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Attention "The Phoenix Federation"

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Here's a hint to the OP. You can't declare on anyone in anarchy.

Muhahahaha. I slid to hippy...now I can declare on a few lucky nations in a final fury of nuclear holocaust before I depart Planet Bob. It will be a glorious.

Hooray for one final nuclear winter for Slayer and company. I'm sure it will be glorious and I'm glad I'm not going to be on the receiving end...

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Is using the same sentence the issue or is the issue really about asking the NPO and allies to fight as they expected others to fight them?

So call out NPO for doing it, TPF has shown themselves to be tremendous fighters in this war, and I think it's bullcrap to accuse them of being dishonorable because Karma screwed up their staggers.

Remove the caps, and you have yourself a case. Pointing out a hypocrite a hypocrite does not make.


Edited by Mogar
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So it's ok to use the same exact sentence NPO used, but as long as you aren't PZIing anyone it's legit?
Ummm... so because ALL actions aren't the same = NO actions are the same?

The way I see it, MK = NPO lite. :P

The big problem people had was the PZI BS.

I also wouldn't take EDFD too seriously here.

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The big problem people had was the PZI BS.

I also wouldn't take EDFD too seriously here.

Pretty sure TPF were the ones who helped convince NPO to stop PZI, but hey, don't let facts get in the way of anything.

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Hold on. How the hell did YOU get into hippy? I mean really guys, he is like the most hated guy around and the stagger got messed up? He doesn't even stay awake for update :P

Correction: I'm only the 2nd most-loathed player on PB. And I'm up because I'm (OOC Working for work...unfortunately) bored.

Besides, I had a nice nap today after I took my Geritol.

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Pretty sure TPF were the ones who helped convince NPO to stop PZI, but hey, don't let facts get in the way of anything.

Silly Mogar don't you know? They're with Karma! Whatever they say's right, whatever you say's wrong. ;)

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If you could show me where I have stated I supported the war against FAN anytime in the past year, I'd like to see it?

It's the example you used, so I used it as well. If you want, we can also talk about NPO PZIing GATO members for being in peace mode?

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Pretty sure TPF were the ones who helped convince NPO to stop PZI, but hey, don't let facts get in the way of anything.

You were equating us to NPO, so I pointed out that the criticism of NPO had to do with the Perma-ZI, not sure what that has to do with TPF.

Assuming those TPF nations don't stay in peace mode indefinitely I don't have a problem with it.

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I never said MK wasn't honorable, but I have a feeling Archon is going to be pissed when he sees this thread, and I am not the one insulting an alliance that has lost 75% of their ns and only nations that are in peace mode are due to failed staggers.

No, but you accused them of banking. I mean who really does that :( . But, uh, yeah, TPF should stay and fight. I can understand that staggers were messed up and they need a chance to rebuild, but that's what terms are for. If an alliance can't fight, allies would understand. Plus, mocking others for what you're doing isn't very nice.

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To many it seems it appear. I'll have our scientist research this topic asap.

58/189. compared to NPO's 255/860, I'd say you guys have a slightly less percentage in peace mode, but that's only because Sparta royally screwed up with NPO"s top tier nations.

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Having all your guys hide in peace mode is not as "honorable" as you might think. What would be "honorable" is either surrendering, or coming out of peace. Coming out of peace would spread the load and allow the guys who haven't hit peace (mostly cause they cant, I'm sure they would if they could) to save some pixels.

How is surrendering when we have said we will not... honorable?

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Lesse here TPF has 58 nations in hippy.

If I'm doing the math correctly, I carry the 3 and multiple by the numerator then divide by the denominator, add back the zeros and carry the one...

That mean MK misses 174 defensive slots. That qualifies as a large plurality of fail.


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It's the example you used, so I used it as well. If you want, we can also talk about NPO PZIing GATO members for being in peace mode?

I dont give a rats $@! about NPO, I'm fine letting them burn, I dont like my protecter, ally, and friends to all be sentenced to ZI, and insulted when they go to peace mode after losing 60k+ ns.

You were equating us to NPO, so I pointed out that the criticism of NPO had to do with the Perma-ZI, not sure what that has to do with TPF.

Assuming those TPF nations don't stay in peace mode indefinitely I don't have a problem with it.

You're using the same exact phrase NPO used, GET OUT OF PEACE MODE AND FIGHT FAN, which is retarded, if you screwed up the staggers it's your own fault, not theirs.

No, but you accused them of banking. I mean who really does that :( . But, uh, yeah, TPF should stay and fight. I can understand that staggers were messed up and they need a chance to rebuild, but that's what terms are for. If an alliance can't fight, allies would understand. Plus, mocking others for what you're doing isn't very nice.

I don't see TPF going to peace mode for anything other than to buy more nukes, and of course PF will get harsh reps after this war is over anyway for all the evil things that happened years ago, I cant wait for Karma to get their own karma.

I first meant the post as a light-hearted "tease" but I DO kinda feel sorry for the 70% of members who are fighting, with 3 or 4 people fighting back at once. So I will not change it.

lern2mathsplz, I fixed your post.

How is surrendering when we have said we will not... honorable?

Because mhawk, they're not going to let you guys go until you're either 1) all at ZI, or 2) surrender and take whatever terms they impose on you.

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I must have missed the part where Mushroom Kingdom were sentencing peace mode nations to perma-ZI.

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I must have missed the part where Mushroom Kingdom were sentencing peace mode nations to perma-ZI.

You must have missed the part where I was refering to the BAWWWWWWWWW YOU'RE NOT LETTING US DESTROY ALL YOUR PIXELS that NPO did during that war, I never said I agreed with NPO's methods, but obviously disagreeing with someone trying to bait people into coming out of peace mode = NPO love amirite?

I think that would be now. Can you say: Shroomish Tech?

When did TPF, the alliance MK is fighting, accept tech from MK?

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I must have missed the part where Mushroom Kingdom were sentencing peace mode nations to perma-ZI.

I don't believe MK would ever do such a thing. Nor do I think saying we're all hiding in peacemode is quite accurate :P

I think mogar and some others are just a bit mad watching one of their allies get taunted over comments that came over a year ago from someone on our side, when the majority of the alliance has fought, and fought quite hard.

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You must have missed the part where I was refering to the BAWWWWWWWWW YOU'RE NOT LETTING US DESTROY ALL YOUR PIXELS that NPO did during that war, I never said I agreed with NPO's methods, but obviously disagreeing with someone trying to bait people into coming out of peace mode = NPO love amirite?

When did TPF, the alliance MK is fighting, accept tech from MK?

You specifically mentioned "... BECAUSE I'M NOT AS BAD AS NPO" in your sarcastic caps lock rant. You were equating Mushroom Kingdom to the New Pacific Order. Somehow I fail to see how there are any similarities between an alliance that threatens perma-ZI for peace mode nations, and an alliance who has a non-government member taunting peace mode nations without any threats or stated consequences for remaining in peace mode.

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