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Green Protection Agency Election Results, for the May/June Term

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On behalf of the Green Protection Agency, I am proud to announce the results of our recent elections. Our new government looks forward to continuing our commitment to neutrality, peace and building ever improving relations with all of Planet Bob. Come by and visit our forums

http://forums.cn-gpa.com/index.php or drop by our IRC channel (#GPA on Coldfront)!

Current Government of the Green Protection Agency


Office of the Executive

President - Jim Raynor

Vice President - Warmongrel

G.P.A. Cabinet

(Includes Office of the Executive):

Minister of Defense - T!GER1125

Minister of Internal Affairs - SilentProtector

Minister of Foreign Affairs - Ouchneddnesscooooo

Minister of Economics - probablamenteno

Minister of Membership Compliance - Biff Webster

Board of Directors

(Non-Cabinet, Elected Officials):

Director of the Academy - GreenMachine

Director of Communications - 1Paka1

Director of Recruiting - TragicOne

Director of Trade - PDGray

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Why do you guys have a minister of defence.

And does he have to be an actual person?

Note that it's a minister of DEFENSE, not War or Offense. GPA are not neutral pacifist. They defend themselves in the face of an attack. So yes, They do need a MoD. <_<

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probablamenteno is Minister Of Economics? He screwed me on a tech deal a while back. Good luck with that.


Hey Val - long time old friend.

I'm sure that the two of you must have had a misunderstanding on the issue. I say this as a friend to both of you. I can guarantee you Prob is a person of outstanding character and would never intentionally screw anybody over in terms of anything, yet alone a tech deal. I trust him greatly and I'd put my reputation on the line for him anytime. He'll be a fantastic MoE for us.

I know you to be a person of great character in your tech dealing as well (You were one of my stable tech-sellers back in the day after all :P), so I'm sure it was nothing more than a miscommunication. If you still have an issue with whatever happened, you are welcome to come over to the GPA forums, and we'll try and discover what went wrong and mend any error if it exists. Hope all is well with you.

Congrats to our entire government! Looking forward to this term.

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Now that the totalitarian and expansionist regimes - the ones that forced you into changing your government and bylaws in order to better accommodate the way they wanted you to function - are dying or emasculated...

...when are you going to revert to your original constitution, instead of the one NPO & GPA wrote for you and made you adopt at gunpoint?

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Hey Val - long time old friend.

I'm sure that the two of you must have had a misunderstanding on the issue. I say this as a friend to both of you. I can guarantee you Prob is a person of outstanding character and would never intentionally screw anybody over in terms of anything, yet alone a tech deal. I trust him greatly and I'd put my reputation on the line for him anytime. He'll be a fantastic MoE for us.

I know you to be a person of great character in your tech dealing as well (You were one of my stable tech-sellers back in the day after all :P), so I'm sure it was nothing more than a miscommunication. If you still have an issue with whatever happened, you are welcome to come over to the GPA forums, and we'll try and discover what went wrong and mend any error if it exists.

Yo Fu,

Yes it's been a long time and I do not come here often. All is well. I hope it's the same for you my friend.

This incident happened some time ago but this is not one I will forget. It's not about the money. It's about the threats he made when I stated my case. Respect is earned. Sorry Fu, he does not and will not have mine.

Come visit us sometime. We don't bite (hard).

PS: I don't even know where the GPA forums are anymore. The last time I tried my account didn't work.

Edited by Valinor
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what happened with KahlanRahl :(

She married me and her nation subsequently merged into Fuland. She now lives in the capital of Fuland with me and my other wives. I apologize to all those of you out there whose hearts she broke with this choice. She couldn't resist the fro. I'd advise you all grow one if you hope to compete with me in the future.

(OOC: She's starting over with a new identity outside the GPA to try something new for a while - We'll miss her dearly... but we won't stop believing.)

Edited by Emperor Fu
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