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Official Grämlins' Announcement: Temporary Cessation of Citadel Interaction

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I've been looking for those. :mad: You have 30 minutes to return them or I will be declaring. When and if I'm ever in your range, that is.

/me breaks out the Micrometer.... Nope... Not a chance :P...

/me flexes his 1k infra...

I still have a bbq pit here somewhere amongst the rubble....

And my potato salad!



Edited by deathcat
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The sad part is you actually do need a micrometer to measure my NS.

Also, Slayer, do me a favor and have your ground forces recover the potato salad. I long to relive that memory from my youth that involves a pretty girl and getting sick from potato salad that had been left out too long.

Edited by Roadie
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that's my line :v:

The sad part is you actually do need a micrometer to measure my NS.

Also, Slayer, do me a favor and have your ground forces recover the potato salad. I long to relive that memory from my youth that involves a pretty girl and getting sick from potato salad that had been left out too long.

He's got to buy some ground forces first. The armored battle llamas of Llamatopia have taken a heavy toll on the Slaytanic Wehrmacht. (Or maybe I sucker punched him right after he caught a nuke.)

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that's my line :v:

He's got to buy some ground forces first. The armored battle llamas of Llamatopia have taken a heavy toll on the Slaytanic Wehrmacht. (Or maybe I sucker punched him right after he caught a nuke.)

A turtlin' is not going to get my no tater salad. I'll have our ambassador dispatched stat to offer you a nice gift in trade for some eats. Perhaps a stack of DVDs from Walmart or something else befitting a head of state.

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now i know why it was an bad thing to advertise Ejay as new gov for grämlins on the last BBQ,

hell i thought you give him something easy, like the ia or the mili department, but no, you sent him streight into FA :(

poor PB, poor Cit, poor Grä :unsure:

Edited by necAnt
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If anyone demasks me. Expect nooks. That and I'll probably be too lazy to go through the registration process again.

Don't worry LM, I won't ever demask you :wub:

Well, that and the fact that I'm wayyyyy too lazy to demask you

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