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War in East Africa


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All missiles are to be prepped for final launch sequence.

Operation: Epsilon Sigma Beta Beta
Pre-launch Code: b381nd02
Opt-launch Code: b381nd03
Post-prelaunch Code: b381nd04
Launch Code: b982nf08
Authorization: [b]03942vs203[/b]

Silos across UMS's border began opening up as technicians began scrambling for the final prepartaion. Laced with 350 kg of armor-piercing explosives, they'd wreak havoc on Addis Abba's populace and infrastructure. Moreover, a second salvo of missiles, classed as Nirbhay would launch from midway points in the UMS laced with 870 kg of explosives. Note that the Nirbhay, at this point, is not stealth [OOC: In the real world the Nirbhay has stealth capabilities according to the scientists who are working on it]. All these missiles were to be launched at enemy positions within Addis Abba.

This rendered around half of the missiles in reserve. The remaining half are to stay that way unless needed.

In the front lines...

Pilot Henderson reared his valiant FB-22 backwards in a loop, evading the antiaircraft shells that were moving in slow motion essentially. With a wall of blind fire, it proved to be much more dangerous than concentrated fire if he hadn't had the stealth equipped. More or less, stealth wasn't useful at this altitude. He could only wonder how the other pilots were doing in their F-22s and F-35s... he put the conjecture aside.

"Napalm on stand by..." he mouthed as he waited for the precise moment. The clouds were breached. Water droplets slapped like hail against the glass aperture that surrounded him. In an instant a green light blinked on and he triggered a button next to his guidance system.

As his FB-22 soared out of the clouds a lone bomb fell, amidst the bunker busters, and a flash of light emerged. Fire spread like an oily fuselage, propagating in all directions. Napalm was a tricky weapon indeed... but as quickly as he entered the fray, he pulled up back into the heavens, dispersing any tracks he had left behind in his one-hit mission...


Zemunda cracked his burly knuckles as he squinted his view. "Are they... are they really falling back?" His binoculars picked up on fear streaking throughout the Nodic ranks. The bunker busters had done their duty, as the dust hadn't even settled just yet. But even in that dark cloud of soot and aerial blood, the flashes of napalm streaked across the field... the earth shook violently as the pulses of heat could even be felt at the UMS front.

Artillery shells rang out, peppering into Addis Abba indiscriminately, taking lives upon lives with no prejudice. A spectacle only begotten by the horrors that were instantly followed. Zemunda snorted in retort as he cast aside his sympathy. They wrought this upon themselves, he thought as his mind steered into clarity.

His gaze turned as his eyes met the ghastly shadows of dozens of MV-22 Ospreys crossing the forsaken middle grounds. Each MV-22 Osprey contained dozens of hardened veterans that would prove pivotal in this battle. However, they reeled back as Zemunda shot into his hand-held transmission device, "Airborne infantry are to remain on hold until I, or Callin, give the order. Antiaircraft positions haven't been totally wiped yet, and worst of all, they know their city better than we do. We cannot let ourselves fall into a absurd trap."

He slapped the metal that surrounded him aboard the M-37 Alpha, the pride and joy of The Royal Mechodamian Armor Corps. And they were known as the "Prefect's Steel Maelstrom" for a reason. They packed a powerful punch, along with being able to take what would be usually a defenseless hit. Despite the intense strength of the M-37 Alpha, so few were maintained due to their maintenance and costs to build. However, because of their elite abilities, they were declared the Prefect's personal honor guard within the AC, above all else. It was the flagship and the banner that kept their overwhelming morale in check. And with the 1st Armored Division at his back, Patriarch St. George could only smile.


Consisting of 850 C-88s, 300 1 Gammas, 400 M-1231 Delta Paroses, 230 S-89 Phantoms, and 250 S-31 Phantoms, along with 17,000 infantry, the 1st Armored Division was a hardened jewel of the Prefect. It was also the 1st Armored Division that led Army Alpha, which played as the head driving force in Army Group Serpent, the entire invading force. However, even as a Division, it couldn't necessitate a proper explanation for the elite divinity his group brought. Armored Batallion 317 consisted of 50 C-88s, 75 M-1231 Delta Paroses, and 75 S-89 Phantoms, totaling at 200 armored vehicles alone, which doesn't include the number of service men in infantry uniforms (roughly 200). They'd be the ones leading the charge, along with Armored Battalion 318, Armored Battalion 781, Shock Corps Battalion 31, Shock Corps Battalion 931, and Devastator Battalion 7.


In a swift and feint blow they'd crush even the faintest signs of an ambush, though casualties would still be tiresome. How to commit this strike with as few casualties as possible... his mind wandered. It could be possible to launch three more rounds of air strikes with the X-47s, but that would force them to have to rearm, and if anything should go FUBAR... we need a contingency plan for an escape. His eyelids sealed shut and, in turn, fell complacent to the wake of contemplation.

"Sigma delta, do you read?" his voice bellowed, almost as if caught in a sub-conscious state of mind. Not waiting for any response he continued, "All Grenadiers are to aim X25 Airburst Weapons at any buildings within operational range. If their readers cannot reach any city buildings, aim as close as possible, but not if that range falls short of 750 meters. On top of that, calibrate the X-47s to launch a second strike with a combination of bunker busters and synchronized carpet bombs by the FB-22s. I realize this leaves us with two more runs, but we need to clear any ambushes that may be waiting. I want those buildings leveled. Aim main artillery batteries at designated buildings within sight, but then produce suppression fire at preordained choke points. These choke points aren't specific points, but rather a surprise attack on their morale. With the flip of a coin, artillery coordinators are to fire at optimal range on the flip of tails, though do not overshoot the city. With the flip of heads, concentrate fire on the core of the city and the rest of its interior. For those who hit heads, readjust firing solutions constantly as a means to randomize the strikes.

Fear is the weapon we use today boys! All other aircraft are to escort remaining F-22s and F-35s are to give suppressive fire against visible and targeted columns of enemy soldiers. FB-22s, due to their stealth capabilities, are to strike any antiaircraft drawn out by the F-22s and F-35s. If the antiaircraft stations are to remain and you miss your target, send the coordinates to Sigma delta and we'll let precision guided missiles deal with them.

In a phalanx fashion all front lines are to advance 450 m, leaving a gap of around 400 m to the main entrance of the city. To prevent ambushes, armored components of designated divisions will act as a wall around infantry walls. Remaining armored divisions will conduct concussion fire, rendering enemy units helpless. This advance will wait on my order and solely depends on the success of the air strike, artillery, and missile strike."

It was all so poetic as the order came underway.


Grenadiers began peering over the ledge of their safety barriers as snipers began giving covering fire, launching a maelstrom of precise bullets across the battlefield. XM307s began ringing loudly as their belts curled on the dirt earth that supported them, blasting 25x59 mm caliber bullets into the concrete of the buildings in Addis Abba's outskirts.

In their scopes they aimed, plotting trajectory courses for future bombing runs... all in a complete discrete fashion. And with stable minds they pulled the triggers and nonlethal grenades were hurled across the expanse

of neutral land, and detonated in low-impact explosions. These would be the silent killers that the UAVs followed. A moment passed by, and then like the hand of God Himself, what seemed like pebbles to Zemunda fell from the sky. These were no pebbles, however. Several more JDAMs, weighing in at 905 kg each [OOC: essentially bunker busters] began dropping toward the earth rapidly as carpet bombs began sweeping across enemy columns by the FB-22s.

All the meanwhile coins were flipped and firing solutions were chosen solely by chance. At random, though with some coordinate, artillery batteries began launching shell after shell into the sky, thus slamming into enemy soils.

And just like a flock of angels dozens upon dozens of supersonic jet fighters collapsed upon retreating and standing columns alike. They began dropping their entire payloads, along with unleashing a swarm of 1 x 20 mm bullets with their M6182 Vulcan cannons and GAU-22/A 25 mm (0.984 in) cannon [OOC: F-22 for the former and F-35 for the latter respectively]. Shortly following came the FB-22s, harboring 22,000 lb of weaponry release payload after payload of various bombs across exposed enemy antiaircraft positions.


Surveying the scene his eyes gathered in composure as he sighed in relief. At the very least this strike would instill heavy casualties against the enemy, but the city would still be crawling with enemy combatants, which worried him most. Urban warfare is, indeed, a numbers game... but it is also a tactics game, and who knows the city better than the Nods themselves? Hell, they've fought in this city already once before... his thoughts rambled onward as clouds coincidentally closed upon each other, expunging the last rays of sunlight from their freedom...

Edited by SpacingOutMan
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In an instant silos across the UMS's eastern border wielding the powerful BrohMos IIs were launched with litigating speeds of 5.26 machs, impossible to intercept by the enemy's anti-missile systems.

OOC: Sorry, but no. If he has missile defenses IG, then he has whatever chance he has in-game of stopping those. So, anywhere from 10-50% if he has one.

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OOC: Sorry, but no. If he has missile defenses IG, then he has whatever chance he has in-game of stopping those. So, anywhere from 10-50% if he has one.

OOC: *shrugs* Fine by me. I wasn't aware he had an anti-missile system set up, and for that matter it was simply IC rhetoric.

OOC Edit: He has non in-game, but I was assuming he had none ICly too. I didn't know you had to have MDs in-game to have the ICly. Good stuff.

Also, mind you, the missiles are targeted at antiaircraft positions. That's it, and only 25. They're precision missiles, more or less (BrohMos was intended to be an anti-ship armor piercing missile, with the BrohMos II being a Land Attack modulation). That and the missiles are packed with not-over-destructive explosion potential, I think. I'm not entirely sure how much damage a 350 kg explosive can do exactly, so yea.

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OOC: *shrugs* Fine by me. I wasn't aware he had an anti-missile system set up, and for that matter it was simply IC rhetoric.

OOC: No worries. I haven't even checked his IG nation. Just want to make sure people aren't getting ahead of themselves with their capabilities or casualty estimates. Carry on.

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OOC: Scratch the whole thing. Missiles were never launched. I never RPed the silos opening up, etc. Moreover the ones fired from my ships would be well out of range. I misread the range of the BrohMos II to be 3000 km, which makes no sense in hindsight. Range is 300 km, well out of range of Nod. Sorry! And the ones deployed on the eastern border, though in range with other missiles, again were never readied. So I'll change my RP to them being put on the ready... OOCly it's impossible for missiles to just be fired at random, well not impossible, but to no avail.

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The dust filled front lines of Nod. What a hell-hole Von Zak thought as he played don't step on the dead guy with the corpses... Explosions rung out around him his tattered black trench-coat whipping around from this whim or that, as though the weather itself didn't know which way to run in this war. He knelt down and picked up one of the dead Nodic soldiers rifles and used a rag from his pocket to wipe off the blood and dust... it was still in good condition. He walked up behind some Nod Soldiers on the front lines entranced with the non-stop battle ahead of them firing away at shadows in the distance. A few good-as-dead men from the UMS lay ahead, he crouched down by their side and leveled off a few shots of his own, the rattling of the gun gaining their attention and his figure, the only non-uniform wearing individual in a pair of sleak sunglasses and a small pony-tail falling from the back of his head likely displaying him as one of the more controversial figures of the war.

Von Zak: You, know. I pity these idiots for only sending in 300,000 soldiers you know that? They don't realize they only outnumber the forces of Nod 4:1 when there have been plenty of strategic combat situations where a properly made defense is capable of wiping out 10:1 statistics... especially when they are trying to take a heavily strategic position in our own backyard. Then, when you factor in (ducks a bullet and squanders off a few shots back pushing the enemy back under cover) that they will have to use the same strategy to the north and south to feel so confident then they must be sending in at least half their army to fight mine back. But wait, that would only leave them with 150,000 soldiers here which forces the battle odds to say... 2:1 so they can get 4:1 against our tanks... Right. So. You can't take out two measly enemy Soldiers?

Von Zak from the ground noticed a squad dash to closer range from the distance verified their origin and wasted bullets on them pushing them to the ground along with the other soldiers... then fired off several secondary explosive rounds over their positions causing a massive explosion.

Von Zak: I know I can. But let's even up the odds, with Somal pulled out you'll be receiving reinforcements from all sides and I'm pulling a large army out of my hat to the west with our factories online. Let us start with... an early Boxing Day present!

From the west, as they weren't that far from where the enemy had pushed in, the forests themselves seemed to give birth to an army that was moving quickly in the day that was given to Nod to avoid attacking it's civilian center and they moved straight through the Nod central region to reinforce the front lines of Nod with some 20,000 soldiers recruited from the region that were once fighting against them, but with the onslaught of foreign intervention were now backing Aether and Von Zak (Especially after his "divinely given" victory over the enemy air-force and the mass amount of media attention he gained from not siding with the backing out of Aether and the consequent enemy attacks that proved him right.

The factories which had been online or forces in still left in the region resulted in 20 war Tzars, all save 4 in tank mode and four with long range missile mode with four newly built banshee long range rockets. As they approached the Nodic front lines the missiles took off towards enemy stationary artillery pieces with multiple warhead munitions for destroying whole lines of them at a shot. Aether Soldiers quickly thickened the ranks of Nod but instead of just standing still they took the fight to the enemy on all three fronts.

From the North, the Aether Northern flank's forward recon had noted that the enemy had decided to stick some soldiers in their way and Recon made sure they were coming under fire. The Aether forces there pushed forward all the same, but something had changed. From the sides of each of the tanks in the region (and there were certainly a lot of them) came about 8 little devices. They swarmed forward ahead of tanks as the soldiers used the rear of the tanks for cover raining down fire as needed on the enemy in that dessert place where terrain offered little in terms of protection. The enemy would no doubt be using fox-holes or any other terrain modifiers they could get... The problem were those little Remote control vehicles which came up fast ahead of the tanks and found their way next to squads, inside fox holes, behind sand bag emplacements and when they did... they would swirl around and begin to open fire on the troops... They were like remote control toys with guns and armor plating!

This was a bit of a problem, and if the troops were to stand and pay attention to the little things firing at their legs and feat they'd be mowed down from Aether Forces taking advantage of an enemy staring and firing at the ground while standing. If they continued to focus on the Aether forces on the front lines, they'd be mowed down from from their sides by these fast far more maneuverable (at least on the ground) midget wheeled warriors. That only left the tanks, which in the dessert became a matter of naval war-fare tactics and so Aether War Tzars three gun turrets to the enemies one and their anti-tank rocket squads ability to advance with the enemy infantry being driven crazy meant that there was a massive volley inbound... Aether continued pressing hard into the enemy and not slowing so their air-forces could target still units. But even here, the War-Tzars versitility was to try and show it's strength once again from both the northern and southern flanks.

A similar event happened in the cities on the Nodic front but the city buildings made conflicts a bit more different. The war Tzars instead focussed on pushing back the enemies on the roads with twin machine gun cannons focussed to their right and left. As they moved down the streets the CMOS cameras on the forward drones would spot enemies or take to cover and fire on enemy soldiers from the bushes or any small place they could find. War Tzars used their heavy machine gun secondary cannons to fire on the enemy as they were spotted by the remote units and Aether Forces followed in the rear clearing and striking down the enemy in one row after another using their full momentum to take the enemy by suprise. Their forces were pushing hard and as they were gaining momentum the order was given and all three flanks struck the enemy hard. Whether Nod would follow to work towards winning this war as well was not known.

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OOC: With 50.18 tech. in-game, I'm going to call BS on the remote devices unless a GM validates them. It honestly doesn't bother me either way, but no need to create superfluous action if it shouldn't exist. 50.18 puts you far down as a third world nation and, to no offense to any third world nations, that sort of technology is post-2009, which would necessitate ~1499 tech to reach 2009, let alone the 1500+ required to reach the cap of 2020 (that is what, around 2300-2800?).

EDIT: I guess tech is scaled differently? Honestly, don't post anything on these drones until LVN can confirm... no viable GMs are online. D: Let's keep our

EDIT AGAIN: On that note, let's just stop posting on these two fronts until something can be determined by LVN. I'm confused now... :(

EDIT AGAIN AGAIN: Is your post movements or internal dialogue?


Well in advance the northern and southern flanks had accounted for a pincer-like strike by the Aether forces. Their reconnaissance planes and stealth units had been tracking enemy combatants up until their imminent arrival. Units had already setup heavy anti-armor and infantry positions with emplacements containing various tripodal RPG-32 Hashims equipped with 72 millimeter rockets tuning in with PG-32V tandem HEAT and TBG-32V thermobaric/FAE shells (the former for armored targets and the latter for non-armored). With the approaching forces approaching in the far distance, XM312 HMGs and XM307 HMGs began belting out 12.7mm and 25x59mm caliber bullets respectively. They had yet to arrive though...

Infantry pushed against barricades firing their XM-8 Rifles, firing 5.56x45mm NATO rounds at the enemy. And in the back grenadiers launched grenades via their XM-25 Airburst Weapons, giving laser-fed coordinates for artillery-based firing solutions. And to top it all off, a line of MK-47s launched automatic grenades at the approaching enemy lines, inherently at range.

As for the armored aspect, S-89 and S-31 Phantoms were placed to counter infantry movements by unleashing its 40 mm autocannon and 7.62 mm machine gun, along with two ATGM launchers mounted on the sides. C-88s and 1 Gammas utilized L30A1 120 mm Rifled gun with 52 rounds and coaxial 7.62 mm L94A1 EX-34 (chain gun), 7.62 mm L37A2 Commander's cupola machine gun. Finally, the M-1231 Delta-Paros would utilize Rheinmetall 120 mm L/55s, with 2 × 7.62 mm MG3s as back up if deemed necessary.

F-35 Lightning IIs were already airborne circling the region ready to drop their payloads of Mk.20 Rockeye II cluster bombs and other Paveway-series laser-guided bombs. F-22s would also follow with payloads of eight 250 lb (110 kg) GBU-39 Small Diameter Bombs. Remaining reserved aircraft would utilize a combination of incendiary bombs and air superiority weaponry.

With one devastating blow these all shot out at once as the UAVs overhead relayed more and more information of the enemy movements.

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OOC: EM, before I post my next war post (since I don't leave until tomorrow), do you happen to have a map of Addis Abba by any chance? Or are we going to free swing it?

An explosion rocks a tourist kiosk in the ruins of Kolfe District...

As the pieces of burnt paper float down, towards the ground, a mostly intact map flutters to an officer's feet...


OOC: Ok as you can see, Kolfe District is where the fighting is at so far...I've got two airports, and a LOT of buildings....

Also, SOM I'm not clear on your forces' current positions after the bombardment are your forces heading toward Janus and Mertens' position in Kolfe?

Also, Aether, please try not to ramble...your posts are entertaining, but then again, sifting through them to get info is kinda hard! :P

Everyone, lets use this map to move our forces more coherently...assume the entire city is filled with Nodic forces of the Home Guard, and my Expedition is moving in from the North along the yellow North-South road...they will pass Lideta Army complex and airport, where they will head west towards Kolfe using express route 7...

Maelstrom is right, this RP has been very good so far, lets try to get in a little more epicness before it winds down and the war ends due to diplo

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OOC: Assume that my forces are heading from that road heading from the westward direction into the Kolfe direction, unless that doesn't work. It doesn't matter either way because I doubt the RP will be changed all that much.

If that works, I'll produce a map for you.

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OOC: With 50.18 tech. in-game, I'm going to call BS on the remote devices unless a GM validates them. It honestly doesn't bother me either way, but no need to create superfluous action if it shouldn't exist. 50.18 puts you far down as a third world nation and, to no offense to any third world nations, that sort of technology is post-2009, which would necessitate ~1499 tech to reach 2009, let alone the 1500+ required to reach the cap of 2020 (that is what, around 2300-2800?).

EDIT: I guess tech is scaled differently? Honestly, don't post anything on these drones until LVN can confirm... no viable GMs are online. D: Let's keep our

EDIT AGAIN: On that note, let's just stop posting on these two fronts until something can be determined by LVN. I'm confused now... :(

EDIT AGAIN AGAIN: Is your post movements or internal dialogue?

OOC: Look. With third world tech you get anything which was able to be done with up to 1989 RL tech, and anything which was in full use in RL 1989. Modern takes those year limits upto 2009. First world takes it up to 2020.

Considering I have researched combat robots, and indeed none are in full use in 2009, then its going to need 1500+ tech IG to have them. Now, you have 50.18 tech, so, no, you do not have them.

End of story. They are wiped, and all other actions happened exactly as they have been described.

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Their treads grinding in unision, the large formation of Tanks, IFVs and personnel carriers (Otokar Cobras will be called the NDII Hunter) rolled down the North-South strip of NoN route 7. They were headed towards Lideta Army Complex, where they would link up with the Homeguard and head west, towards the Kolfe District.

The night air was crisp and clean, with a hint of burning rubber - Boris looked to the left and saw burnt out hulks of several unidentifiable armoured vehicles. Boris shuddered; they appeared to have been victims of a strafing run, the ground was torn up in a line that crossed over the tanks' husks...

"To think a few years ago that I drove a combine in the Wheat fields..."

Boris glazed over, nostalgia taking him. While he was a tank commander during war time, when things settled down, Boris would seek to rid his hands of blood by rinsing them with soil.

"Hilda, what have I gotten myself into..."

As Boris thought to himself, Jeremy suddenly piped up in the seat next to him.

"Sir! To the EAST! LOOK!"

Boris looked into the periscope. Kolfe district was consumed in billowing columns of smoke...as the dismayed convoy looked on, several more bombs were dropped by an unseen assailant.

Suddenly, a strip of land had become engulfed in flames...

"CONVOY! IMMEDIATELY DISPERSE! YOU MAY HAVE INCOMING FIGHTERS!" was what was overheard in the comm channel...

The convoy immediately abandonned the street, half ditching to the left, and half the right... no sooner had they done this when the lead gunship overhead was illuminated by enemy tracers. The air screamed in protest as a strafing run was narrowly avoided. The helicopter careened to the left, its now fully inflamed nose pointing precariously in the air. As the superstructure of the gunship failed, the craft broke up - pieces of fiberglass and steel littering the ground below...

An ugly vehicle (M1 Tunguska) larger than a Chaperone Light tank, its turret bristling with missile launchers and autocannons, suddenly swivelled its 'head' in the direction of the departing menace. A plume of smoke left the SPAAG, as it launched a 'Spangle' SAM. Suddenly, the reports of dozens of rounds reverberated throughout the convoy, as its twin autocannons fired dozens of streaks into the night sky.

There was a muffled explosion, the SAM detonating... it was unclear if the missle struck true or was activated prematurely. The convoy took no chances, and soon all SPAAGs were seen on high alert. The helicopters broke off of the convoy, headed directly towards the Lideta Base...they would be reassigned to street sweeping, where they would be safe from enemy air superiority amongst the confines of the skyscrapers and apartments of Addis Ababa. They would no longer accompany the convoy, as they were more of a liability than an asset.

Boris looked ahead, grim faced...he did not take his safety lightly, and had every intention of returning to the farms he so dearly loved...

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OOC: Look. With third world tech you get anything which was able to be done with up to 1989 RL tech, and anything which was in full use in RL 1989. Modern takes those year limits upto 2009. First world takes it up to 2020.

Considering I have researched combat robots, and indeed none are in full use in 2009, then its going to need 1500+ tech IG to have them. Now, you have 50.18 tech, so, no, you do not have them.

End of story. They are wiped, and all other actions happened exactly as they have been described

OOC: I respect and accept your decision.

Edited by Zarfef
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A rocket burst midair, off-setting the jet's balance as it flew at Mach 2. The rocket clearly clipped the left wing as Pilot Henderson attempted to maneuver himself back into a stable position to fall back to a safer location... but to no avail. The motherboard running his operating systems short circuiting, cutting off all of the electronics in the fighter. Sparks were flashing everywhere as the radio began cutting in and out.

"Mayday, mayday. I'm going... I repeat, Mayday, mayday!' the radio had completely cut out. He was going down... in the dark. He slammed his fist against the eject button and gently fell down to a hardened earth...


Red mark is where he essentially landed

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OOC: Awesome! I See a 'Behind Enemy Lines' RP developing...I say when the wars over, we revisit this pilot's fate in a separate thread..



...he blinked his eyes as he slowly came to.

Janus was slumped over the Torrent, his head was reeling from the multiple impacts of the huge enemy bombardment. Images and thoughts were racing through his mind - making him feel nauseated...

...Janus and his brother Jolee playing with sticks in their childhood, Janus graduating with Jolee from the Education facilities, Janus and Jolee entering that fateful bar...the ruffian who shot Jolee over a dispute...Janus stabbing the man through the throat with a fork...

Janus shook his head, trying to get rid of the cobwebs. He looked over, Mertens was yelling something in his ear, but his hearing had not yet recovered.

"...oming! We have inc-"

Janus looked out of the arch. Located throughout his line of fire, he could see cautious UMS troopers wading through the rubble ahead of him. This sighting of the enemy sprung Janus into action. As Janus trained the iron sights of his weapon on the first trooper, the neighbouring apartment became a death trap... multiple windows spewing tracers and lead towards the enemy.

"Come ON! LETS GET IN THE FIGHT!" Mertens cried out.

Janus let out a burst from his Torrent. It hit the first trooper, who was trying to take cover from the other apartment. The enemy were stuck out in the open, and were paying dearly for it. Janus saw two troopers lieing prone, and shot a 3 second burst at them. The rounds impacted all around them, with some finally hitting the men in the face.

"Left side! Lef-" Mertens was cut off by multiple booms from their neighbours. From the upper windows, several 'Stabber' anti tank missiles streamed towards the enemy armour.

Janus saw one man sprinting ahead, trying to advance and reach a defilade. The trail of death followed the man up until he was behind cover. Janus swore, and turned his attention to a burnt out car, housing several enemy men.

Enemy MBTs were approaching. As Janus and Mertens watched, several of them aimed up at the left apartment (OOC: right from SOMs direction). Several loud reports were heard, and the bottom floors were filled with smoke and shrapnel.

Janus could see the men writhing on the bottom floors, but could do nothing to help them. Although they were only a few meters away, across the street, that was too far - the space between them filled with hails of gunfire from both sides.

A friendly 'Defender' tank was playing a deadly game of peek-a-boo below. Its driver backing up the tank's rear just enough to be able to pop off a double shot, only to scoot forwards again behind some rubble as the replies came - several anti-tank rockets and shells flew past the rubble pile, with others impacting the surface, kicking up plumes of dust.

Janus searched for the source of the rockets, and found them to be a small group of men huddled behind a corner in an alley. Janus trained his gun on the corner, ignoring the several enemy shots that impacted against the wall to his right. As the gunner rounded the corner, his loader tapping the gunner's shoulder to signify weapon ready, Janus fired, the rounds impacting all over the the two men, the gunner firing the rocket in surprise, impacting harmlessly against a wall infront of them.

Despite all their fire, the UMS were steadily advancing... As they got closer and closer, the Platoon of Chaperones on the ridge crested it and started bombarding the street below with HESH and HE 203 mm shells. Several MBTs again fired on the apartments, this time a few rounds impacting the floors above Janus and Mertens. Ribbons of dust fell upon their heads, and Janus frantically brushed them off of his weapon.

Behind, there was a great commotion. Janus watched as several advanced units from the N-W converged on Kolfe Square, hidden from the enemy by the ridge the street and two apartments made, as well as the giant crater that used to be the square.

A Russian Tanker was seen talking to the Elite Cadre Commander.

"I have asked for support from our artillery to the East, but so far they are too busy hiding from enemy fighters!" The Elite Cadre declared.

"Artillery will be no good here, the enemy has more! We witnessed your plight from Route 7! IF we stay any longer they will resume bombardment, Comrade!"

The air was suddenly filled with streaks of fire, the remnants of the National ordinance commision sending a wave of cruise missiles toward the enemy. As the High Explosives and Cluster munitions impacted enemy positions, Janus and Mertens' position was bathed in an orange glow.

The National forces' rejoice was soon cut off, however, as the Chaperones' ridge was soon sweeped with tracer fire from a strafing jet. The threat neutralized, the fighter flew over the fully engaged and advancing UMS and fired several air-to-ground missiles at the apartment.

NoN tracers could still be seen streaming from the Upper-most floors at the UMS, even as the structure buckled. Its superstructure failing to combined fire from ground and air and damage incurred from the previous bombing of Kolfe Square.

The rubble fell over the street, crushing the peek-a-boo tank and several men that manned the gap between Janus and the apartment. A shower of bricks and shards of concrete were falling towards their position!

"DISPLACE! DISPLACE!!!" Mertens cried.

Janus quickly folded the bi-pod and hurriedly vacated the room. As they did a concrete pillar gave way to the weight of the other apartment and buckled, covering the room.

Janus and Mertens rushed over the the Elite Cadre Commander and the Tanker's 'Defender'.

"The enemy is advancing, their heavy artillery being their only real advantage! We must close the gap, so the enemy will be forced to cease bombardment!"

"I agree! Wait for the enemy to try to crest the ridge, then we will charge" The commander issued the insane order to the men.

"The bulk of our force is made of Light Infantry, the militants" the Commander said. "They will not last long, and are ordered to pull back at once. They will aid the Homeguard in defence of the Inner City. My Elite Cadre and accompanying Heavy Infantry will stay behind to ensure their escape, and inflict as much physical and morale damage as possible to this spear."

"Are you prepared to die? Commander?" Boris replied.

"Yes... we have been given a duty, which I intend to fullfill. The defence of Addis Ababa and its citizens is paramount and supercedes any and all of our lives.... You!" the Commander pointed to Mertens, "lead the militants towards Lideta Army Complex! Do not fail me!"

"Commander, I request a volunteer platoon of tanks for the push." The Commander said, as he turned to Boris "Send the rest with the Militants, they will be much more useful to the City than they will be here."

"Yes, I will stay behind," the Tanker said with obvious sadness, "I have already talked to my men."

Edited by Executive Minister
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Archon Roe makes his way across several rooftops in the Nod Warzone. His rifle loaded, he takes a position over a Nod Position, a leader speaking. He clicks the safety off and takes aim. He also sets up his little device, set to send out some sort of transmission at his shot.

Roe takes Aim...and Fires at the leader of said group.

(OOC: Take it away. Once you RP whether the shot hits, ill RP the message...)

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Archon Roe makes his way across several rooftops in the Nod Warzone. His rifle loaded, he takes a position over a Nod Position, a leader speaking. He clicks the safety off and takes aim. He also sets up his little device, set to send out some sort of transmission at his shot.

Roe takes Aim...and Fires at the leader of said group.

(OOC: Take it away. Once you RP whether the shot hits, ill RP the message...)

OOC: you care to explain how you got into the country first? Because if you came in through Somal you are going to have a bigger problem on your hands.

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OOC: Very much so if your soldiers are quick on the uptake, I still want to know how he even got into the country myself.

From my understanding, it takes place in post 98 and in post 166



(See the bottom of the second post for the initial movement)

So yeah, it's a fairly valid move coming from the north in an aid package and is closer to RA territory then Somal.

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From my understanding, it takes place in post 98 and in post 166



(See the bottom of the second post for the initial movement)

So yeah, it's a fairly valid move coming from the north in an aid package and is closer to RA territory then Somal.


Somal-ISOA Border

BoM Task Force 1

Archon Roe and his men slip across the border under the cover of night and air raids. The groups target: Addis Ababa.

The only thing from this that I'm gathering that is he crossed through the Suez Canal and then slid his operatives across the Somal border.

-minus asking me for permission

-minus role playing entering into Somal

-minus a few other key issues of clarity.

I'm still curious to know how he got into the area and the exact route he took. If he went through Somal sans permission that's an act of war against Somal. We'd have noticed his peace keeping fleet showing up and probably have noticed him trying to covertly sneak off it given everything coming from would have been inspected.

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ic: Seeing as things have somewhat calmed down and/or were under control by their regional allies.. the Empire began to scale down their troop deployments and occupational forces of 150,000 troops, 100,000 were recalled home. They boarded the subs in ports.. and started heading towards India/Asia.

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OOC: The troops in NoN came via cargo shipments from Civilian Molakian companies. ITs only abot 3-4 of them, so it was assumed in a war zone they could sneak through Somal. As for who the target is...I didnt mention a name Ex Min, so i just assumed that some random leader would be walking abour your capital for me to take a shot at. Besides, it isnt the shot that matters. Killed or not, my true intention is revealed after you RP the reaction...

NinjaeditOOC: Besides, who said they were military dressed? It isnt very hard to smuggle arms and the like into a country....Brotherhood of Mol operatives also dont run about saying PEACE THROUGH POWER all day.

Edited by Comrade
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