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MHA Apologizes to Jack Diorno


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I'm glad that Jack got an apology for this. I feel that MHA was deceived into believing the wrong side of the story in that whole debacle, and was wrong in ZI'ing Jack Diorno. Jack the Great was a tool.

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These sorts of announcements annoy me because if you're not intent on publicizing the reasons for why you're apologizing, you should not be doing so publicly in the first place.

I agree with you in that the explanation should have been in the OP instead of pulled out of that very strange conversation by people having to ask why a public apology was made. It's nice that the actual reason came out and thats good on you guys in MHA to own up to things, just please next time put the reason in the op so we dont have to read the silly conversation that ensues after such a minor announcement. :P

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I agree with you in that the explanation should have been in the OP instead of pulled out of that very strange conversation by people having to ask why a public apology was made. It's nice that the actual reason came out and thats good on you guys in MHA to own up to things, just please next time put the reason in the op so we dont have to read the silly conversation that ensues after such a minor announcement. :P

No no no: the point of it is to have an excuse to engage in silly conversations. What do we need serious minor announcements for, after all?

WTF? I'm pretty sure the ZI sentence lasted about 6 hours and we apologised at the time.

Luckily I am not the only one remembering that... At first I was worried that I turned up in some different universe from my own!

(That may still be true, anyway...)

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