide a better diplomatic experience anyway.

Also, Pez will not be alone in dealing with FA. As with all other departments, the Consilium acts as a group to help each other out. She is just in charge of the department.

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Don't have to check to make sure people are active, no need to force spam to show the "love", etc. It's just better without official diplomat responsibilities.

If there's one thing I hate, it's people who think friendship/love rests on spamming someone's forum.

<SomeoneRandom> Hey Hizzy, you should drop by our forums and say hello

<Hizzy> we're having a conversation right now. I said hello to you 3 seconds ago.


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Now, let's hope you take the STA's foreign affairs in another direction - and stop enabling the New Sith Order to do as it pleases while it hides behind Frostbite.

So now that NPO surrended and is under peace terms you redirected your hate to NSO? I expected better from you my friend.

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I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and say that Starfox is referring to the recruiting thing that was all the rage a little while ago... I base this guess on the fact that the only thing I remember them really doing since the signing of Frostbite was that (unless I missed something).

That being said though, I would hardly consider that hiding behind Frostbite... for one, the most enabling post I read on the forums from other Frostbite members was semi-neutral and advocating a diplomatic solution. Knowing the people involved, I would wager that there were words spoken behind closed doors that other people are simply not privy to. Not to mention the entire incident was pretty retarded (in all aspects), so why he'd bing it up like that seems a little bit... dramatic.

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I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and say that Starfox is referring to the recruiting thing that was all the rage a little while ago... I base this guess on the fact that the only thing I remember them really doing since the signing of Frostbite was that (unless I missed something).

That being said though, I would hardly consider that hiding behind Frostbite... for one, the most enabling post I read on the forums from other Frostbite members was semi-neutral and advocating a diplomatic solution. Knowing the people involved, I would wager that there were words spoken behind closed doors that other people are simply not privy to. Not to mention the entire incident was pretty retarded (in all aspects), so why he'd bing it up like that seems a little bit... dramatic.

You would absolutely win that bet.

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Sorry guys, this one's my fault. See, I accidentally left out my key to our secret Frostbite lair and it is possible that Starfox may have, umm, inadvertently, well, found the Red Folder of Doom. Now I don't want to point any fingers, but I do have to state that I said from the very beginning that putting the "THIS IS TOTALLY NOT A WORLD DOMINATION PACT" sticker on that folder was a bad idea.

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Sorry guys, this one's my fault. See, I accidentally left out my key to our secret Frostbite lair and it is possible that Starfox may have, umm, inadvertently, well, found the Red Folder of Doom. Now I don't want to point any fingers, but I do have to state that I said from the very beginning that putting the "THIS IS TOTALLY NOT A WORLD DOMINATION PACT" sticker on that folder was a bad idea.

Frostbite plans to take over the world?

I knew it! :awesome:

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Best of wishes to Lakerzz8, in his retirement :wub: and congrats to Pezstar on the promotion :)

As to the new policy, fair enough, I'd disagree though. I find it's a nice way to get alliance members out and into other alliance's spam/off-topic forums. Not much else gets posted in embassies besides the occasional news update, sure. But it's the getting alliance members interacting with others on the spam/off-topic forums that matters, as then they improve relations :)

Good luck though :)

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I doubt you have even one solid example of that ever taking place.

How about every day since the treaty has been signed? I respect you, and can't imagine you haven't noticed how their ego's have grown? How about just the other day in your public channel? The quote is clearly announced in the topic.

Please provide at least one example of this statement, citing specifics.

Just simply go look in their IRC channel. It's plastered on the wall.

You wound me.

I'm sorry.

If you can point out where the STA has enables the NSO to do anything untoward, please do so.

Simply by being allied with them, and more notably the vocal support you give them whenever they cross any lines. STA has some of the best PR of any alliance, and not many would want to mess with your bloc. Your strength and PR enables them.

You could say that every alliance "hides" behind their treaties by your logic Starfox. FUCN hides behind LoSS!! Zomgorz!

Well, that is actually quite true. You wouldn't talk crap to someone who you know could roll you, would you?

I would, though.

So now that NPO surrended and is under peace terms you redirected your hate to NSO? I expected better from you my friend.

I directed my hate towards them when they began to act as if they own the place. Their ego's are giant, and they feel like everyone is beneath them, and they can do whatever they wish. That was the attitude of the New Pacific Order that made me despise them from the start. My hatred for Pacifica began with Ivan Moldavi and has only carried over to his new cult.

Edit: Now, don't make mistake this as bashing the STA, as I am not. I rather like you guys. I just don't like your treaty partners and it dismays me to see you allied, so I'm going to voice my complaints, as usual.

Edited by Starfox101
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lol @ starfox. Always gotta act as if someones boot is on his face.

Heh, I assure you no Sith boot will ever step on my face, no matter how hard you try. You guys may have gotten a cheap shot in on me when I was in multiple other wars, but in the end, you backed off, not me.

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Smart move. Ambassadors are useless. Something I have always believed. What do they do? At the very most dick around in an embassy and pretend to be friendly so everybody can be happy. It means absolutely nothing. So congratulations on getting rid of a pointless and highly annoying position. Rebel Virginia salutes you.

I agree. If they ever had a purpose, they do not have one now.

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Heh, I assure you no Sith boot will ever step on my face, no matter how hard you try. You guys may have gotten a cheap shot in on me when I was in multiple other wars, but in the end, you backed off, not me.

What are you babbling about? You are much too insignificant to merit the honor of the sole of our boot.

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What are you babbling about? You are much too insignificant to merit the honor of the sole of our boot.

Well, at least I'm significant enough to warrant you coming out and insulting me.

That's an ego booster for sure.

Starfox, in defense of NSO, they've been arrogant jerks since the moment they formed.

That is very true. My disliking of the NSO is not new, either, though.

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Starfox, in defense of NSO, they've been arrogant jerks since the moment they formed. I don't think STA's treaty had anything to do with it. Perfect example right above me.

Very true. Heck, the treaty didn't/doesn't even stop them from going after STA members. Your not alone.

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