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Bye bye


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After a hiatus of a month or so, I decided to come back and have a look at things again. Faced with an alliance I no longer thought of as home, and the prospect of being nuked a whole lot if I left (it's a thing... lol), I decided to fulfill my destiny. I started playing this game a couple years ago for one reason: to nuke the crap out of a real life friend who had a pretty big nation - Batman, or ATF (Genmay's last Premier who OK'd attacking BoTS :lol:). I figure as long as I'm gonna be nuked a lot, no matter what, I might as well nuke ATF. The other option was to stay in Umbrella and act like a child and make things difficult for the people I don't like, but that seemed like a lot of work.

I actually managed to go nuclear before him, despite his six month head start, but at that point I was too caught up in the game and kept playing seriously for quite a while. Finally it has come full circle. I am nuking him. It's fun. I highly recommend nuking the nations of your real life friends.

Shout outs:

Crymson - you taught me how to run an alliance. Sorry I'm not leaving in a very dignified way.

Ice - you're definitely top 5 or so. For sure one of the coolest people in CN, even if you do love Hondas way too much. Also, Wisconsin is better than Minnesota, though you guys do have lots of windmills... which is pretty cool.

Plazmattack - I think you still owe me 50 tech from your old nation. D:

Czar_Alexander - it's a good thing you and Vlad left AO to die. Phew. I enjoyed your conservative voting style. If ever I needed a "no" vote on something, I knew I could count on you.

Derwood - sorry I threw a big tantrum about the senate thing. I enjoy acting like a big baby.

Ryan_Reyes - you provide some of the best humor in CN. Please mess with Coolgreen as much as possible.

Bossk - <3

Sceptor, mrcalkin, zerileous: dream team

LJ Scott - you mostly have good taste in things, but I'm afraid you might be one of those Lomography people, or if not, that you might like the idea of it.

Saber - come to America, I would like to get drunk with you.

Vladimir Stuckov - is the gay thing a joke? I never could tell.

Timberland - thanks for everything. You're probably the best person in CN that I know of.

mitchh, BK, Dr. Dan, and Feanor: you guys prove that the GH department is waaaaaaaaaay better than the GC's, particularly because Bodvar has really odd taste in "cute girls" (the 9th is a scary place :o)


Batman/ATF: lol, sorry

GGA: you should have let me have your alliance - I would have fixed everything, and it would've been fun for the whole family. Sorry for making fun of you so much.

Bunchies: you are green, and we all miss you.

There are lots of people I don't like, but I guess this is not the place. I guess if I don't like you and you talk crap in this thread maybe I'll say something. I'll miss some of you fo sho.

My somewhat elderly words of wisdom to people in this community: if you think it's OK to be racist or otherwise bigoted on the internet because people don't know who you are and therefore there are no consequences, you are a simple minded fool and probably a crappy human being. I don't really like psychology, but I suggest you read this

and realize that if you are at level one, you basically have the moral compass of a dog. Actually, that might be insulting to dogs. The same goes for all the internet pedos, etc. Anonymity doesn't make bad things OK.

TOP and Umbrella - you were both awesome places to be. Don't stop being friends ever.



Peace, love, and bling. Mostly bling. Seriously. Bling is great.

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Oh, I forgot to mention:

The crappiest person in my CN experience is an AO Triumvir called Sigmund Freud. He is the reroll of a dude called Jeracuda (who I think is banned, maybe... whatever) who tried to sell out Umbrella in the beginning by telling NpO a bunch of crap, figuring that they would likely want to kill an unaligned alliance of largely ex-Genmay nations after the UJW.

Thankfully NpO was cool about the whole ordeal. Myworld is actually not a bad dude, despite the bad rap he's sometimes gotten.

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Somehow I've always ended up being more ocho than trep. I'm not sure what it is.

You should have at least gone after drugmule for ruining sekrat language. :blush:

Edited by Zikawe
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Weird, Freud always seemed cool to me when I was briefly a diplomat there...

In any case, you had a sweet avatar and for that I thank you. I also congratulate you on your choice of means of exit. It's all about going out with a bang. Good luck with whatever you get up to.

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