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Announcement From The Echelon

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These terms are disgraceful.

46 Active nations for god sake..

Just as an FYI - the "active nation" thing only indicates nations that have collected taxes within a certain time.

It is possible to have an alliance with no active nations - as I post this Aircastle has none ;)


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how do you guys expect them to pay those reps they went from over 6mil in strength to barely over 750 k ?, whats worse is that only 12 out of what ? 62 nations (formally 150 before the war I believe) are over 20 k ns ...

I may have fought them but this was not an honourable war, I stopped attacking after I found that most of the nations that I was attacking had given up....

that said I applaud Athens for doing tech deals giving them a chance and R&R well for just being classy.

as GFL already said, R&R was declared on in spirit, but no wars were waged against R&R.

as for the terms? these terms were offered to echelon before they started bleeding members and when they had a total of over 150k tech. They didn't take them then, they took them now.

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Yeah, listen, I don't really expect you to understand. It's alright. Maybe one day you'll think about what I said as you sit in peace mode watching those you kicked while they were down pummel your allies in their drive for revenge, you will realize I was right. *fake tear*

It's already happened, and I didn't try to spin it as a tactical victory. You see, some of us on this side of the aisle have experienced the things you say we should, which kind of explains this whole war in a way. Keep being condescending though, it's your only redeeming quality.

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Just as an FYI - the "active nation" thing only indicates nations that have collected taxes within a certain time.

It is possible to have an alliance with no active nations - as I post this Aircastle has none ;)


Point taken. Still it doesn't seem very Karmic.

Could have been worse I suppose. Every first born was spared.


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It's already happened, and I didn't try to spin it as a tactical victory. You see, some of us on this side of the aisle have experienced the things you say we should, which kind of explains this whole war in a way. Keep being condescending though, it's your only redeeming quality.

Whoa, now I said it was a tactical victory? You're so awesome!

This side of the aisle? Have experienced things? No, I'm gonna say you haven't truly experienced it else you would not be conducting yourselves the way you have been. This is truly a demonstration of those alliances whom have less experience being able to "have their way in the candy store".

Regardless, while you may find it convenient to paint me as some peacenik who hasn't done much of anything, were you to learn my history you may be just a *bit* shocked.

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^ they didn't really fight fwiw

Whoa, now I said it was a tactical victory? You're so awesome!

This side of the aisle? Have experienced things? No, I'm gonna say you haven't truly experienced it else you would not be conducting yourselves the way you have been. This is truly a demonstration of those alliances whom have less experience being able to "have their way in the candy store".

Regardless, while you may find it convenient to paint me as some peacenik who hasn't done much of anything, were you to learn my history you may be just a *bit* shocked.

See I'm not trying to tell you what your past experiences are, like you are doing to me.

Edited by Viking
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that said I applaud Athens for doing tech deals giving them a chance and R&R well for just being classy.

R&R explained earlier in the thread that they didn't fight against Echelon but they were only "formally" DoW'ed upon. The "1 Tech" is the price for their signature on the Surrender Terms.

I also think that you got wrong the Athen's part of the terms: as it's written («1,500 technology or money equivalent, at an exchange rate of 3 mil per 50») it's 1,500 Tech or 90,000,000 in cash, not 90 millions in exchange for 1,500 Tech: it has nothing to do with "tech deals".

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^ they didn't really fight fwiw

No, somehow they got all messed up by hiding in peace mode. Damn Admin and adding his infra/tech decay to nations in peace mode!

See I'm not trying to tell you what your past experiences are, like you are doing to me.
Maybe one day you'll think about what I said as you sit in peace mode watching those you kicked while they were down pummel your allies in their drive for revenge, you will realize I was right. *fake tear*

Yeah, I'm thinking I didn't tell you anything about your past...just the future you've created for yourself. Of course, you won't remember this. I'll remind you though.

EDIT: You know, I really wish some of you (GOD/MA) would take a step back and realize how arrogant you are acting right now. This is all going to come back and bite you, yet you don't even seem to realize it.

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^^ They lost two nations worth 100k NS within the last 48 hours, many other nations did the same thing.

Yeah, I'm thinking I didn't tell you anything about your past...just the future you've created for yourself. Of course, you won't remember this. I'll remind you though.
No, I'm gonna say you haven't truly experienced it


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^^ They lost two nations worth 100k NS within the last 48 hours, many other nations did the same thing.

Yeah, that must be why their remaining nations are damaged to the extent they are. Gosh, man, you really are opening up everyone's eyes as to how Echelon defeated itself in peacemode.

No, I'm gonna say you haven't truly experienced it else you would not be conducting yourselves the way you have been.

Yeah, if you post the whole sentence you would have seen the conditional there. Are you going to be like this throughout our little conversation? Cause then I'll have to bookmark all of my posts.

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^^ They lost two nations worth 100k NS within the last 48 hours, many other nations did the same thing.

ok so that's 200k NS (which they still lost due to the war), care to explain how they lost the other 4.8 million without fighting?

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Yeah, if you post the whole sentence you would have seen the conditional there. Are you going to be like this throughout our little conversation? Cause then I'll have to bookmark all of my posts.

Ok so I went through all that and I still have the opinions I do. Now what, o great philosopher?

Or are you gonna e-lawyer me some more?

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Ok so I went through all that and I still have the opinions I do. Now what, o great philosopher?

Or are you gonna e-lawyer me some more?

Oh snap, what are you going to come up with next?

Also, I already covered that. Inexperienced alliances being set loose in a candy store with no supervision.

And yes, I replied solely to see what you come up with next. You are quite the entertainer.

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ok so that's 200k NS (which they still lost due to the war), care to explain how they lost the other 4.8 million without fighting?

Peacemode. Duh. Echelon didn't even put up a fight, or weren't you listening to the pages of history being rewritten?

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ok so that's 200k NS (which they still lost due to the war), care to explain how they lost the other 4.8 million without fighting?

You can't argue with him! He's right you're wrong deal with it!

We all know that Echelon was never in a war fighting multiple alliances, and we all know they didn't fight at all... instead they destroyed their own infra and sent off their tech.... Now the mystery is solved.

Thanks Viking for informing me :)

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Oh snap, what are you going to come up with next?

Also, I already covered that. Inexperienced alliances being set loose in a candy store with no supervision.

And yes, I replied solely to see what you come up with next. You are quite the entertainer.

All of the alliances on this treaty are inexperienced? Or just GOD?

Or do you mean you just disagree with one members opinion that is no more or less valuable than yours?

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You can't argue with him! He's right you're wrong deal with it!

We all know that Echelon was never in a war fighting multiple alliances, and we all know they didn't fight at all... instead they destroyed their own infra and sent off their tech.... Now the mystery is solved.

Thanks Viking for informing me :)

I believe it is called "mass-hallucination" we all suffered from. Also, TOP and TSO secretly helped Echelon store some of their money and tech last I heard, since we were all so big buddies back then! :D

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You can't argue with him! He's right you're wrong deal with it!

We all know that Echelon was never in a war fighting multiple alliances, and we all know they didn't fight at all... instead they destroyed their own infra and sent off their tech.... Now the mystery is solved.

Thanks Viking for informing me :)

I never got their tech. What is this insanity.

All of the alliances on this treaty are inexperienced? Or just GOD?

Some alliances have difficulty learning from past experience and using that very experience to move forward in a positive way.

Or do you mean you just disagree with one members opinion that is no more or less valuable than yours?

Don't insult my ego, good sir!

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Oh no, poor Echelon, we must defend their honor for entering an unprovoked war voluntarily!

This thread finally made my sig come true, awesome.

I hope you treat all treaty partners equally from this point forward.

protip: When you have a treaty saying you will help, not helping generally makes you look pretty crappy.

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