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I'm sorry to anyone who actually noticed this issue was delayed.

So, there’s this guy in Sparta, right? He has the same name that an alliance once had that had to disband after the last war. Let me introduce you to Hyperion321.

[2009-06-13 23:20:00] <Nintenderek> Ready for your interview?

[2009-06-13 23:20:07] <Hyperion[sparta]> sure

[2009-06-13 23:20:16] <Nintenderek> So, what’s your CN history?

[2009-06-13 23:22:40] <Hyperion[sparta]> well, I started out by coming over with my buddies from the gaming clan, TAG. At first we all joined NAAC. Two weeks later the 2nd Polar War broke out...and that pretty much sucked. After that made our own alliance, TAGA, which fought in the CoLUEtion. TAGA became MAG, which became MDC.

[2009-06-13 23:23:05] <Hyperion[sparta]> I couped my way into becoming emperor of MDC but then Tulak counter couped me...sort of

[2009-06-13 23:23:40] <Hyperion[sparta]> I left MDC, started my own alliance, which got raided to death by GS, and then I joined Sparta. Been there ever since.

[2009-06-13 23:24:00] <Nintenderek> Tell me a bit about you in RL?

[2009-06-13 23:26:06] <Hyperion[sparta]> I'm an avid film maker, and hope to major in that when I attend Cal state Fullerton as a freshman next year. I live in the heart of Orange County, California, and am a proud alumni of Mater Dei High School (We have more heisman's in our front office than UCLA )

[2009-06-13 23:27:40] <Nintenderek> That's interesting

[2009-06-13 23:27:46] <Nintenderek> You should make a Cybernations movie

[2009-06-13 23:27:55] <Nintenderek> It could be a trilogy and each year so far could be it's own movie

[2009-06-13 23:28:07] <Hyperion[sparta]> heh, I'm actually working on a CN short story right now as it turns out

[2009-06-13 23:28:26] <Hyperion[sparta]> well, more of a fan fic

[2009-06-13 23:29:08] <Hyperion[sparta]> I'm hoping to release the first chapters sometime soon when I get the kinks worked out

[2009-06-13 23:29:26] <Nintenderek> I hope I get to read that

[2009-06-13 23:30:46] <Nintenderek> Pizza or Cheeseburgers?

[2009-06-13 23:31:06] <Hyperion[sparta]> Nothing beats In N' Out. NOTHING.

[2009-06-13 23:31:48] <Hyperion[sparta]> (local burger joint)

[2009-06-13 23:32:00] <Nintenderek> I guess that's why I've never heard of them

[2009-06-13 23:32:01] <Nintenderek> If you had to pick one ingame feature to be changed, what would it be and how would you change it?

[2009-06-13 23:35:47] <Hyperion[sparta]> I would change the aid system. Seerow suggested that instead of having separate aid packages limited to 3 mil each, nations could have a total aid limit determined by wonders and improvements. Nations could draw from the total available aid and distribute it in as many packages as they want. They could send 18 million in one package, or 18 packages of 1 million, whatever they wanted. Once 10...

[2009-06-13 23:35:48] <Hyperion[sparta]> ...days is up, the aid that was sent in that packaged gets added into their available amount. I can't think of any other way to do it honestly

[2009-06-13 23:36:17] <Nintenderek> That would be awesome

[2009-06-13 23:36:24] <Nintenderek> It would make tech dealing a lot easier

[2009-06-13 23:37:14] <Hyperion[sparta]> yes, and rebuilding alliances after wars would be a lot easier too

[2009-06-13 23:37:48] <Nintenderek> I didn't put this down as a question, but because of that I'm going to ask it here anyway since I can

[2009-06-13 23:37:58] <Nintenderek> What do you think of the NPO terms?

[2009-06-13 23:39:22] <Hyperion[sparta]> well, I'm not mathematician so I'm not sure what is and is not possible for NPO to pay off, even if they don't have 2 weeks of wars.

[2009-06-13 23:39:27] <Hyperion[sparta]> I think there are two ways of looking at it

[2009-06-13 23:41:02] <Hyperion[sparta]> you can look at all of the emotional damage that they have done to many people on the Karma side (over various, mostly unrelated instruments) and try to put yourself in people like Stumpy's or Londo's shoes.

[2009-06-13 23:41:19] <Hyperion[sparta]> I can understand why many leaders in Karma wanted heavy terms

[2009-06-13 23:42:09] <Hyperion[sparta]> their alliances were destroyed and their friends were hunted

[2009-06-13 23:43:05] <Nintenderek> In all honesty, besides the term about coming out of peace mode for 14 days

[2009-06-13 23:43:05] <Hyperion[sparta]> I'm actually kind of surprised they didn't make Dilber post a youtube video of him dancing in his underwear to Britney Spears

[2009-06-13 23:43:16] <Nintenderek> The terms aren't that bad

[2009-06-13 23:43:24] <Nintenderek> And I know I've seen some math going around for them

[2009-06-13 23:43:40] <Hyperion[sparta]> well, speaking of math, that brings me to my other point

[2009-06-13 23:43:46] <Nintenderek> But I took a look back at the GPA, MK, Athens and TDSM8 terms

[2009-06-13 23:44:04] <Hyperion[sparta]> you can look at it mathematically. Take all the damage they caused, and have them repay that to the cent

[2009-06-13 23:44:12] <Nintenderek> And mathmatically, using the same exact equations, it should have taken them even longer then the 1.8 years expected out of NPO

[2009-06-13 23:44:20] <Nintenderek> But it most certainly didn't

[2009-06-13 23:45:06] <Hyperion[sparta]> since this wars was so big, that's pretty much impossible, so I think they found a nice balance between what they need to rebuild their nations physically, and what they need to get some payback

[2009-06-13 23:45:27] <Hyperion[sparta]> I'm talking about the numbers alone, I might add

[2009-06-13 23:45:42] <Hyperion[sparta]> as far as the two weeks of war, well, I Haven't figured out my opinion on that yet

[2009-06-13 23:46:14] <Nintenderek> I don't completely agree with it

[2009-06-13 23:46:17] <Nintenderek> But I understand it

[2009-06-13 23:46:25] <Nintenderek> Especially after what NPO did to GATO

[2009-06-13 23:46:33] <Nintenderek> It's meant to get them to learn that hypocrisy is bad

[2009-06-13 23:47:06] <Hyperion[sparta]> yep, I understand that

[2009-06-13 23:47:22] <Nintenderek> Anyway

[2009-06-13 23:47:25] <Hyperion[sparta]> my concern is not with NPO's feelings.

[2009-06-13 23:47:34] <Hyperion[sparta]> it's more with ensuring that NPO can actually give us our money

[2009-06-13 23:47:41] <Nintenderek> Of the sanctioned alliances, which one do you believe has the best flag, not counting Sparta?

[2009-06-13 23:47:46] <Hyperion[sparta]> if they are all dead, we can't really get out 7 billion can we

[2009-06-13 23:47:56] <Hyperion[sparta]> ooh, that's a good one

[2009-06-13 23:49:44] <Hyperion[sparta]> I'm gonna say IRON. I've always loved their flag

[2009-06-13 23:50:58] <Nintenderek> lol

[2009-06-13 23:51:03] <Nintenderek> You know the irony behind the IRON flag?

[2009-06-13 23:51:19] <Nintenderek> Doitzel created it

[2009-06-13 23:51:19] <Hyperion[sparta]> what is it?

[2009-06-13 23:51:21] <Nintenderek> Or so I've heard

[2009-06-13 23:51:38] <Hyperion[sparta]> haha. nice.

[2009-06-13 23:51:55] <Hyperion[sparta]> props to Doitzel then

[2009-06-13 23:52:35] <Nintenderek> I think he tried to get them to stop using it when he switched sides from NPO to Vox, but I think only as a joke. I forget exactly, he only mentioned it on IRC once

[2009-06-13 23:53:35] <Hyperion[sparta]> lol

[2009-06-13 23:54:14] <Nintenderek> If you had to pick any one treaty that you would like to see canceled, what would it be?

[2009-06-13 23:55:41] <Hyperion[sparta]> Fark and Gramlins, so we can see an all out brawl between SF and Cit just for poops and giggles. Now THAT would be a good war.

[2009-06-13 23:56:45] <Nintenderek> Hmm

[2009-06-13 23:56:49] <Nintenderek> No comment really

[2009-06-13 23:57:30] <Nintenderek> I'm sure the next major war is going to involve C&G, Citadel and SF, with two of the blocs being on one side and one being on the other side

[2009-06-13 23:57:47] <Nintenderek> There are too many strings to tell which will be on which side though

[2009-06-13 23:58:43] <Hyperion[sparta]> don't forget about Frostbite. Sponge and Ivan together again is pretty much a guarantee that something is going to get blown up.

[2009-06-13 23:59:15] <Nintenderek> Yeah, frostbite would be on one side too

[2009-06-13 23:59:21] <Nintenderek> I actually did forget about them somehow

[2009-06-13 23:59:37] <Nintenderek> I guess it could be an even war after all with 2 and all allies vs the other 2 and their allies

[2009-06-13 23:59:37] <Hyperion[sparta]> and then there's whatever side NPO and friends are on

[2009-06-13 23:59:40] <Hyperion[sparta]> whoever those people are

[2009-06-13 23:59:45] <Nintenderek> I don't think NPO will be in the next one

[2009-06-13 23:59:53] <Nintenderek> Or, if they are, they won't be a major player

[2009-06-14 00:00:17] <Nintenderek> What is your favorite movie?

[2009-06-14 00:00:20] <Hyperion[sparta]> it's NPO....have they ever missed an opportunity to kill !@#$?

[2009-06-14 00:00:35] <Hyperion[sparta]> oh that's an easy one - Monty Python and the Holy Grail

[2009-06-14 00:00:39] <Nintenderek> They might be in it, but I don't think they'll be the center of attention like they have been in the past

[2009-06-14 00:00:47] <Nintenderek> I have heard only good things about that movie

[2009-06-14 00:00:48] <Hyperion[sparta]> heh, true.

[2009-06-14 00:01:05] <Nintenderek> However, when I went to watch it, I found it kinda boring. I've never really been into British humor

[2009-06-14 00:01:05] <Hyperion[sparta]> you haven't seen it? BLASPHEMY!

[2009-06-14 00:01:16] <Hyperion[sparta]> 0_0

[2009-06-14 00:01:28] <Hyperion[sparta]> I'm speechless.

[2009-06-14 00:01:38] <Nintenderek> I know, I know

[2009-06-14 00:01:44] <Nintenderek> Most people are when I tell them that

[2009-06-14 00:01:50] <Nintenderek> However, I didn't find it that funny

[2009-06-14 00:02:33] <Hyperion[sparta]> to each his own, I guess.

[2009-06-14 00:03:20] <Nintenderek> Okay, I'm not sure why I included this question, but it's on here so I'm going to ask it, hoping I had a reason

[2009-06-14 00:03:22] <Nintenderek> What did you think of the WoTC

[2009-06-14 00:04:34] <Hyperion[sparta]> I did not agree with the CB, and I definitely did not agree with how it ended.

[2009-06-14 00:04:43] <Hyperion[sparta]> I must say though, that war made me C&G's number one fan

[2009-06-14 00:05:43] <Nintenderek> I liked C&G after that war for sure

[2009-06-14 00:05:44] <Hyperion[sparta]> and Polar too. They showed how truly resilient they are, even if they had to take a beating for Sponge to do it.

[2009-06-14 00:06:24] <Nintenderek> And I was not as big of a fan of Polar, but not because of their performance in the war, but because they went and allied with NPO right after, which was something I didn't agree with at all

[2009-06-14 00:07:27] <Hyperion[sparta]> families fight all the time. You couldnt' have expected them to just cut off all ties with their brothers forever

[2009-06-14 00:07:39] <Hyperion[sparta]> I didn't think they would get that close again so fast

[2009-06-14 00:07:58] <Nintenderek> No, but I wouldn't expect an MDoAP right off the bat

[2009-06-14 00:08:00] <Hyperion[sparta]> but I respected their continued trust in eachother, even after such an event as the NoCB war

[2009-06-14 00:08:04] <Nintenderek> A PIAT would have done the trick

[2009-06-14 00:08:10] <Hyperion[sparta]> that surely takes balls

[2009-06-14 00:08:28] <Hyperion[sparta]> eh, PIAT's are worthless unless your ODN

[2009-06-14 00:09:26] <Nintenderek> Not really

[2009-06-14 00:09:42] <Nintenderek> Alliances just need to start living up to their word when they sign treaties

[2009-06-14 00:09:47] <Nintenderek> Or else all treaties are useless

[2009-06-14 00:09:56] <Hyperion[sparta]> I think after this war, they will.

[2009-06-14 00:10:21] <Hyperion[sparta]> this little shindig was just what the doctor ordered to cure the treaty web.

[2009-06-14 00:10:46] <Nintenderek> And it will make treaties like PIAT and NAP mean a bit more, which they should

[2009-06-14 00:11:05] <Nintenderek> What’s your favorite color in RL and why?

[2009-06-14 00:11:46] <Hyperion[sparta]> Green, because cars always look sexier in green.

[2009-06-14 00:12:24] <Nintenderek> I'd have to agree with that

[2009-06-14 00:12:31] <Nintenderek> and not just because it's my CN team color

[2009-06-14 00:12:49] <Hyperion[sparta]> oh that's right, you're in the Realm now

[2009-06-14 00:12:52] <Hyperion[sparta]> how's that working out?

[2009-06-14 00:13:07] <Nintenderek> lol, it's going fine

[2009-06-14 00:13:20] <Nintenderek> I'm regent now, so I'm one of two is second in command

[2009-06-14 00:13:38] <Hyperion[sparta]> nice. congrats.

[2009-06-14 00:14:07] <Hyperion[sparta]> didn't we almost have a protectorate with you guys or something?

[2009-06-14 00:14:20] <Nintenderek> I don't know, I wasn't there at founding

[2009-06-14 00:14:34] <Nintenderek> I don't think we even have a protector, just an MDP with RIA

[2009-06-14 00:14:36] <Hyperion[sparta]> and you're already regent? damn you work fast

[2009-06-14 00:14:58] <Nintenderek> I guess I'm just that good

[2009-06-14 00:14:59] <Nintenderek> Lastly, who do you think is the most over rated poster on the CN forums and why?

[2009-06-14 00:15:03] <Hyperion[sparta]> heh

[2009-06-14 00:15:21] <Hyperion[sparta]> hmmm

[2009-06-14 00:15:24] <Hyperion[sparta]> that's a good one

[2009-06-14 00:16:24] <Nintenderek> One that could stir some drama

[2009-06-14 00:16:53] <Hyperion[sparta]> hm, I'm trying to think of how to word my answer without pissing off half the world

[2009-06-14 00:20:26] <Hyperion[sparta]> In all honesty, Doitzel. In my opinion, he kind of peaked at De Profundis and the early Vox announcements. Everything after that was mostly wall of text after wall of text that mostly said the same thing - NPO is evil. I'll hand it to the man, when it comes to rallying cries, he's among the best. But we got so many of them over he last 9 months that by the time the war actually happened, I...

[2009-06-14 00:20:27] <Hyperion[sparta]> ...didn't even need to read them, I already knew what they said. Everyone always hailed them as good reads, but all I saw was carbon copies. I agreed with the message, I just wish he didn't shove it down our throats so much.

[2009-06-14 00:21:34] <Nintenderek> As much as I disagree with that statement, this is not the place to argue it

[2009-06-14 00:21:49] <Nintenderek> I will agree, he does post a lot of walls of text, and a lot of them are typically the same thing

[2009-06-14 00:22:11] <Nintenderek> However, he adds this special flare to each one that makes them excellent reads

[2009-06-14 00:22:28] <Nintenderek> The Vox disbandment topic was one of my favorite OPs of all time

[2009-06-14 00:23:18] <Hyperion[sparta]> the MK DoW in WoTC is still on top for me

[2009-06-14 00:24:31] <Hyperion[sparta]> acutaly, pretty much anything where Archon says "MK gonna kill you" is a good read.

[2009-06-14 00:26:21] <Nintenderek> Some of his old LUE DoWs were even better

[2009-06-14 00:26:36] <Nintenderek> I forget if it was GW2 or GW3, but his DoW against GenMay was great

[2009-06-14 00:26:47] <Hyperion[sparta]> unfortunately, I haven't ever read those. one day I'll look them up

[2009-06-14 00:27:11] <Hyperion[sparta]> his speech to the forces of Karma (not the one on the OWF) was amazing as well

[2009-06-14 00:27:37] <Hyperion[sparta]> he really knows how to get the troops riled up

[2009-06-14 00:27:43] <Nintenderek> Yeah

[2009-06-14 00:27:57] <Nintenderek> Well thanks for the interview, hopefully it will be out Monday

[2009-06-14 00:28:11] <Hyperion[sparta]> no problem. can i give a quick shoutout?

[2009-06-14 00:28:32] <Nintenderek> Sure

[2009-06-14 00:29:12] <Hyperion[sparta]> Hi Athens

[2009-06-14 00:29:14] <Hyperion[sparta]> Hi RIA

[2009-06-14 00:29:16] <Hyperion[sparta]> Hi Umbrella

[2009-06-14 00:29:17] <Hyperion[sparta]> Hi GOD

[2009-06-14 00:29:28] <Hyperion[sparta]> ok now I'm good. peace out, and thanks for the interview

[2009-06-14 00:29:32] <Nintenderek> np

Q: So, what’s your CN history?

A: well, I started out by coming over with my buddies from the gaming clan, TAG. At first we all joined NAAC. Two weeks later the 2nd Polar War broke out...and that pretty much sucked. After that made our own alliance, TAGA, which fought in the CoLUEtion. TAGA became MAG, which became MDC. I couped my way into becoming emperor of MDC but then Tulak counter couped me...sort of. I left MDC, started my own alliance, which got raided to death by GS, and then I joined Sparta. Been there ever since.

Q: Tell me a bit about you in RL?

A: I'm an avid film maker, and hope to major in that when I attend Cal state Fullerton as a freshman next year. I live in the heart of Orange County, California, and am a proud alumni of Mater Dei High School (We have more heisman's in our front office than UCLA

Q: Pizza or Cheeseburgers?

A: Nothing beats In N' Out. NOTHING. (A local burger joint near where he lives)

Q: If you had to pick one ingame feature to be changed, what would it be and how would you change it?

A: I would change the aid system. Seerow suggested that instead of having separate aid packages limited to 3 mil each, nations could have a total aid limit determined by wonders and improvements. Nations could draw from the total available aid and distribute it in as many packages as they want. They could send 18 million in one package, or 18 packages of 1 million, whatever they wanted. Once 10 days is up, the aid that was sent in that packaged gets added into their available amount. I can't think of any other way to do it honestly

Q: What is your favorite alliance flag besides your own of the sanctioned alliances?

A: I'm gonna say IRON. I've always loved their flag

Q: If you had to pick any one treaty that you would like to see canceled, what would it be?

A: Fark and Gramlins, so we can see an all out brawl between SF and Cit just for poops and giggles. Now THAT would be a good war.

Q: What is your favorite movie?

A: oh that's an easy one - Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Q: What did you think of the WoTC

A: I did not agree with the CB, and I definitely did not agree with how it ended. I must say though, that war made me C&G's number one fan

Q: What’s your favorite color in RL and why?

A: Green, because cars always look sexier in green.

Q: Lastly, who do you think is the most over rated poster on the CN forums and why?

A: In all honesty, Doitzel. In my opinion, he kind of peaked at De Profundis and the early Vox announcements. Everything after that was mostly wall of text after wall of text that mostly said the same thing - NPO is evil. I'll hand it to the man, when it comes to rallying cries, he's among the best. But we got so many of them over he last 9 months that by the time the war actually happened, I didn't even need to read them, I already knew what they said. Everyone always hailed them as good reads, but all I saw was carbon copies. I agreed with the message, I just wish he didn't shove it down our throats so much.

So basically, Hyperion is a simple man. He’s a Spartan, who enjoys making movies and has an opinion on NPO’s terms. He likes the local burger joint. He wants a new aid feature, that separates it better. He likes IRON’s flag, and would like to see the Fark-Gramlins treaty dissolved, just to see the war that could happen if it did. He likes his British comedy, and disagreed with the WoTC. He likes sexy green cars, and thinks Doitzel is a little bit over rated. There’s more than just that in the logs though. If you want the full interview, you would read those.

For the record, you should all be happy that interview exists. I had to delay this because I had trouble getting in contact with Hyperion, which wasn’t all bad because I wasn’t going to be able to do anything this week anyway.

Now on to an interview which was a little bit easier to get. Rabonnobar.


[2009-06-09 20:47:16] <Nintenderek> You ready to be interviewed?

[2009-06-09 20:47:21] <rabonnobar> yep

[2009-06-09 20:47:25] <Nintenderek> So, let's start with your CN history?

[2009-06-09 20:47:32] <rabonnobar> I started in early Oct. '06, I'd heard of the game on a Christian forum annnnnnd the person promoting the game had said the purple team was best

[2009-06-09 20:47:38] <rabonnobar> so I flocked to Legion naturally

[2009-06-09 20:47:43] <rabonnobar> I was very inactive at that time though

[2009-06-09 20:47:49] <rabonnobar> annnnnd by the time GWII was about to happen I was like "lol this sucks lemme try elsewhere, plus I gotta fight the NPO", so I went to CDS

[2009-06-09 20:48:01] <rabonnobar> and fought in GWII, which was quite an experience

[2009-06-09 20:48:27] <rabonnobar> then stayed around till GWIII, but after all the drama with the coup and all I left with another CDS buddy and founded DefCon

[2009-06-09 20:48:33] <rabonnobar> in June I believe, of '07

[2009-06-09 20:49:00] <rabonnobar> and we stayed low and grew very slowly, I didn't know much even after all those months, I merc'd for CDS in UJW hehe and was DefCon for quite a while

[2009-06-09 20:49:22] <rabonnobar> had short visits to TOP and Auric Armada but short visits were short and I was in DefCon for the better part of 1.5 years

[2009-06-09 20:49:40] <rabonnobar> then in January of this year, some drama happened, too many active people left all at once, and we folded into TOOL

[2009-06-09 20:49:48] <rabonnobar> which is where I've been happily at ever since

[2009-06-09 20:50:01] <rabonnobar> and am at currently (wel obviously)

[2009-06-09 20:50:16] <rabonnobar> *well

[2009-06-09 20:50:41] <Nintenderek> Tell me a bit about you in RL?

[2009-06-09 20:51:29] <rabonnobar> mmm I'm an 18 year old college student, studying Political Science and French at a smallish public university in Louisiana

[2009-06-09 20:51:58] <rabonnobar> I love 'the computer' (the interwebz) but unlike most who share this passion I suck at it (IRC: confuses me; networking: lolwhat?, etc.)

[2009-06-09 20:52:11] <rabonnobar> so I guess I'm pretty boring

[2009-06-09 20:52:20] <rabonnobar> just another poli sci nerd hehe

[2009-06-09 20:52:29] <Nintenderek> haha

[2009-06-09 20:52:44] <Nintenderek> I think we've had one or two of those interviewed before

[2009-06-09 20:52:47] <Nintenderek> If you had to pick two alliances (that aren’t yours or any of your treaty partners) that you would like to see allied together, whom would they be?

[2009-06-09 20:53:18] <rabonnobar> hmmmmm gimme a sec for this

[2009-06-09 20:55:09] <rabonnobar> I'd have to sayyyyyyyyyyy.... ODN and GGA (are they still?), they deserve each other; or NPO and NpO, just for old time's sake, and for them to be allied as close as they were at their closest times, ya know

[2009-06-09 20:55:41] <rabonnobar> I don't blame polaris for not wanting NPO as allies any more or not trusting but again hey a boy can dream

[2009-06-09 20:55:47] <rabonnobar> Axis of Awesome revived would be interesting.

[2009-06-09 20:56:05] <rabonnobar> if GOONS still (really) existed

[2009-06-09 20:56:42] <Nintenderek> Sadly, I don't think the real GOONS will ever come back

[2009-06-09 20:56:59] <Nintenderek> and I don't really like the impostor GOONS much

[2009-06-09 20:57:02] <rabonnobar> yeah same here

[2009-06-09 20:57:15] <rabonnobar> heh I don't really have an opinion one way or the other on the new ones tbh

[2009-06-09 20:57:19] <rabonnobar> def. aren't the same though

[2009-06-09 20:58:20] <Nintenderek> I mostly don't like them just because of how they did things to start

[2009-06-09 20:58:26] <Nintenderek> But, that's just my opinion

[2009-06-09 20:58:30] <Nintenderek> Who is your least favorite sanctioned alliance, not counting any alliances with n p and o in the name?

[2009-06-09 20:58:35] <rabonnobar> mhm, I understand

[2009-06-09 20:58:39] <rabonnobar> lol

[2009-06-09 20:58:48] <rabonnobar> ODN, certainly.

[2009-06-09 20:59:13] <rabonnobar> From GWIII (they left CDS to dry/die) to now and everything in between

[2009-06-09 20:59:16] <rabonnobar> can't say I'm a fan

[2009-06-09 20:59:50] <Nintenderek> ODN is still sanctioned?

[2009-06-09 21:00:04] <Nintenderek> That's a bit of a surprise, I'll admit

[2009-06-09 21:00:04] <rabonnobar> I hate jumping on bandwagons, if anything I have a soft spot for underdogs or the picked on (thus my losing streak in GWs: GWII, GWIII, UJW, Karma), but geez I can't have sympathy for them

[2009-06-09 21:00:14] <rabonnobar> yes they are I think like #6 or 7

[2009-06-09 21:00:16] <Nintenderek> But you know, ODN isn't as bad as they use to be

[2009-06-09 21:00:27] <rabonnobar> they're #5 by score

[2009-06-09 21:00:34] <rabonnobar> mmm we'll see but I'm not holding my breath

[2009-06-09 21:00:45] <Nintenderek> Anymore, I can't really get on them too much. I mean, they aren't on my really good side, but they certainly aren't on my bad side either

[2009-06-09 21:00:57] <rabonnobar> mhm

[2009-06-09 21:01:04] <Nintenderek> Anyway, what is your favorite video game?

[2009-06-09 21:01:21] <rabonnobar> <3 Age of Empires 2: The Conquerors <3

[2009-06-09 21:01:24] <rabonnobar> by a longshot

[2009-06-09 21:01:27] <rabonnobar> yes I know it's ancient

[2009-06-09 21:01:44] <rabonnobar> I swear though it never gets old

[2009-06-09 21:01:47] <Nintenderek> I have not played it :P

[2009-06-09 21:01:51] <rabonnobar> brb

[2009-06-09 21:02:37] <Nintenderek> k

[2009-06-09 21:03:31] <rabonnobar> surprise visit from relatives that are from Indiana geez crazy, she's a crazeh hippy also

[2009-06-09 21:03:35] <rabonnobar> so I may have to go, idk yet

[2009-06-09 21:03:41] <rabonnobar> but let's proceed as normal for now I guess

[2009-06-09 21:04:04] <Nintenderek> That's weird, I'm from Indiana

[2009-06-09 21:04:08] <rabonnobar> I say from Indiana cuz I'm from Louisiana, that's a long time for a surprise, no phone call before visit, wow... anywho

[2009-06-09 21:04:10] <rabonnobar> lol

[2009-06-09 21:04:17] <Nintenderek> Who do you think is the most under rated poster on the CN forums?

[2009-06-09 21:05:25] <rabonnobar> hmmmm probably JWConner or Jipps, but that's OPP bias undeniably

[2009-06-09 21:06:09] <Nintenderek> lol, I can understand appreciation for allies or former allies

[2009-06-09 21:06:11] <Nintenderek> If you had to add one feature in game, what would it be?

[2009-06-09 21:08:41] <rabonnobar> hmmmmm

[2009-06-09 21:08:58] <rabonnobar> sorry got caught up in conversation with the hippy lady oh geezus

[2009-06-09 21:09:03] <rabonnobar> lemme think

[2009-06-09 21:10:08] <rabonnobar> unique wonders for your resources would be great, especially with the better wonders reserved for the worse resources

[2009-06-09 21:10:57] <Nintenderek> I think someone else said something similar in an issue before this

[2009-06-09 21:11:00] <Nintenderek> I tend to agree

[2009-06-09 21:11:05] <Nintenderek> If you had a choice to ally with any alliance you wanted that you are currently not allied to, what alliance would it be?

[2009-06-09 21:11:40] <rabonnobar> probably TOP

[2009-06-09 21:11:59] <rabonnobar> Yeah I followed the drama recently but I'm still a fan

[2009-06-09 21:12:10] <Nintenderek> I would name that treaty the TOP of the TOOL treaty :P

[2009-06-09 21:12:21] <rabonnobar> haha

[2009-06-09 21:12:32] <Nintenderek> Yeah, but I like TOP okay

[2009-06-09 21:12:36] <Nintenderek> Who is your favorite musician?

[2009-06-09 21:12:58] <rabonnobar> mmmmm

[2009-06-09 21:13:16] <rabonnobar> Linkin Park

[2009-06-09 21:14:14] <rabonnobar> specially their old school stuff, as in pre-Mins-2-Midnight

[2009-06-09 21:14:21] <Nintenderek> I've heard of them

[2009-06-09 21:14:27] <Nintenderek> And I think I've heard some of their music

[2009-06-09 21:14:40] <Nintenderek> Although I don't know the difference between their older stuff and their newer stuff

[2009-06-09 21:14:44] <rabonnobar> yupyup

[2009-06-09 21:14:45] <rabonnobar> haha

[2009-06-09 21:15:01] <rabonnobar> older stuff was 'harder' I guess, I don't know, I'm not good with music terminology but yea

[2009-06-09 21:15:33] <Nintenderek> Oh god, I forgot I was going to ask this question when I made that pun earlier

[2009-06-09 21:15:34] <Nintenderek> What alliance in your opinion has the best name?

[2009-06-09 21:15:53] <rabonnobar> hah

[2009-06-09 21:17:08] <rabonnobar> for acronym, I'd say GPA, because it is such a strong force/acro in the game that I don't even think of "Grade Point Average" anymore; but for actual name, I like Viridian Entente and The Order of the Paradox

[2009-06-09 21:17:16] <rabonnobar> interesting/sophisticated

[2009-06-09 21:17:31] <Nintenderek> GPA means grade point average?

[2009-06-09 21:17:37] <Nintenderek> No seriously, I do agree with that

[2009-06-09 21:17:56] <rabonnobar> haha yeah this game is crazy eh? the impact it can have

[2009-06-09 21:18:26] <Nintenderek> I remember a while back, Bama did a game in the Water Cooler on CN acronyms in license plates

[2009-06-09 21:18:54] <rabonnobar> lol, awesome, can't believe I missed something like that haha

[2009-06-09 21:19:05] <Nintenderek> The point was to find as many license plates with the CN names in them as possible and you got points depending on how big the acronym was.

[2009-06-09 21:19:20] <Nintenderek> That was a while back

[2009-06-09 21:19:25] <Nintenderek> Anyway

[2009-06-09 21:19:26] <Nintenderek> What do you think of the current CN political climate?

[2009-06-09 21:19:56] <rabonnobar> it is wonderful(ly interesting), I truly straight up can't wait for time to pass tbh

[2009-06-09 21:20:05] <rabonnobar> to see what happens, etc.

[2009-06-09 21:20:35] <rabonnobar> I'm seriously very excited

[2009-06-09 21:20:47] <Nintenderek> I would hope most people are

[2009-06-09 21:20:53] <rabonnobar> yupp

[2009-06-09 21:21:03] <Nintenderek> In the past, the game has pretty much revolved around the NPO and what they did

[2009-06-09 21:21:14] <rabonnobar> yup

[2009-06-09 21:21:17] <Nintenderek> You might as well have called this game NPO Nations

[2009-06-09 21:21:22] <rabonnobar> mhm

[2009-06-09 21:21:22] <Nintenderek> and now that they are out of the way

[2009-06-09 21:21:32] <Nintenderek> It'll be interesting to see what the game turns into

[2009-06-09 21:21:45] <rabonnobar> yepp

[2009-06-09 21:21:53] <Nintenderek> It could almost be a different game when it comes to world politics

[2009-06-09 21:21:59] <rabonnobar> yeah, for real

[2009-06-09 21:22:02] <rabonnobar> very exhilirating

[2009-06-09 21:22:08] <Nintenderek> Anyway, who is your favorite super hero?

[2009-06-09 21:23:14] <rabonnobar> ahhh probably Rage hahaha [don't worry you probably don't know who that is and tis fine]

[2009-06-09 21:23:20] <rabonnobar> buuuuut more mainstream probably Spider Man

[2009-06-09 21:23:22] <rabonnobar> or some such

[2009-06-09 21:24:00] <rabonnobar> I wasn't much of a superhero child, more like talkiing-animals and magic and elves and such, even when a lil chap haha

[2009-06-09 21:25:06] <Nintenderek> You watched Barney instead of the Power Rangers as a child, didn't you?

[2009-06-09 21:25:47] <rabonnobar> I am a flaming homosexual [minus the flaming part ]so yeah probably so

[2009-06-09 21:25:52] <rabonnobar> actually I watched both tbh

[2009-06-09 21:26:09] <rabonnobar> Digimon was a love of mine also

[2009-06-09 21:26:22] <rabonnobar> Digimon, digital monsters, Digimon are the champions! amirite?

[2009-06-09 21:26:22] <Nintenderek> I liked Digimon and Pokemon

[2009-06-09 21:26:29] <rabonnobar> yeah

[2009-06-09 21:26:33] <Nintenderek> and Yugioh

[2009-06-09 21:26:41] <Nintenderek> Heck, I still have my yugioh cards :P

[2009-06-09 21:26:44] <rabonnobar> I collected the cards for allof them

[2009-06-09 21:26:48] <rabonnobar> but only watched the Digimon show

[2009-06-09 21:27:02] <rabonnobar> hell I've got Pokemon, Yugioh, Digimon, and DBZ cards still

[2009-06-09 21:27:06] <rabonnobar> that my younger cousins beg for

[2009-06-09 21:27:11] <Nintenderek> I didn't collect the digmon cards, but I watched the show

[2009-06-09 21:27:20] <rabonnobar> and I respond with 'hell naw gtfo' lol

[2009-06-09 21:27:25] <rabonnobar> I'm quite the pack rat.

[2009-06-09 21:27:48] <Nintenderek> Pokemon I went all out on. I watched the show, got the cards (only collected them though. I never really got into the pokemon card gameplay itself) and all the games and stuff. I still get all the pokemon games

[2009-06-09 21:28:11] <Nintenderek> And yugioh I watched the first two seasons, didn't like the rest, still got the cards afterwards :P

[2009-06-09 21:28:27] <Nintenderek> Lastly, if you had to drop one of your alliance’s treaties, which treaty would it be and why?

[2009-06-09 21:28:28] <rabonnobar> haha yeah the games were awesome, on long trips I often still play through again

[2009-06-09 21:28:32] <rabonnobar> mm

[2009-06-09 21:28:43] <rabonnobar> drama-laden, this question potentially is

[2009-06-09 21:29:03] <rabonnobar> I'd have to say Ragnarok, but that is my opinion and my opinion only.

[2009-06-09 21:29:08] <Nintenderek> I know, I try to ask a hard one at the end usually

[2009-06-09 21:29:24] <rabonnobar> hehe

[2009-06-09 21:29:26] <rabonnobar> tis fine

[2009-06-09 21:29:54] <Nintenderek> So, thanks for the interview and hopefully, if I can find Hyperion on IRC, it will be out Thursday or Friday

[2009-06-09 21:30:09] <rabonnobar> Np, thanks for the opportunity :)

Q: So, tell me a bit about your CN history?

A: I started in early Oct. '06, I'd heard of the game on a Christian forum annnnnnd the person promoting the game had said the purple team was best so I flocked to Legion naturally. I was very inactive at that time though annnnnd by the time GWII was about to happen I was like "lol this sucks lemme try elsewhere, plus I gotta fight the NPO, so I went to CDS and fought in GWII, which was quite an experience then stayed around till GWIII, but after all the drama with the coup and all I left with another CDS buddy and founded DefCon in June I believe, of '07 and we stayed low and grew very slowly, I didn't know much even after all those months, I merc'd for CDS in UJW hehe and was DefCon for quite a while had short visits to TOP and Auric Armada but short visits were short and I was in DefCon for the better part of 1.5 years then in January of this year, some drama happened, too many active people left all at once, and we folded into TOOL which is where I've been happily at ever since

Q: Tell me a bit about you in RL?

A: mmm I'm an 18 year old college student, studying Political Science and French at a smallish public university in Louisiana

Q: If you had to pick two alliances (that aren’t yours or any of your treaty partners) that you would like to see allied together, whom would they be?

A: > I'd have to sayyyyyyyyyyy.... ODN and GGA (are they still?), they deserve each other; or NPO and NpO, just for old time's sake, and for them to be allied as close as they were at their closest times, ya know

Q: Who is your least favorite sanctioned alliance, not counting any alliances with n p and o in the name?

A: ODN (Note to reader, I did forget that O could not be in the name, and so I didn’t make him choose something else)

Q: What is your favorite video game?

A: Age of Empires 2: The Conquerors

Q: Who do you think is the most under rated poster on the CN forums?

A: hmmmm probably JWConner or Jipps, but that's OPP bias undeniably

Q: If you had to add one feature in game, what would it be?

A: unique wonders for your resources would be great, especially with the better wonders reserved for the worse resources

Q: If you had a choice to ally with any alliance you wanted that you are currently not allied to, what alliance would it be?


Q: Who is your favorite musician?

A: Linkin Park

Q: What alliance in your opinion has the best name?

A: GPA for the acronym, Viridian Entente and The Order of the Paradox for the actual name

Q: What do you think of the current CN political climate?

A: it is wonderful(ly interesting), I truly straight up can't wait for time to pass

Q: Who is your favorite super hero?

A: Rage or Spiderman

Q: Lastly, if you had to drop one of your alliance’s treaties, which treaty would it be and why?

A: I'd have to say Ragnarok, but that is my opinion and my opinion only.

So, RB here is from TOOL. He’s an 18 year old from Louisiana who wants to either see the Orders reunited, or see GGA and ODN treaty together, because they were made for each other. On that thought, he doesn’t like the ODN. He does like Age of Empires 2 though, which makes up completely for the whole ODN thing. His favorite posters are OPPers, and wants unique wonders for your resources. He wants TOOL to ally to TOP and likes Linkin Park. Viridian Entente and The Order of the Paradox are both alliances that he likes the name of. He is enjoying the current political climate, and likes Rage and Spiderman, although he was always a barney child as a child. If he had to drop one of his treaties, it would be RoK, but that’s his opinion and his alone. As usual, read the logs, because there’s more in there then there is here.

Thanks to the reader for reading this. I didn’t think we would actually make it to three issues. And thanks everyone else who think they deserve one. Goodbye for now.

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A pretty good read.

So, there’s this guy in Sparta, right? He has the same name that an alliance once had that had to disband after the last war. Let me introduce you to Hyperion321.

Hyperion was not forced to disband it just chose to merge into GR. It was pretty much dead thanks to the NoCB war though.

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A pretty good read.

Hyperion was not forced to disband it just chose to merge into GR. It was pretty much dead thanks to the NoCB war though.

Actually Hyperion came out with only a couple members less after the NoCB war (from 60 down to 55 or so). And we paid off our reps in an almost-perfect manner and continued to grow from there.

Our forums were still hopping with activity right up until the merge.

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Actually Hyperion came out with only a couple members less after the NoCB war (from 60 down to 55 or so). And we paid off our reps in an almost-perfect manner and continued to grow from there.

Our forums were still hopping with activity right up until the merge.

I'm more referring to the lack of direction that seemed to be hanging over us after the war. Sure there may have been activity but it didn't really seem like there was much effort in terms of FA or improving the alliance on the whole.

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A suprisingly entertaining read, both interviews were pretty fun to look through and good questions were given.

Are you planning on making any more of these?

As a matter of fact, yes. This is the third issue and there's a line of people who want to be interviewed for it. It's not as long now, because two people had to be removed after they were removed from the game, however it's still quite the line.

As always, I can be pmed if anyone wants to be interviewed, just prepare to wait.

A pretty good read.

Hyperion was not forced to disband it just chose to merge into GR. It was pretty much dead thanks to the NoCB war though.

I don't really care what happened to Hyperion (or at least not in this topic that is), I was just trying to make a joke and wanted to make sure people understood what I was joking about :P

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Good reads. Might I suggest the IRC quotes get moved to codeboxes? It makes it more attractive, I almost clicked away when I saw those huge IRC quotes.

I've considered it. I'm not sure if it makes it that much more attractive, however I may try it next week.

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Q: So, what’s your CN history?

A: well, I started out by coming over with my buddies from the gaming clan, TAG. At first we all joined NAAC. Two weeks later the 2nd Polar War broke out...and that pretty much sucked. After that made our own alliance, TAGA, which fought in the CoLUEtion. TAGA became MAG, which became MDC. I couped my way into becoming emperor of MDC but then Tulak counter couped me...sort of. I left MDC, started my own alliance, which got raided to death by GS, and then I joined Sparta. Been there ever since.

Wow, ironic. DefCon got raided by GS very quickly, as in when we were still only the two founders and when we had no treaties (ya I know, fail). We tried to get a PIAT with them so they wouldn't hit us haha but they were too lazy and just left us alone afterwards. Good times.

Also, my name is rabonnobar, as Sir ZoomX3 points out. :D But I'm getting used to Rabonnobar. But ya see, with the first 'r' capitalized, it isn't a true palindrome. So if ya capitalize the first, ya have to capitalize the last: RabonnobaR. :D But no probs.

Also, I thought you'd take the part out about the hippy aunt from Indiana who randomly visisted. [Who btw I found out applied to work at a place I applied to work at on the same day that I applied...! fml]

Anywho, thanks for the opportunity Nintenderk.

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Wow, ironic. DefCon got raided by GS very quickly, as in when we were still only the two founders and when we had no treaties (ya I know, fail). We tried to get a PIAT with them so they wouldn't hit us haha but they were too lazy and just left us alone afterwards. Good times.

Heh, at least they left you guys alone. We even had a protectorate with TPF and they still killed us (thanks for the lack of help on that one TBB...I know you're listening from CN heaven right now <_< ).

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Can't say that I read the first two editions, but I thought this was entertaining, so props.

Also, I thought you'd take the part out about the hippy aunt from Indiana who randomly visisted. [Who btw I found out applied to work at a place I applied to work at on the same day that I applied...! fml]

lol, that's pretty awesome. :P

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Also, I thought you'd take the part out about the hippy aunt from Indiana who randomly visisted.

But.....but... That was the best part.

Can't say that I read the first two editions, but I thought this was entertaining, so props.

lol, that's pretty awesome. :P

If you wish to read them, here are the links. Please do not grave dig.

Issue 1

Issue 2

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