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Leverage demands surrender of Caffine

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In a hurried press conference held in a secret bunker in Aardvarkia, the Kitchen Staff Supervisor and beloved ruler of Aardvarkia makes his way to the microphone.

"After a long just war, the great Satan Caffine has been brought to justice."

After a stunned silence, the media in the room started to snicker. Seconds later Shayde burst into laughter.

"Did I come off as some idiot religious zealot there?" He shook his head and laughed again. "I'm sorry.. I wanted to start off with a joke. But anyway..."

Shayde hit the remote on a giant monitor behind him and the flaming ruins of Caffine filled the screen.

"This, my fellow Aardvarkians, is the culmination of countless days of sweat and planning. Millions of dongs in research and development, thousands of lives of the Cerebus division making this happen. Rejoice my people. Justice is being done."

The room erupted with applause. Millions of Aardvarkians lined the battle torn nation's streets cheering at the success of their mission. Screams of "Justice" fill the air.

"So on this night of victory, I call for the nation of Caffine to surrender fully and accept punishment. For the alliance of Ronin to reject the snake from their midst and to declare peace. Their foolishness in associating themselves with evil can be overlooked as ignorance and naivete. Their attempts to protect the snake have been far too costly for their alliance and their mercenaries and they shouldn't be forced to suffer any longer over a mistake. We have mercy."

Shayde grabbed a glass of wine from his assistant and raised it triumphantly.

"To Victory... and Nuclear Justice"

Cheers filled the streets, and Aardvarkians partied well into the night, filled with the pride that justice has been done.

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Maybe if you say this enough times... no wait, that doesn't make much sense at all.

Surely, you could have waited until tomorrow before doing this again.

Anyway, this won't happen as they could not possibly abandon him to you now. Have fun fighting all these people.

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I support you against your war on caffine.

Make one of the surrender terms be caffine must address himself as caffeine from now on.

Hell no.. Spellchecking is not a term for surrender.

I'm not even expecting anything better than an X on the signature line on the surrender documents. :lol1:

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Bilrow has competition for most loathed player of 2009, I see.

I hope not.

OOC: Speaking of I need to update my sig back to normal.

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You are in no position to make demands.

Leverage has no leverage.

I'm a man with nothing to lose and everything to gain. I've accomplished more than I could have dreamed these last few days and have never had more fun doing it.

It's joy. It's righting wrongs. It's perfect.

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Oh, and on a more important note... (since some have asked)

For those who don't know, Leverage takes its name from a great show on TNT called Leverage. http://www.tnt.tv/series/leverage/ They just started the second season last Wednesday, and you can find it in the usual places.

Knowing the demographics of this game, y'all will love it.

(ooc off)

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Why reconsider? My cause is just. I'm hardly suffering for it. We've lost nothing we weren't willing to sacrifice in the name of Justice.

Caffine's head on a plate. That's not asking too much. Especially over the millions others are spending defending the snake.

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Why reconsider? My cause is just. I'm hardly suffering for it. We've lost nothing we weren't willing to sacrifice in the name of Justice.

Caffine's head on a plate. That's not asking too much. Especially over the millions others are spending defending the snake.

Too bad after a week or so of wars you are all going to be out of his range with no funding to build yourselves back up to hit him. Where as once he is clear of you guys, we have the resources to build him up so far that you will never be in his range again.

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