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Why I am a Pacifican


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Please continue making a joke out of yourself. September 2007 to June 2008 is over 1 year, not "weeks."

Goonland ResistanceEarly October: Large numbers of nations flee GOONS.

October 19-20: Fark passes GOONS in score, then total nation strength. [1] [2]

November 13: CSE merges into UPN, effectively ending their state of war against GOONS.

Mid-Late November: There are only 10 active wars involving GOONS nations, at least two of which appear to be random raids. Large-scale fighting appears to be over.

Ah yes, the valiant GOONS. Fleeing in large numbers weeks into the war and an astounding 10, count'em 10 wars by November.

What this proves is that GOONS fought a few weeks of war. After that it was basically nothing.

GOONS fought a few weeks of war. None of them against Pacifica. Why are you bawwing in this thread about GOONS?

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Goonland ResistanceEarly October: Large numbers of nations flee GOONS.

October 19-20: Fark passes GOONS in score, then total nation strength. [1] [2]

November 13: CSE merges into UPN, effectively ending their state of war against GOONS.

Mid-Late November: There are only 10 active wars involving GOONS nations, at least two of which appear to be random raids. Large-scale fighting appears to be over.

Ah yes, the valiant GOONS. Fleeing in large numbers weeks into the war and an astounding 10, count'em 10 wars by November.

What this proves is that GOONS fought a few weeks of war. After that it was basically nothing.

GOONS fought a few weeks of war. None of them against Pacifica. Why are you bawwing in this thread about GOONS?

Peace mode hypocrisy has already been covered in numerous threads.

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Peace mode hypocrisy has already been covered in numerous threads.

So you're bawing about GOONS in a thread about why someone is a Pacifican because 'peace mode hypocrisy' has been covered in numerous threads?

You're onnaroll, Bud. Keep the hits comin'.

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I have been in three alliances now. The first had a lot of heart, but the leadership was, ugh, half seemed pretty decent, the other half were meh. The second is like my second home; I love those guys and prolly always will. I still fly their first flag as my avvie, and it's the only avvie I ever had on any forum. I like keeping that connection.

I came to Valhalla (my 3rd alliance) for personal reasons of a sort, and never had any intention of staying for more than what seemed decent, but *wow*. The community is *amazing*. I fell in love with it. While I've only experienced the three, it is an alliance like no other. Sure, it's a family, I imagine many if not most are. But it's more than that.

Our main requirements are activity, loyalty, and a willingness to go to war at the drop of a hat. We have only 3 gears (war sex & spam :P ) But we have a cooking forum (our alliance is run by a chef, so seems fitting), a sports forum (yeah, some of our guys get all Eurotrip over sports, surreal), and lots of talk about real world politics and news and other things of interest. Talk about our families, our hobbies, our lives. Many of our members do things together outside of CN too.

So I totally get where you are coming from. I think it very cool that you have found a community that fits you. I wish you well, and hope that your community is able to withstand and recover. I have a sneaking suspicion that you will survive & eventually prosper, and that is a certainty so long as your community is able to hold together.

Good luck!

edit: can't speel :P

Edited by Kryievla
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Regardless of what the NPO has done, and regardless of the fact that he said he's been in the order for almost a year, but had just joined when the Karma war broke out, this was uncalled for King Death. Friends are friends not because of what they've done to others, but because what they've done for you. You stick with friends through the best of times and the worse of times, no matter what happens or has happened. Because it's just what friends do.

I don't often agree with NPO. I think that's something most people who know me would know about me. I'm one of the people who's been calling them out the last couple of days and agree with these terms. However everything in this OP makes sense to me, or at least the aspects of friendship. Congratulations Bartley, it's not often that I applaud an NPOer.

It's not often that I applaud or agree with you either, Nintenderek, but you are absolutely right.

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Nicely said Bartley.

I was on the verge of quitting CN altogether until I joined Pacifica, 6 months ago. NPO gave me the much needed energy boost to squash any idea of leaving CN. :D

I was on the verge of quitting CN altogether until I joined Pacifica, 5 months ago. NPO gave me the much needed... wait a second, I left after a month due to immature and boring IRC, as well as incredibly dull forums. Rejoined GR and got the much needed energy boost to squash any idea of leaving CN. :D

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For gods sake we have so many threads devoted to inter-bloc bickering, can we not do that here? Please?

Your duder opened a thread about what a great community of alliance- and player-killers he has found in NPO. Now it's time to let him know what we think about his community.

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Your duder opened a thread about what a great community of alliance- and player-killers he has found in NPO. Now it's time to let him know what we think about his community.

And this whining is supposed to accomplish what exactly?

Are you so bitter and unrequited in your abject hatred of our alliance that you cannot even let a guy speak his mind about his own nation in peace?

Edited by James Dahl
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And this whining is supposed to accomplish what exactly?

Are you so bitter and unrequited in your abject hatred of our alliance that you cannot even let a guy speak his mind about his own nation in peace?

You'd have to ask Bartley what he was hoping to accomplish, not me.

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And this whining is supposed to accomplish what exactly?

Are you so bitter and unrequited in your abject hatred of our alliance that you cannot even let a guy speak his mind about his own nation in peace?

The guy posted on the OWF. Posting here is like asking to be ridiculed. I'm afraid he dug his own grave on this one.

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Quick edit! He's not speaking his mind about his nation, he's speaking his mind about his alliance. And I'm speaking my mind about his alliance, and my old alliance that his alliance let die in a fire despite treaties, and Kryievla is speaking her mind about her alliance.

Is your abject hatred of being trumped on points of history so great that you can't stand other people speakign their minds?

Edited by Schattenmann
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And this whining is supposed to accomplish what exactly?

Are you so bitter and unrequited in your abject hatred of our alliance that you cannot even let a guy speak his mind about his own nation in peace?

Do you realize where you are talking? You aren't on the NPO boards any longer. If you want to be unchallenged and receive a pat on the back and a high five, then stay on your forums. Most people, if not all, have been on the receiving end of "this fantastic and diverse group of people". So when a player from this said alliance comes to the forums with a grand proclamation of the greatness of this organization, it shouldn't shock you when people make comments you don't like. Frankly, after reading some of the posts, I was surprised that the OP actually received some positive comments.

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That Karma planned out several months back.

And we took the bait.

I'm sorry. Let me clarify what I said.

What I'm meaning to say is that Karma was being formed months back before we DW

on OV. You were waiting for us to slip up and we did.

Karma never formed until after your attack - however many alliances formed bonds in order to protect themselves, and as you attacked and further escalated your attacks through your allies in retaliation against our defense, we further escalated ours and eventually the numbers fell to our side. To believe we all got together, planned your destruction and laid a trap to sucker you into attacking us is nothing less than asinine.

Matter of fact - had you not attacked during negotiations, it's highly unlikely you'd be in the position you currently are in.

EDIT: Clarification

Edited by Heracles the Great
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