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Trashcat's Corner: Transformation Complete; The Monster Has Formed

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Vanguard Propaganda King Presents:


(Image by SkyGreenChick of TOP)

Disclaimer: The following thread includes a post by a Vanguard member, Stumpy becoming the monster, support for reparations, linear and actual logic, and self righteousness. Pacificans should avoid this thread at all costs.

Note from the Author:

I wrote this for my loving friend James Dahl. This ones for you!

Good Morning Heart Ache

Pacifica took another blow to the ally list these past weeks with the cancellation of TOP, one of their oldest and easily their most powerful ally. This cancellation helped complete their fall from grace leaving their allies few and far between, many just standing by them til the end of the war. This cancellation carries an even heavier meaning though as it shows just how far Pacifica has fallen. When you get cancelled on by your longest and most respected ally because they feel used you know you went and $%&@ed the pooch.


GOONS Is Back Again… Again… Wait What?

The Goon Order of Neutral Shoving arrived again with a whole bunch of head scratching, drooling, and empty stares. This completes the circle of “WTF CN” that has been forming lately and was quickly followed up by a challenge from the OTHER GOONS and what I can only assume was a declaration of war. So now, not only do we have two GOONS but they are killing each other in a beautiful fashion. Quite frankly, I don’t know what to really say about all this other then I hate just about everyone who made those threads possible. I mean, just wow. Moving on.


MooCows, Tear Down That Wall… Oh Wait You Did

Huge week for red as we saw several events that have no doubt change the sphere forever. It began with several alliances joining the red sphere under the claim that since NPO no longer had the power to control red, they no longer had any claim to the sphere under the Moldavi Doctrine. Two alliances took the main focus, FIRE and the Red Cross, and the heated debate that followed could be summed up as nothing more than hypocrisy. What we saw in these threads were people who preached against GOONS now condemning those people freeing red. Those who claimed that they were happy to see GOONS lose their senate due to the perma war were now claiming that those taking Red were wrong for only doing so while NPO was down. You realize that under this principle both actions are the same right? It was nothing more than opportunism when others joined black and stole the senate from GOONS and you supported it, but since they were the big bad GOONS you were totally ok with it. Now that its Pacifica your standards change? Get out of here. This big step was soon followed by a Decree from MooCows stating that the Moldavi Doctrine was officially dissolved and that red team was now, and hopefully forever, free. I, for one, wish all those moving to red good luck in their new and opened home.


(Image by titodafarmer)

Well Now I’m Just Intrigued

Schattenmanananannana announced a new alliance a few weeks back that really caught my eye. For some reason, I just found the concept intriguing so I figured this would be his little shout out. Essentially, the alliance, called The Cult of Justitia, is an alliance based entirely in game with no outside references. Basically the alliance is a body based entirely around mod worship and thus has the first real true CN theme. I don’t know why, but something about an entirely CN themed alliance was interesting to me. So keep an eye out for this one, I am eager to see where it goes.

Polaris Shoots a Three. TOP is Super !@#$@#$ Old. TPF Lives On.

Polaris made a big announcement stating that they had reached the huge three year mark and were celebrating the big birthday. This is a huge event in my eyes seeing how Polaris has risen from the ground time after time again to claim the number 4 spot as well as one of the highest NS marks in the game. I have rarely been as impressed with an alliance as I have been with Polaris, especially in their most recent times. A tip of my hat to you Polaris. TOP also announced their three year birthday recently as they continue to climb to the top of the sanction race. Id like to congratulate TOP on your awesome growth and ability to withstand the test of time. A tip of my hat to you all as well. Finally, Id like to acknowledge the last birthday with TPF turning two this last week and announcing that they will continue to live on past this war. Id like to congratulate TPF on their resilience and ability to survive while standing strong by what they believe. Keep holding out TPF, hopefully you will find peace soon.


(Image by Airikr)

Holy !@#$ More GGA Drama!

Well GGA has had quite the time recently, making several announcements and steps that were just huge, and some completely full of hilarity. First off, lets start with the couping and all that fun stuff. It would appear that GGA couped Degenerate. That’s right. The finally couped the guy who helped run that alliance straight into the ground. They soon followed this decision up with cancelling all their pacts with the New Pacific Order, a post made by the new face of GGA shaneprince. That’s right, the guy who was couped for disliking NPO now couped the couper and removed all their treaties with NPO. If your head is spinning, stay calm, that only means that you are still sane. What started all this madness you ask? Well it all started with a post made by Athens and GGA that was just jammed pact full of log dumps showing NPO trying to trick GGA into re-entering the war on false pretenses. So everyone agreed that NPO was a big angry man when all of sudden enters TPF from left stage. They come in and cancel their treaty with GGA claiming that GGA was not being honest. So now we are all “lolwut?” while not actually caring in the least cause its GGA drama. So what happens next? Well the only thing that could possibly make the situation worse of course: More Log Dumps! Yaaaaaaaaay! So in comes mhawk with a whole bunch of logs that basically show that the GGA move was in fact a coup and not a pleasant get together where everyone held hands and sang. After about 7 million pages of arguing over GGA (Yeah, I know, completely useless and a waste of time) everyone agreed that they hated each other and no one made a single concession. It then became an argument of who said what when, which basically ended with complete disagreement. What all did we learn? Oh, that’s right, STOP MAKING TOPICS ABOUT GGA. Good luck without Pacifica GGA, you may need it.


Welcome Back ION

This is a bit old but I totally forgot to make the post in the last issue so I figured Id do it now to make up for it. Independent Oceanic Nations returned recently after a long period of forced disbandment with smiles from all that were involved. I don’t really know what else to say other than I absolutely adore this alliance and hope to see them thrive in the future. Good luck guys, a tip of my hat to you and all your future success.

Another One Bites The Dust

Another bloc bit the dust in the last couple of weeks when it was announced that the Ring Cycle MADP bloc was effectively dissolved. I am extremely pleased to see the mass MDP clear, even if its just a little bit, and make way for a web that is a little easier to read. Way to go Ring Cycle, I appreciate you making my life easier. This week also saw several more hits to the One Vision bloc as MCXA jumped ship from the piece of failure that was 1V. I, for one, am actually happy to see this icon of villainy disappear finally seeing its awful reign come to an end. This pleasure was further increased with the final death of Agora, the blue red bloc that had been made in the post BLEU blue sphere. I have been opposed to this blocs existence for a long time now as it was never really about blue unity as much as it was about dividing the sphere. That being said, I am pleased to see this bloc dissolved and I wish those blue alliances luck in finding a new path on your color sphere.


(Image by Hrafngierr)

I Should Have Called It

A big announcement from NSO, STA, Polaris, and the Liquor Cabinet last week when they told the world that they went and formed this new bloc called Frostbite. The announcement was met with stares of awe as everyone stood in glory of the terrors that would no doubt come from reuniting Sponge and Ivan once more. This new bloc has potential and I am glad to see people forming small blocs of real friendships rather than the controlling power blocs of old. I, for one, welcome my new Spongish overlords. A tip of my hat to Frostbite, and may the future look kindly upon your evil and heinous ways.


(Image by bzelger)

TOP and TSO the Merciful

TOP and TSO made drama this week when they announced that they’d be giving Echelon white peace because those fighting Echelon were being dishonorable in the amount of reparations they were asking for. The thread soon exploded into a barrage of “No u” and name calling which didn’t really end as much as it just kind of died off. This thread amused me so very much as I do recall TOP extorting the !@#$ out of Polaris in the olden days (by that I mean last year) as well as supporting what was done to MK and many others. Its funny how you guys suddenly grow a sense of “honor” towards reps when its not someone you hate. The fact is you weren’t doing it out of honor, you were doing it cause they dinted your pride and you wanted some good PR. You have no problem with harsh terms, as you so proved, and would do just as bad if it had been an alliance that you held a grudge against (see: Polaris). But thanks for the drama bomb none the less, it was very fun indeed.

Gen. Lee Rolls the Hard Six

Ragnarok made some drama this week when Gen. Lee posted a thread calling out those who have been claiming that RoK wanted a massive amount of reps from IRON until others stepped in. Basically, the thread just stated that RoK government never wanted the figure that was rumored and that all these rumors were false. This was soon put to rest when Liquid Mercury publicly stated that he had spread the rumor and that it was, in fact, not true. Now, you would think that the thread should have just ended there with everyone realizing the errors of their ways. Welp, you’d be completely wrong. The thread proceeded to drag on and on with members from Citadel and co. claiming that the thread was entirely unnecessary and that RoK had some how offended everyone by making it. It was then rushed by SF friends coming in yelling about how it was necessary to prevent RoK’s name. Essentially, all we got out of it was some serious trolling and a whole lot of nothing with Gen. Lee acknowledging he could have done better and the opposition agreeing that they over reacted and that they spread falsities in the first place. Point of the story: a 1 page thread goes on for 30. A tip of my hat to all of you for making this abomination possible.


(Image by Orkules)

TOOL Cancels with the World

The MDP was furthered cleared recently when TOOL announced a mass cancellation of their treaties claiming that the Karma war had shed light on many of their old allies. This announcement saw cancellations of treaties with Pacifica, MHA, ODN, and TGR, moves that will further clear the ever filling MDP web. I am glad to see people reconsidering such things in this post war period and hope many others on both sides do the same. A tip of my hat to TOOL for making an obvious step in the right direction.

Someone Went and Put Citadel in Water

Citadel announced a new member last week as they welcomed Argent to the small and elite bloc. There was much celebration as admissions to this fine organization are few and far between and it is always nice to see new members in a bloc as tight as the Citadel clearly is. I congratulate Argent on this accomplishment and wish you luck in your new home.

TOP Cancels All Its Non-Aggression Pacts

That’s right folks, this just in TOP cancelled all the… wait people still have NAPs?

Rebel Virginia Is The Manliest Man of Mantown

RV made headlines this week when he was attacked by Sparta nations for wearing the NPO AA while not actually being in NPO. RV told the press that he had joined NPO to avoid war and was shocked and appauled when Sparta took such opportunism to attack RV just because NPO was down. RV took his grievances to the big boards under his well known AA of FAIL and immediately asked for Sparta to compensate his losses. What did Sparta do? Well Sparta got MHA to sanction RV’s terribly damaged nation. Now, Im not really sure why any of this is going on at all but the fact that you felt the need to sanction Rebel Virginia over all this just says loads about everyone involved. First off, RV, thanks for the laugh that thread really made me lol. Secondly, Sparta, seriously what the $%&@? Was a 40 page thread, a sanction, and dragging this out for way to long really worth it? The fact of the matter is I see FAIL winning this war and I hope his ultimatum is successful. God speed RV, and a tip of my hat to you.


I, For One, Welcome My New Ultima Overlords

DAAN, DOA, GDI, IOTA, and NRM all came together this week to announce a brand new bloc that will no doubt run this game. However, the bloc treaty was kind of missing signatures from the alliances that were apparently forming it and it was a completely messed up OP, but who really cares right? Its just a bloc formation after all and Im sure these guys have turned their acts around after 5 pages of nonstop trolling. Good luck guys, hopefully you’ll remember your other bloc mates next time you decide to sign something.


CN, You Offend Me

The population of Planet Bob offended me greatly this week when they voted for me as one of the funniest posters in the game. I am not only shocked and hurt but also extremely offended. I am not trying to be funny and amuse you, I mean my God how can you be so indecent? I make an honest attempt to talk to you guys in a completely serious manner and you just shove it in my face. I hate all of you.

Prison Break!

Karma announced this week that it would be releasing all its PoWs (at least the ones who didn’t try to jump !@#$ early) and they could all rejoin any alliance that was not currently in a state of war with Karma. I am very pleased to see the PoWs released, but I personally would not recruit from a bunch of traitors who left their alliance in its time of need. Sorry guys, I hope you find a home elsewhere.


(Image by Martijn)

The Grand Finale

I don’t even know where to start with this one. MooCows made a post just last night where he outlined the peace terms that were given to NPO in on going peace talks. Basically, what followed was the most heated debate I have seen in CN for a very long time. The problem at hand: Reps in the billions and some 300k tech as well as 2 weeks of war on their peace moded nations. The thread was immediately assaulted by TPF and NPO members alike screaming about the atrocities of Karma and the injustices taken against poor little NPO. There was also loads of cries of how we had become the monsters, etc. etc. etc. Look people, NPO started this war, it was not brought upon them like the crimes they committed against allies on the defense in the past. NPO doesn’t deserve a god damn bit of pity for what they’ve done and the things they’ve forced upon other alliances. Lets not forget GATO and their year long stint of having their sovereignty stripped from them. Or how about Legion who was basically forced into the ground with indefinite rep payments that had no definded number for how much they had to pay? Or the fact that NPO held Starfox on PZI for a good 2 year period. How about when they stood by and supported GOONS’ destruction or when they extorted MK and watched Polaris burn? How about when they hunted down GPA for the meer reason that they were a neutral alliance with the number one spot? How about when the supported the likes of noWedge and everything he did? How about when they destroyed TDSM8 and my home? How about when they burned FAN and held Vox in perma war as well as most of its founders? Where were all of you when CnG was ruthlessly hunted down and extorted because we defended our ally? Where were you when GATO, Legion, FAN, GOLD, TDSM8, GPA, MK, and many more needed your support? Where was your new found sense of self righteousness then? Oh, that’s right, you weren’t there. You were standing by NPO laughing at us as we burned. Pacifica is paying for the crimes that they so openly committed against those they betrayed and deceived in their time at the top and those of you who now feel for them are merely using it as a PR stunt to try to save any face for the crimes you helped them commit. NPO doesn’t deserve pity, they can pay these reps, and they sure as hell aren’t being forced to disband like they did to so many others. We aren’t forcing government members out of their alliance, we aren’t replacing Moo with a viceroy, we aren’t stripping them apart from the inside by destroying their sovereignty, and we aren’t trying to keep them at war for the rest of their existence. We have given them punishment for the atrocities that they have carried with their heads held high for so long and nothing more. NPO, you continue to claim that we have become the monsters while not accepting that that just comes off as an admission of guilt. Even you acknowledge the crimes you have committed and by claiming we are becoming you, you are just telling us that we are correct to believe that you deserve to be punished. Those of you who have not suffered as we, the grieved, have do not know where we are coming from. You have not had your home destroyed and your friends forced from the game. You have not been treated like crap just cause you weren't in the "in" crowd. You haven't been blacklisted, attacked, and destroyed. You call it revenge driven blindness. I call it justice.


(Image by KingDrunkWino)

And Now For Some New Rules of Planet Bob!

NEW RULE: If you forced an alliance to disband you cant !@#$%* about someone giving you harsh terms. At least you are getting them.

NEW RULE: If you honestly have nothing important to say other than “you have become the monster” like 12 other drooling fools then please don’t post.

NEW RULE: If you ever said “Bring it” then you cant !@#$%* when someone actually does.

NEW RULE: Just because you yell, “ITS SCIENCE!” after you make a post doesn’t automatically make everything you said correct. Seriously.


(Image by Treygreen13)

So that’s it folks, I hope you enjoyed the read. As always, Ill see you next time and I leave you with the shout outs of the week. This week we have an interview with Londo from Athens so stay tuned.


(Image by Jonathan Brookbank)

Alliance of the Week goes to…

The Jedi Order! Im eager to see Doitzel thrive in a new home and eventually battle to the death with NSO.

Announcement of the Week goes to…

MooCows Thread! Seriously, that’s some comic gold right there.


(Image by Whatoncewas)

Treaty of the Week goes to…

Frostbite! This bloc has potential guys, keep an eye out for what they do in the coming months.

Poster of the Week goes to…

Revanche! Watching you post in that NPO thread is just like watching an artist. Keep tearing them apart good sir.

Funniest Post of the Week goes to…

GGA Coup Thread! Just the fact that shaneprince came back and couped Degenerate is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.

Shout out of the Week goes to…

Londo! Keep up the good work friend, I know NPO is trying to !@#$ on you but you are handling the terms fairly and justly.

Player of the Week goes to…

TimLee! The first major alliance on red sphere is quite the announcement. Im eager to see where you take it.

Worst Poster of the Week goes to...

James Dahl! Holy God please make sense and stop talking in circles. PLEASE.

Edited by Stumpy Jung Il
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[1:36pm] Stumpy: This is Stumpy signing in with Trashcat's Corner. I am excited to introduce Londo, the leader of Athens, who will be our guest today. Londo, I hope you are well, why dont you start off by giving us some of your history.

[1:38pm] Londo: Well let's see Stumpy. I was born into this game as a wee nation that joined FAN from an offsite recruitment drive... a few days before VietFAN. I fought valiantly against the forces of Genmay but my tiny nation was eventually overwhelmed. I deleted, not to return to the game for 6 months.

[1:39pm] Londo: When I returned, I joined a midsized alliance known as the Atlantic Shadow Confederation, and rose to serve as a trades officer in my 60 days tenure there before it folded. It was during this time that I founded the CAFE forums to contribute to peace, stability, prosperity, and unity of the aqua sphere.

[1:40pm] Londo: When the ASC merged into Ragnarok, I left with a few of my friends to form a new alliance called Camelot. Camelot was a protectorate of the Mushroom Kingdom, and fought valiantly at their sides in the second Shark War. Camelot grew to 600,000 NS before merging with another small aqua alliance called Heroes of the Union to form Athens.

[1:43pm] Londo: Less than two weeks after our merger, Athens found itself embroiled in what is commonly referred to as the noCB war. Our MADP partner Mushroom Kingdom came under assault from the New Pacific Order, and we defended them. In the span of two weeks, our raw and untested alliance was ravished by the forces of the Continuum and One Vision, being reduced to 380k NS and 50 members, from a pre war high of 1.3 million NS and 120 members. Mos

[1:46pm] Londo: I have been leading Athens ever since. After we managed to get peace in the war and pay our terms, which were 14,000 tech out of the 16,000 we then held and included a ban on external aid, I embarked on a quest to build Athens into a military power. Before we left surrender terms, we had decided that The Revolution and Shinra Corporation would merge with Athens to form a stronger Athens. Once we were released from surrender terms,

[1:48pm] Londo: We quickly surpassed our old NS mark and slowly climbed in NS from 1.6 million NS after the mergers to 2.5 million NS immediately as the Karma War started. During this time there were extensive reforms, continual purging of ghosts and inactive members, and a high emphasis on IRC activity and community involvement.

[1:51pm] Londo: There was a very strong emphasis placed on economic endeavors such as tech import, nation building programs, trade circle formation, and extensive temp trading. There was also a huge emphasis based on the purchase of military wonder and the acquisition of large warchests, such that by when the Karma war started, we had approximately 35 MPs, 25 SDIs, and 25 FAFBs out of an alliance of 110. We had 1 MP, 1 SDI, and 1 FAFB immediately a

[1:54pm] Londo: Athens entered the Karma war against NPO alongside our C&G MADP partner Vanguard in defense of Ordo Verde. We were attacked by GGA, who was soundly defeated by a strong task force that was prepared in advance to counter their assault. We are still at war with NPO, and while we look for a resolution to this conflict, we have not yet found one.

[1:54pm] Stumpy: Thats a very rich history to say the least.

[1:55pm] Londo: It's my wall of text, just for you Stumpy-poo.

[1:55pm] Londo: I also was a founding member of the Complaints & Grievances bloc, which is clearly the most awesome bloc in the game. :v

[1:57pm] Stumpy: lol It is, in fact, the best bloc ever. Ok, so I always ask this, but as you look back over your history in this game is there ever a moment you would change? What would your proudest moment be?

[2:01pm] Londo: I don't think I would change anything. Mine has been a rocky path, and it has been a lot of work, but it's been rewarding. My proudest moment in the game was standing up and spitting in the face of tyranny during the noCB war and ordering a 3 AM blitz on the NPO. It was a show of honor in following treaties which wasn't terribly common at the time, and it meant a lot to us in C&G that we had done something that no one could ever ta

[2:02pm] Londo: because friends really are more important than infra. Not relationships. Not politics. Not standing. But honest to god friends.

[2:07pm] Stumpy: I agree. I have to say founding CnG and watching it grow has been the most rewarding thing to ever happen to me in this game.

[2:08pm] Stumpy: Moving on to another obligatory question before the good stuff: Favorite and least favorite posters, go.

[2:14pm] Londo|away: My favorite poster is probably Bob Janova. He has always been a mighty force for the Gremlins on the OWF. And he's a nice guy all around, to players at all levels of development within the community. I am also a big fan of Archon's posts, especially the big stuff. He can really wow a crowd. Revanche is also pretty good at the more antagonistic style of posting, which is pretty cool.

[2:17pm] Stumpy: I think Revanche is really growing to my number one favorite poster slot.

[2:18pm] Londo|away: My least favorite poster is Alterego. He is basically just a troll. I also love/hate RyanGDI's post. Shahenshah is pretty damned annoying too. Vladimir... lol. Chairman Hal is also pretty annoying. He posts in a style that makes you think it's fair and balanced and reasonable at first but it almost never is. Tricky fellow.

[2:19pm] Stumpy: Oh God Alterego, we are just not gonna get into that right now.

[2:20pm] Londo|away: What are we going to get into Stumpy?

[2:20pm] Stumpy: Ok, so Im basically just gonna dive right into the serious stuff if you dont mind. Lets start of with GGA. You recently made a statement about GGA being fooled by NPO that led to several topics and quite a bit of drama. Would you care to shed some light on that situation? How exactly were you involved and how did it go down the way it did?

[2:22pm] Londo|away: Oh god... well GGA basically got the idea that NPO was going to throw them under the bus. They were very afraid when they came to me but I'm glad that they were able to talk to me and get things figured out. I don't think we ever really did resolve the IRC drama logs thing but I have the feeling it was some sort of stupid miscommunication that blossomed into panic. At the time I believed that NPO was throwing GGA under the bus

[2:24pm] Londo|away: an ally like that. I worked with GGA to try to help them through the issues they were having, which included a possible breakaway that NPO would have supported. I think overall it was successful. They aren't posting much on the forums now but I know that they are working hard internally to grow.

[2:25pm] Stumpy: Do you think Shaneprince has the ability to turn this around? What about Degenerate being couped?

[2:25pm] Londo|away: I think that the GGA leaders I ended up supporting were the right ones, because unlike some of the others they actually cared about their membership and the future of the alliance.

[2:27pm] Londo|away: Shaneprice is a motivated leader but doesn't seem super experienced to me yet. He needs to relax a little bit and explore around to see what the new Cyberverse is like, I think. Degenerate was a weird situation that I don't remember. I think NPO was somehow involved but I forget. :S

[2:27pm] Stumpy: Well I think anyone can see that Degenerate and co. reign over the alliance has been nothing but destructive. You know you are in trouble when people are saying, "I remember when GGA was respectable."

[2:29pm] Stumpy: So, do you think GGA is going to be able to turn this ship around? I mean you could say they have been crashing for a while. Do you honestly think they can regain respectability in the eyes of this community once more?

[2:31pm] Londo|away: I think GGA will stay off the OWF for quite some time and focus on building internally. I believe that they will one day reclaim their respect. They have been through the fire, and that changes you. They will rise again, to play a part.

[2:32pm] Stumpy: That brings up another point. You talk about going through the fire and how it changes people. I mean, it was certainly true for CnG, we came out of the noCB war with respect and a new style of playing. How do you see alliances who have been hit hard in this war changing? Do you think alliances like Valhalla will change at all?

[2:35pm] Londo|away: I have no idea what Valhalla will do. I feel like they have a strongly enough formed personality and entrenched enough leadership that they won't change too much. They will become more careful, more wary, more diplomatic, but I see this as due to a loss of political influence rather than an inward change of heart. However, I could be wrong about that, and in any case, a game without antagonists is boring. Let's see what happe

[2:37pm] Stumpy: Well on that subject, how do you feel about reparations? What about the peace agreements thus far?

[6:28pm] Londo: I feel that mercy has been shown in a lot of cases

[6:28pm] Londo: Sometimes it has been justified

[6:28pm] Londo: Sometimes it hasn't been justified.

[6:29pm] Londo: I know that no mercy will be shown with NPO, regardless of what I might wish. Their terms will be very harsh, very brutal - as the OWF has already seen. And yet, they really are deserving of harsh terms.

[6:30pm] Stumpy: Ok, we now things get interesting. You have taken up the helm of the NPO reps negotiations, or so it would seem. How do you feel about the latest development?

[6:32pm] Londo: Lol.... I think the NPO basically did a bite the hand that feeds them maneuver

[6:33pm] Stumpy: Yeah obviously. Do you think that will reflect itself in any of the future negotiations? If so, how?

[6:33pm] Londo: Just as a lot of people have said, I was one of the primary ones working to get them decent terms that they could accept and everyone else could be satisfied with... and I still am. I think it's hilarious that they would start flipping crap over it.

[6:34pm] Londo: Lol.... to be honest most of my colleagues are a lot angrier about it than I am. I feel like NPO has been beat down hard, and that they had it coming, but I feel strangely calm about it now, like justice has been done, and I have no hate left in me for them.

[6:38pm] Stumpy: Yeah, I just dont see why this helps them. However, that thread has turned to !@#$ so I kind of want to avoid it now.

[6:38pm] Stumpy: Do you want to see NPO's terms lightened?

[6:38pm] Stumpy: Do you think they are deserving of the ones on the table already?

[6:39pm] Londo: I want to see NPO with geniunely doable terms that they will take and complete so we can put this matter behind us and march on into a better and brighter world. As to whether they deserve them... you might want to ask FAN. Or LUE. Or NAAC. Yes, they are very deserving of harsh terms, by anyone's measure.

[6:40pm] Stumpy: One part of this war that I find very interesting is TPF being the only ally that actually stuck to its word on holding out til the end. How do you feel about TPF and their terms process?

[6:40pm] Stumpy: Do you expect theyll see harsh terms?

[6:40pm] Londo: The terms that are on the table now are very harsh. I think they are doable. NPO asserts that they are not. I am not sure which is true, but I believe they could do them.

[6:42pm] Londo: I would expect TPF's terms to be moderate. Harsher than what GGA got, and less harsh than what NPO will get.

[6:42pm] Stumpy: Do you think they deserve such terms?

[6:44pm] Londo: I personally don't particularly like or trust mhawk, especially since he appears to have been spreading some sort of half truths about me. I've had run ins with him more than once now, none of which has gone too well. I think TPF will be ok with moderate terms to be honest. But it's up to PC and MK and the others hitting them.

[6:44pm] Stumpy: Yeah, I assume PC will be the biggest obstacle. Thats some of the worst blood between two alliances that Ive ever seen, and for good reason.

[6:45pm] Londo: Yeah, that's what I've heard. Slayer's legacy.

[6:45pm] Stumpy: Do you have any hopes for the future of these talks? Any goals?

[6:48pm] Londo: I'd like to see us arrive at terms that everyone will accept, and be reasonably happy with, so we can all go home.

[6:49pm] Stumpy: Thats gonna be hard.

[6:49pm] Stumpy: Ok well Im gonna keep this interview pretty short so Im gonna touch on one last thing.

[6:49pm] Stumpy: Red Sphere.

[6:49pm] Londo: Well if they piss me off enough I'll just stop working for peace, then maybe everyone will die.

[6:50pm] Stumpy: Now, the Sphere has finally been freed after what, three years? How do you feel about that? How do you feel about the alliances moving to the color?

[6:51pm] Londo: The Red Sphere? I think NPO will see a color bloc on red as a stronghold for the future. If people move there to work with them it'll be a mutually beneficial arrangement. They will not rule the Cyberverse for a long, long time - if ever. But I see them as remaining the Lords of Red.

[6:51pm] Stumpy: Do you think a large alliance may try to take this opportunity to gain sway in a newly forming sphere?

[6:53pm] Londo: I doubt it to be honest. Trying to wrest control of red from NPO is a task that it would take a giant powerbloc to accomplish.

[6:53pm] Stumpy: Like Complaints and Grievances amirite?

[6:55pm] Stumpy: Well Londo, thats all the time we have for today, sorry for having to cut it all short. Any last words youd like to make on anything we talked about? Shout outs maybe?

[6:59pm] Londo: Hmm. I'd like to give a shout out to Archon for being an amazing ally and watching my back so well in the murky waters that are CN politics. Also Sparta. I love those guys. And all the rest of our allies. Much love. <3

[7:00pm] Stumpy: You forgot Vanguard :colbert:

[7:00pm] Londo: I love Vanguard too. It goes without saying that C&G is the tightest family in the game.

[7:01pm] Stumpy: Agreed. Anyway, thats it for Trashcat's Corner, Id like to thank Londo for being on the Corner and I hope you all enjoyed it. Thanks for reading and tune in next time. This is Stumpy signing out.

Edited by Stumpy Jung Il
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@LM - Its just too good to let die :awesome:

Psh. Last time I try to kill a thread in the first page. Zero good it does. I'll just let the drama llama play out next time and then come in at the end after all the speculation and say IT WAS ME!

Also obligatory "That's what she said" in reference to what I just said.

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Psh. Last time I try to kill a thread in the first page. Zero good it does. I'll just let the drama llama play out next time and then come in at the end after all the speculation and say IT WAS ME!

Also obligatory "That's what she said" in reference to what I just said.

Theres just some topics that you cant kill, they just keep coming back.

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I Should Have Called It

A big announcement from NSO, STA, Polaris, and the Liquor Cabinet last week when they told the world that they went and formed this new bloc called Frostbite. The announcement was met with stares of awe as everyone stood in glory of the terrors that would no doubt come from reuniting Sponge and Ivan once more. This new bloc has potential and I am glad to see people forming small blocs of real friendships rather than the controlling power blocs of old. I, for one, welcome my new Spongish overlords. A tip of my hat to Frostbite, and may the future look kindly upon your evil and heinous ways.

You give me far too much credit once again Stumpy.

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Good issue. Is that really only a week's worth of stuff? Some of that seems so much older. :P


(Image by bzelger)

I'm honored to have my sig make it into your publication. I feel I ought to clarify though, that while I stuck the tiger in the middle and maybe messed with the lighting just slightly, the hard bit (the frame) was done by D34th of Polaris.

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