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New Official Booze Of The Green Team

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Absinthe is strong enough that most countries have banned it at one point or another.

Theres also quite a bit of folklore about it having hallucinogenic properties, but it doesn't, at least not any more that any other type of booze. Though the ability to find this stuff as high as 180 proof (90% alcohol) means you can drink your self stupid with this a lot faster than with most other drinks.

Its picked up the nickname "The Green Fairy" (hence the flag) as well, so it actually being a naturally green drink is a bonus for us :D

That sounds a lot like rubbing alcohol...

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Absinthe is strong enough that most countries have banned it at one point or another.

Theres also quite a bit of folklore about it having hallucinogenic properties, but it doesn't, at least not any more that any other type of booze. Though the ability to find this stuff as high as 180 proof (90% alcohol) means you can drink your self stupid with this a lot faster than with most other drinks.

Its picked up the nickname "The Green Fairy" (hence the flag) as well, so it actually being a naturally green drink is a bonus for us :D

Real Abstinthe contains Thujone which acts on GABA and 5-HT3 receptors in the brain and exhibits slight psychoactive response, although in some countries they've banned Thujone containing Absinthe or highly restricted their Thujone content, so they only sell "thujone-free" versions. (Wikipedia: Thujone)

Congrats to the Green Team on choosing such an interesting beverage. :)

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Real Abstinthe contains Thujone which acts on GABA and 5-HT3 receptors in the brain and exhibits slight psychoactive response, although in some countries they've banned Thujone containing Absinthe or highly restricted their Thujone content, so they only sell "thujone-free" versions. (Wikipedia: Thujone)

Congrats to the Green Team on choosing such an interesting beverage. :)

[ooc]This. "Real" Absinthe in brewed with Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), which contains the Thujone iirc. At low levels, thujone is psychoactive, in high doses its lethal. In the middle ages, the English used to coat their arrows in wormwood extract, hoping its neurotoxic effects would finish off any wounded... and then apparently they started to drink it[/ooc]

Anyways, green unity centered around booze is still green unity. Congrats and everything.

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Can we still get our fix of absinthe on the Red Team, or does Green hold a monopoly over accumulation, distribution, and use? :(

You should have no problems getting your absinthe. Might I recommend though that you purchase it at one of our airports. It's duty free.

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I like green unity.

Considering that GGA, GOP, Phoenix Rising and doitzel's new green alliance do not share this taste in liquor it's not green unity ^_^

If there is anything close to resembling green unity it's the UJA

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Considering that GGA, GOP, Phoenix Rising and doitzel's new green alliance do not share this taste in liquor it's not green unity ^_^

If there is anything close to resembling green unity it's the UJA

Oh wow, you almost had me there. :lol1:

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