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Justice For Traitors


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I stand before you today amazed.

As yet another member of the Coalition of Cowards receives an easy, merciful peace, I am stunned to think that within the last few weeks the cries for blood that rang from the heart of the Cyberverse seem to have ended abruptly. I recall with perfect clarity the howls that erupted once the CoC decided to jump ship, only to be shamed back into the conflict by Doctor Fresh of MXCA. I recall the promises of destruction, before and after their decision that Shame>Infra. I saw many notable and influential people declare that these cowards and traitors would be justly punished for their crimes.

I see now nothing but easy peace and pats on the head. Is this how you will reward Oath-Breakers and Cowards, Karma? Are you truly so blinded by idealism that you do not see that these people have betrayed their kindred and in doing so forfeited their right to stand equally amongst the community of nations? I implore you to look at the future you create by rewarding the Cowards such easy peaces!

Karma, you are creating our next war already by leaving these alliances virtually untouched. Instead of finishing this off once and for all you have already composed a chain of events that damn us to face this Coalition of liars and cowards again, because you do not wish to have the "dishonorable behavior" of Pacifica associated with your name? I ask you, what matters most? A Temporary Perception of a small group (Because I know it to be fact from many conversations in IRC that most of the footsoldiers of Karma want harsher terms) that Karma is "Replacing the Hedgemony"? Or doing what is right and ending this once and for all? Stop this foolish and idealistic action. You have already manufactured the next Great Conflict out of the fabric of these White Peace's, do not intensify that coming conflict with even one more easy surrender from Anyone who cowardly and traitorously abandoned their brothers in a time of crisis. Do not be fooled by their sweet words and their easy-to-make promises. Destroy their power, erase their political capital, and end once and for all the stench of their cowardice among the Family of Nations.

No False Peace. No Turning Back.

Destroy them.

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I will not stand and watch myself become the monster i am fighting. True virtues are consistent.

You damn us to more conflict. There is a difference between taking that cruel power the enemy has held up once in order to end the cycle, and becoming the beast. You should know this.

Don't be fooled by false promises and easy peace. The Coalition of Cowards deserves nothing less than disbandment for their ridiculous behavior, but failing that, at least return to them a portion of the suffering they have pushed for the rest of the Cyberverse.

Edited by Margrave
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What you are calling for is revenge. What we are doing is defending our friends. Every alliance has the right to exist in the cyberverse, even if we dont agree with their politics or morals (or lack thereof).

This is a game, after all. Grudges should not carry on to a degree where you want to make the other one stop playing the game.

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What is wrong with revenge? Mercy to thoses who deserve it is good. Mercy to thoses who don't is foolish. You can fight, win and crush you enemies and still be just doing it. Mother teresa doesn't and shouldn't play CN.

Edited by adhambek
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Is this going to be GW1 all over again? I certainly hope not, and I can definitely understand your concern.

However, there is a punishment you haven't considered. Who in their right mind would ever want a treaty with OG? Can you imagine the derisive comments that would follow any statement involving OG or anyone else in the CoC Bloc?

I will certainly never forget their actions, and I shall continue to 'advertise' (see below) them as long as they exist.

Those alliances that turned their backs on the NPO and then were shamed into standing up for them should face the fact: nobody will deal with them after such a flagrant display of cowardice. With their last shred of honor they should do the one thing that might save their legacy: disband.

Grudges should not carry on to a degree where you want to make the other one stop playing the game.

I believe you are missing the point completely. Certainly your argument is misplaced, since it is only the Hegemony that has ever tried (and occasionally succeeded) in driving people from Planet Bob.

My personal favorite example:


What Margrave wishes for the Hegemony is far less than what the Hegemony has demanded for others.

The current peace terms that are in vogue -- no peace terms at all, really -- will render this entire exercise pointless. In a few months we'll be back here, doing it all over again.

The other side knows this. They are counting on our weakness to grant them the breathing space they will require once hostilities end.

Edited by kingzog
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What you are calling for is revenge. What we are doing is defending our friends. Every alliance has the right to exist in the cyberverse, even if we dont agree with their politics or morals (or lack thereof).

This is a game, after all. Grudges should not carry on to a degree where you want to make the other one stop playing the game.

You would spank the hand that was once the iron fist and let them skip along on their merry way to plot their return to power. I ask for nothing less than that Justice be done and that retribution against them for their cowardice and their evil actions be made.

There is a time and place for pretty beliefs, and then there is a time to get your hands dirty to do what must be done. Your pretty scruples will be the death of us.

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Karma, you are creating our next war already by leaving these alliances virtually untouched.

Gatherum, opened one eye, then the other, sat up, and smiled.

All the better. And to quote one very wise...

"People achieve definition through conflict. They find themselves, or find themselves lacking."

You and the people within your affiliation, more than most, should know the truth in that sentiment. Our enemies shall survive the day and fight again. Let them come.

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Is this going to be GW1 all over again? I certainly hope not, and I can definitely understand your concern.

However, there is a punishment you haven't considered. Who in their right mind would ever want a treaty with OG? Can you imagine the derisive comments that would follow any statement involving OG or anyone else in the CoC Bloc?

I will certainly never forget their actions, and I shall continue to 'advertise' (see below) them as long as they exist.

Those alliances that turned their backs on the NPO and then were shamed into standing up for them should face the fact: nobody will deal with them after such a flagrant display of cowardice. With their last shred of honor they should do the one thing that might save their legacy: disband.

People are forgetful, and liars are good at lying. Their PR campaign will have to be massive and over long periods of time, but they will convince at least some people that they are worthy treaty partners again, and then we will be looking at them through our sights in no time at all.

Mhawk: You are not included in TPF's Cowardice, though I suppose you might try and defend it/justify it.

Edited by Margrave
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You would spank the hand that was once the iron fist and let them skip along on their merry way to plot their return to power. I ask for nothing less than that Justice be done and that retribution against them for their cowardice and their evil actions be made.

There is a time and place for pretty beliefs, and then there is a time to get your hands dirty to do what must be done. Your pretty scruples will be the death of us.

NPO will get its punishment, as for those who alligned themselves with them: They honored their treaties. I strongly hope they will reconsider their ties, but it is in their right as an independent alliance to decide for themselves.

What use is getting rid of the iron fist and then replacing it with ours? If we dont set a precedent, no one will and this cyberverse will continue to be the rotten place it has been for a long time. You can not convince people of beliefs by force, but only by making them doubt their own.

Also, its not our "scruples" that are the death of you. You are responsible for your own fate. If anything is the reason, its your own actions.

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hmm...punish them because they canceled with someone you consider the most ebil....but still honored their other treaty (Q).

I'm sure the same talk would have happened, how they should be punished because they didn't cancel and kept the MDAP. (see Azaghul posts in OG peace topic).

Anyway, whats wrong if we get another big war??? isn't that what most of the people in karma wanted?? war to kill the boredom in CN?? now you want a "lived happily ever after" end?

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hmm...punish them because they canceled with someone you consider the most ebil....but still honored their other treaty (Q).

I'm sure the same talk would have happened, how they should be punished because they didn't cancel and kept the MDAP. (see Azaghul posts in OG peace topic).

Anyway, whats wrong if we get another big war??? isn't that what most of the people in karma wanted?? war to kill the boredom in CN?? now you want a "lived happily ever after" end?

My passion drives me to seek Justice, Retribution, and the destruction of cowards and traitors. They make a pretty claim to "Keeping Their Treaties", but the plain fact of it is that if Fresh hadn't been really convincing, they'd still be sitting out the fight. They have forever stained themselves as backstabbers and cowards and deserve a harsh fate for their actions. There is no shame in a White peace for their allies or friends who went to their aid. But it should be the shame of everyone who stands against these that there are members of the Cowards who will walk free and in peace tonight.

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Is this going to be GW1 all over again? I certainly hope not, and I can definitely understand your concern.

However, there is a punishment you haven't considered. Who in their right mind would ever want a treaty with OG? Can you imagine the derisive comments that would follow any statement involving OG or anyone else in the CoC Bloc?

You can send your derisive comments to TOP's mail box, if you like. OG is still a member of the Citadel and is still our ally.

Edited by Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz
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I'm still waiting for that hand to reach down in mercy so that you can lift me up to greatness, Margrave :P

I love you so much I clean up your posts for you, Mhawk.

My hands are covered in blood and wrapped around a rifle at the moment, so you'll excuse me if I don't try and wrest you from your ignorance, friend.

:wub: Mhawk :wub:

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My passion drives me to seek Justice, Retribution, and the destruction of cowards and traitors. They make a pretty claim to "Keeping Their Treaties", but the plain fact of it is that if Fresh hadn't been really convincing, they'd still be sitting out the fight. They have forever stained themselves as backstabbers and cowards and deserve a harsh fate for their actions. There is no shame in a White peace for their allies or friends who went to their aid. But it should be the shame of everyone who stands against these that there are members of the Cowards who will walk free and in peace tonight.

No one is denying their cowardice...but who shall replace them as opponents?

Stagnancy, before the War of the Coalition, and even before the Unjust War, was a defining element of Digiterra that suffocated most of its populace. The loss of the leading alliances of Aegis was what caused this. The loss of the Continuum and One Vision will produce similar results. Such is by no means a desirable outcome.

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Mhawk: You are not included in TPF's Cowardice, though I suppose you might try and defend it/justify it.

There are no cowards. If they were cowards they have every chance to go seek refuge in Karma POW, having honored their treaty and free to run. The strong ones are who have rallied, even for a cause they may not agree, but because they gave their word. Fighting extreme odds against a mixed enemy of friends and hate filled scumbags. However actions speak louder than words and in the coming days/weeks ad infinitum they will prove their loyalty to themselves and friends and that is all any of are here for anyways.

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Those alliances that turned their backs on the NPO and then were shamed into standing up for them should face the fact: nobody will deal with them after such a flagrant display of cowardice. With their last shred of honor they should do the one thing that might save their legacy: disband.

If only that were true, Planet Bob has shown time and again, we have a tendency to be like a cow. Flick the tail when the mosquito bites, and then forget all about the mosquito.

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This ain't a battle that can be won. Harsh dealings only enshrine bitterness and give them something to spur them on toward revenge. Without a solid grievance they will have difficulty uniting against us. They will, of course, prefer to divide and conquer as always, which is difficult to pre-empt. See my thoughts here on that subject.

The most important point that I implore you to see here, Margrave, is that no threat can be permanently vanquished. I am walking proof. The best we can do is deprive them of exactly the justification they are looking for and prepare for the inevitable backlash of vengeance, with hope that it does not come. It is on this last point that my faith in Karma dissolves completely.

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Karma, you are creating our next war already by leaving these alliances virtually untouched. Instead of finishing this off once and for all you have already composed a chain of events that damn us to face this Coalition of liars and cowards again

I really love the fact that I'm enjoying this war while I know it to be only act 1. Do you really want another year of boring peace :)

Besides while they are not virtually untouched. Most of the core allies of NPO have taken (or are taking) heavy losses.

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Many people style to call themselves Karma. But, it is just a name. It is obvious that there is no intent to live up to the definition of karma. I believe that failure to do so will just to let some of the alliances known as "The Hegemony" to reconsolidate their power. If that happens we will just have the current cycle that we have. We are fighting the same war we fought two years ago in GW3. Just different names, different faces, more people and more NS. Except that this time the other side of the MDP web is winning. "Karma" needs to get its act together or else, it will reap what it sows. But, they will sow it because they failed to enforce their will on someone when given the chance to do so.

"Peace through superior firepower." Use it.

I love a good war as much as anybody. But, once a month will do for me. Not, everday.

Edit: Clarification.

Edited by bobjohnny
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I really love the fact that I'm enjoying this war while I know it to be only act 1. Do you really want another year of boring peace :)

Besides while they are not virtually untouched. Most of the core allies of NPO have taken (or are taking) heavy losses.

I think his argument is that at this point they are still much too powerful to simply be let free to roam the pastures.

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The most important point that I implore you to see here, Margrave, is that no threat can be permanently vanquished.

I would ask you to consult with IAA, \m/, NoV, NoR, GOONS, Gen[m]ay, The UJP, etc, etc, etc....

While their old members influence the policy of today it does not make those alliances any less dead.

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