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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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Stats is it? No concern about war chests heading into the next war or anything like that?

Unlike others (*cough* you *cough*), the SuperFriends don't sit around plotting the next war while the current one is still going on. They are a group of like-minded alliances that stick together for defensive purposes; not because they want to be big enough that they can just roll somebody without consequences the next time they get bored for 10 minutes.

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The only ones being unreasonable are you and your fellows.

We would disagree with this hypothesis. For more information read the previous 3778 posts.

Edited by James Dahl
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I'm having a blast, fwiw.

No, we're not asking for sympathy, we're asking for the Vindictive Coalition to be reasonable.
No. You're asking for a knuckle sandwich.
Edited by Viking
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We would disagree with this hypothesis. For more information read the previous 3778 posts.

The fact this thread was made at all in an attempt to smear Karma instead of simply accepting the terms offered shows the NPO as unreasonable.

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Alright, can someone point me to where this meme originated from?

You'll have to go back to the old boards and do some searching I think. What's his name... the "NPO Law Dog"/"still a hater" guy used to say it a lot (maybe in those exact words, maybe not). Triyun as well maybe, or one of the other IOs? The one who banned me from Pacifica's boards in any case. It's been around for a very long time. In fact its use is one of the reasons I chose Polar over Pacifica when I moved from South to North back in the day.

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You'll have to go back to the old boards and do some searching I think. What's his name... the "NPO Law Dog"/"still a hater" guy used to say it a lot (maybe in those exact words, maybe not). Triyun as well maybe, or one of the other IOs? The one who banned me from Pacifica's boards in any case. It's been around for a very long time. In fact its use is one of the reasons I chose Polar over Pacifica when I moved from South to North back in the day.

So I just realized.

The South will rise again!

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The fact this thread was made at all in an attempt to smear Karma instead of simply accepting the terms offered shows the NPO as unreasonable.

Unreasonable because NPO leadership take the responsibility towards their members seriously?

They've offered to pay a larger amount, but if the peace mode banks (let's assume that's what they are) are devastated a even a "reduced" amount can be beyond reach.

By devastating the banks you force the deletion of large amounts of NPO nations or does karma suddenly give aid to its POW's to get out of bill lock.

If you want to take a shot at the banks, give assurances you will provide funds to nations in bill lock. Make it a loan if you have to.

The terms presented are plain and simple an attempt to drive long term NPO members from the game.

Now drop the 90% requirement, drop the "make war on PM nations" and accept Pacifica's counter offer.

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You'll have to go back to the old boards and do some searching I think. What's his name... the "NPO Law Dog"/"still a hater" guy used to say it a lot (maybe in those exact words, maybe not). Triyun as well maybe, or one of the other IOs? The one who banned me from Pacifica's boards in any case. It's been around for a very long time. In fact its use is one of the reasons I chose Polar over Pacifica when I moved from South to North back in the day.

Josef Thorne

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No, we're not asking for sympathy, we're asking for the Vindictive Coalition to be reasonable.

Funny, seems like if that were the case you'd have just said that to them on IRC. Now you'll talk about how they said they wouldn't change the terms on IRC. Well, if that's the case, what's your goal in posting it here? Pity points and an attempted PR smear against Karma to try and force them to change the terms that way? Sure seems like it. So please, tell me what the point of this thread is if not pity points.

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Funny, seems like if that were the case you'd have just said that to them on IRC. Now you'll talk about how they said they wouldn't change the terms on IRC. Well, if that's the case, what's your goal in posting it here? Pity points and an attempted PR smear against Karma to try and force them to change the terms that way? Sure seems like it. So please, tell me what the point of this thread is if not pity points.

It can only be for PR, which in itself is hilarious because the vast majority of people who are reading these threads are bombing the hell out of them at the moment.

I know I'm not swayed, are you?

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You'll have to go back to the old boards and do some searching I think. What's his name... the "NPO Law Dog"/"still a hater" guy used to say it a lot (maybe in those exact words, maybe not). Triyun as well maybe, or one of the other IOs? The one who banned me from Pacifica's boards in any case. It's been around for a very long time. In fact its use is one of the reasons I chose Polar over Pacifica when I moved from South to North back in the day.

The meme seems to have far outlived the opinion it was referencing.

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Funny, seems like if that were the case you'd have just said that to them on IRC. Now you'll talk about how they said they wouldn't change the terms on IRC. Well, if that's the case, what's your goal in posting it here? Pity points and an attempted PR smear against Karma to try and force them to change the terms that way? Sure seems like it. So please, tell me what the point of this thread is if not pity points.

I'm pretty sure it has been said on IRC, but at times IRC works counterproductive.

Personally i find it hard to imagine that the majority of Karma coalition nations think highly of these peace terms for Pacifica. Sadly enough only the people with axes to grind blabber all over this topic.

It's time for the negotiators to actually listen to their members and grant white peace to Pacifica instead of following up with this farce.

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Unreasonable because NPO leadership take the responsibility towards their members seriously?

They've offered to pay a larger amount, but if the peace mode banks (let's assume that's what they are) are devastated a even a "reduced" amount can be beyond reach.

By devastating the banks you force the deletion of large amounts of NPO nations or does karma suddenly give aid to its POW's to get out of bill lock.

If you want to take a shot at the banks, give assurances you will provide funds to nations in bill lock. Make it a loan if you have to.

The terms presented are plain and simple an attempt to drive long term NPO members from the game.

Now drop the 90% requirement, drop the "make war on PM nations" and accept Pacifica's counter offer.

Or how about you guys keep fighting for your allies instead of bailing out like some real allies such as TPF are still doing? Too much of a task eh?

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Personally i find it hard to imagine that the majority of Karma coalition nations think highly of these peace terms for Pacifica.

You're right, there are many that disagree with these terms because they believe they're too lenient.

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I'm pretty sure it has been said on IRC, but at times IRC works counterproductive.

Personally i find it hard to imagine that the majority of Karma coalition nations think highly of these peace terms for Pacifica. Sadly enough only the people with axes to grind blabber all over this topic.

It's time for the negotiators to actually listen to their members and grant white peace to Pacifica instead of following up with this farce.

I'll admit, it is quite an accomplishment to make the funniest post in a 190 page thread - congratulations good sir. You win one cookie.

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It's time for the negotiators to actually listen to their members and grant white peace to Pacifica instead of following up with this farce.

Contrary to popular belief, the alliances fighting NPO aren't made up of nations that fought for the Hegemony side of this war.

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I'm pretty sure it has been said on IRC, but at times IRC works counterproductive.

Personally i find it hard to imagine that the majority of Karma coalition nations think highly of these peace terms for Pacifica. Sadly enough only the people with axes to grind blabber all over this topic.

It's time for the negotiators to actually listen to their members and grant white peace to Pacifica instead of following up with this farce.

Just like the ones you gave VE during the Green Civil War, right? Shove off, sycophant, and let those with spines discuss this matter.

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Or how about you guys keep fighting for your allies instead of bailing out like some real allies such as TPF are still doing? Too much of a task eh?

How about actually addressing the post you quoted instead.

Just like the ones you gave VE during the Green Civil War, right? Shove off, sycophant, and let those with spines discuss this matter.

That leaves you out of it doesn't it.

Edited by andre27
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Contrary to popular belief, the alliances fighting NPO aren't made up of nations that fought for the Hegemony side of this war.

Well, in reality there are a small group of alliances (well I guess 18 isn't that small) actually fighting us, and a massive horde who seem to think that they are.

It's rather strange.

Edited by James Dahl
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The meme seems to have far outlived the opinion it was referencing.

I don't really see what you're arguing here. "Do something about it." meant the same thing three years ago as it does today. As in, if you disagree with how we run ourselves and this place, make us change the way we play.

It's not their fault that they called you on it, eventually.

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I'm pretty sure it has been said on IRC, but at times IRC works counterproductive.

Personally i find it hard to imagine that the majority of Karma coalition nations think highly of these peace terms for Pacifica. Sadly enough only the people with axes to grind blabber all over this topic.

It's time for the negotiators to actually listen to their members and grant white peace to Pacifica instead of following up with this farce.

I'm glad we finally have an expert on what thousands of people are thinking right now. To be completely honest, I'd have to say a majority of "Karma" endorse these terms. Feel free to live in a fantasy land of sugar gum drop streets and lollipop dreams, though.

White peace, that's hilarious.

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