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So I spend 286 days in Valhalla, earn some of their most "prestigious" war medals. Participate in two large scale wars on their behalf, Eat 7 nukes as a smaller nation in their most recent conflict. I ask for nothing from them, and upon posting my resignation there today receive and Instant ban from their fourms?

Nice to see this is they way you are rewarded for service in Valhalla. I knew for some time now that I did not fit with this alliances ideals and they were not as advertised as far as going to ZI in a great war...but seriously? I wont sit here and run you into the ground about other things that need not see world fourms, but you Valhalla and your ban happy little admins, fail on all accounts in this matter.

I hope you explain this is common practice to your new applicants, that you are lacking. I mean I would hate for people to invest time and effort and war to an alliance that treats people this way on departure. I know I am not the first person to be "shunned" by this alliance once they decide to leave. Good to see you lack class in all aspects, not just on the OWF's.

To anyone that reads this that is considers joining Valhalla as an alliance, think twice. While they are not all bad and do offer a few great members, it seems they are some bitter suckholes that have nothing but resentment for people that don't care to stick around.

Good Luck to you in the future, and I hope to see you on the wrong side of the next war.

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Pretty common to have your masked removed immediately after resigning. I think just about every alliance does this.

No thats completely understandable for reasons of security, but I was full out BANNED from the fourms. I could easily accept the fact of having my mask changed, but this? weak

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Yeah I have to agree with merrie here. Demasking right away is pretty standard procedure.

edit: I don't know if you already have done this but this sounds like something you probably should have talked to them on irc about first. Might just be a misunderstanding.

Edited by neneko
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[11:22:28] <Sceleratus> ^*%& a few of ya

Just before you parted the private channel. And this being just a small portion of the BS that I had to deal with stemming from you, and your attitude of superiority over others.

I didnt change your mask, but if i had the admin powers to do so, I would have done the same.

EDIT: Also, note that on our forums, Sckings left, moments after. He was not banned. Coincidence? I think not.

Edited by Lord Commander Krug
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funny I said I would miss a few and take care and **** the others...context krug give a try. Also read my resignation post, its very civil.

To anyone else. I just wanted to get this out there for people to read. I know its far from ground breaking or crazzzy news, I dont baww or care to, I just want to make people know what they are getting into.

That will be all.

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I so called that one. And, by making it public, you've just made yourself look bad, because it turns out Valhalla is in the right, and you're in the wrong.

So really, both parts of my post were right. :)

Your are a wise man.

Scel, i think your concept of "civil" differs greatly from mine.

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Step 1 in making Valhalla the cool alliance we've always wanted it to be.

Get rid of the trolls.

yes Pigglet, I am an infamous troll that no one has ever heard of right?

Leave it to you and few others to not disappoint me and show your colors on the OWF, again. Keep going, its doing wonders for you. I will not continue past this post. I will say that I am not a happy hug it out kinda guy, and people like you and a few others that like to bait in your private channels really are the class that holds it all together arent you?

Take care.

That is all from me.

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