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Joint Announcement; End of Hostilities

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Seems to me like both sides are putting their spin on things.

Just for fun, I'll add my own!

Sparta is much much larger than TOOL, so large, in fact that I know that many members of TOOL were having to fight four Sparta members, with those kinds of odds, is it really hard to believe that TOOL was taking more damage to Sparta?

You all act like "OMG PWNZORS," but you neglect to realize that TOOL had alot of fight left, so which is smarter for Sparta, get TOOL off of their back so they can focus on NPO, or contribute to some stupid bloodbath? As a member of TOOL, I assure you, we were all ready to go down fighting. The numbers may look grim, but we had fight left in us.

As I've said before, all sides are now better off today than they were yesterday, for various reasons.

This "did you win or did you lose" bull is childish. Adults know that there isn't always a clear cut winner or a clear cut loser. The fact is, TOOL did the best with the resources available, what more do you expect? Did you expect a thoroughly outnumbered alliance to suddenly explode in glorious victory? Would Sparta rather wipe TOOL off the face of CN, while tying up a bunch of their resources and exposing themselves further in their confrontation with NPO?

Edit- You've always got an open aid slot in my nation, and in my heart Zoom.

Edited by TempusCCK
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you recieved better than white peace for a war of aggression you were soundly trounced in? sorry if i think that is a little soft. And like i said earlier there will be no log dumps here. Also sorry if im a devout archonist ( o/ archonism as the good potato preaches) and i actually buy into the ideas of honor and respect and im not using the 'karma' revolution as a political trampoline for my alliance, maybe karma truely is the pepsi to hegenomy's coca cola; we shall see.

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you recieved better than white peace for a war of aggression you were soundly trounced in? sorry if i think that is a little soft. And like i said earlier there will be no log dumps here. Also sorry if im a devout archonist ( o/ archonism as the good potato preaches) and i actually buy into the ideas of honor and respect and im not using the 'karma' revolution as a political trampoline for my alliance, maybe karma truely is the pepsi to hegenomy's coca cola; we shall see.

I won't go on a rant here, but FnKa was kicking @$$ at the time of peace. And while I realize that would've ended quickly, don't sit here and troll a thread about peace. That's just wrong. It was an honorable war, our opponents and our allies alike put up a good fight, and that's the end of it.

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you recieved better than white peace for a war of aggression you were soundly trounced in? sorry if i think that is a little soft. And like i said earlier there will be no log dumps here. Also sorry if im a devout archonist ( o/ archonism as the good potato preaches) and i actually buy into the ideas of honor and respect and im not using the 'karma' revolution as a political trampoline for my alliance, maybe karma truely is the pepsi to hegenomy's coca cola; we shall see.

Give up already. You've ceased to become amusing. Coz you be Trollin;. :awesome: Can I ask why there will be no log dumps?

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I won't go on a rant here, but FnKa was kicking @$$ at the time of peace. And while I realize that would've ended quickly, don't sit here and troll a thread about peace. That's just wrong. It was an honorable war, our opponents and our allies alike put up a good fight, and that's the end of it.

im sure you were brother, but what im talking about has nothing to do with the fnka and brigade conflict. I have no knowledge of that theatre and its not my intention to demean your or the brigades effort's, who were extremely helpful with tool even though you had them heavily engaged.

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im sure you were brother, but what im talking about has nothing to do with the fnka and brigade conflict. I have no knowledge of that theatre and its not my intention to demean your or the brigades effort's, who were extremely helpful with tool even though you had them heavily engaged.

Well then, I believe we're arguing about the same topic, but we're in different rooms.

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Also sorry if im a devout archonist ( o/ archonism as the good potato preaches) and i actually buy into the ideas of honor and respect and im not using the 'karma' revolution as a political trampoline for my alliance, maybe karma truely is the pepsi to hegenomy's coca cola; we shall see.

I should really like to know what the devil you're on about.

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I should really like to know what the devil you're on about.

im not trying to go get into too much detial because slandering an entire alliance as the result of the actions of a several few is not my style. Feel free to query any dt gov on irc and im sure you will get a better explanation. My intent is only to explain how the dark templar truely feels about these 'terms' give we were the ones who took the majority of the damage and delt the most back.

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im not trying to go get into too much detial because slandering an entire alliance as the result of the actions of a several few is not my style. Feel free to query any dt gov on irc and im sure you will get a better explanation. My intent is only to explain how the dark templar truely feels about these 'terms' give we were the ones who took the majority of the damage and delt the most back.

Then why, pray tell, did you sign them? You are a sovereign alliance. No one made you sign anything.


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I was asking you in what way I am "using the 'karma' revolution as a political trampoline" for my alliance. This intrigues me, because I haven't a clue what you're talking about.

Though I'm also curious why your government wouldn't have objected strenuously to these terms during talks if they had such a problem with them.

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I was asking you in what way I am "using the 'karma' revolution as a political trampoline" for my alliance. This intrigues me, because I haven't a clue what you're talking about.

Though I'm also curious why your government wouldn't have objected strenuously to these terms during talks if they had such a problem with them.

well this is as far as im willing to go like i said irc is a more appropriate place to continue this conversation , but believe me im not refering to the bridage when i say "using the 'karma' revolution as a political trampoline"

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Our goal was to get TOOL out of the war and this was accomplished. TOOL wanted to make sure their allies would be safe from attacks from us and that wasn't an issue, so we accepted. If any of us had any intentions of hitting any of TOOLs allies, I could understand why people would be complaining about the terms but we weren't.

So you leave it to others on the karma side to fight your fight? White peace for TOOL is good, but this is a step too far.

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Lol, whatever you say.

Edit: To the fine gentleman above me, the only one of TOOL's allies we could hit legally by treaty would be NPO. Methinks there is a sufficient number of alliances engaging NPO to ensure that our allies in Sparta will not need our help. Nothing is our fight unless our allies request our services or we are in some way wronged.

Edited by Adrian LaCroix
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If it makes you feel any better, I'm sure that DT is also in no way responsible for TOOL surrendering, since, well, you guys didn't really do jack !@#$ for damage. :)

Yes, of course. We did no damage, although TOOL was hit by well over 150 DT nukes.

Truly, your knowledge is unparalleled.

I'd recommend holing back up under your bridge and taking some time to sit back and learn a thing or two. That way the next time you decide to come out and make an idiotic comment, it might at least be based in fact.


@Everyone else:

I'll give you all a brief glimpse into the minds of the negotiators:

-TOOL and FnKa both knew they were going to lose

-Sparta, Brigade, AO, DT, Blackhorse and LSR wanted to give them peace

-TOOL and FnKa did not want to leave us to go attacking their allies

-We agree not to attack their treaty partners, excluding Sparta's war with NPO which was already active

-Peace all around

In other words, peace was reached on amicable terms, with respect and fairness on both sides.

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What Adrian said. Sparta is only now engaged with the NPO. Sure, we could jump the NPO as well and maybe we'll get a slot or two. And the VE knows that if they require assistance on their front, we are here for them. As it stands, if the Brigade declares on any one of TOOL's allies (except the NPO), we would just be bandwagoning since none of their allies are at war with any of our allies.

Edited by Segovia
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im not trying to go get into too much detial because slandering an entire alliance as the result of the actions of a several few is not my style. Feel free to query any dt gov on irc and im sure you will get a better explanation. My intent is only to explain how the dark templar truely feels about these 'terms' give we were the ones who took the majority of the damage and delt the most back.
im not trying to go get into too much detial because slandering an entire alliance as the result of the actions of a several few is not my style. Feel free to query any dt gov on irc and im sure you will get a better explanation. My intent is only to explain how I truely feel about these 'terms' give we were the ones who took the majority of the damage and delt the most back.

Fixed :)

I see hardly any other DT members supporting what you are saying in this thread. You are voicing your opinion, not DTs as a whole, or that is certainly how it appears.

Since this post will undoubtedly be trolled like my others, i'm staying out of this thread. I have better things to do with my time.

Edited by Miriais
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Since this post will undoubtedly be trolled like my others, i'm staying out of this thread. I have better things to do with my time.

About time. I don't see the problem here. We were outgunned and fully beat by (four) (LaCroix, 2009) excellent, well organized alliances. DT fought honorably, and so did we. We definately did damage to eachother. Sparta, Brig and DT and AO gave us very fair terms, and their generosity will not be forgotten.

Where's the issue?

Edited by Galapagos
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well this is as far as im willing to go like i said irc is a more appropriate place to continue this conversation , but believe me im not refering to the bridage when i say "using the 'karma' revolution as a political trampoline"

I'm intrigued by your vigor, particularly in contrast to MaGneT's more reasonable opinion (not to mention his superb writing skills). So with all due respect, why don't you shut the hell up, mop up what's left of your public dignity with your soiled cloths, and go back to your hole? To the rest of DT, I'm very sorry you have to put up with this guy; my best of luck to you all.

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All I can think after reading some of these posts is that to some, the perception or belief in an ability to claim victory is THE most important thing on Digiterra. I ask that, seriously, does it really matter?? Are the collective sense of well being so much more gratified by a declaration of victory over an opponent after a white peace is declared??

I'll honestly say that my collective opponents in Sparta, Brigade and DT were pounding the snot out of my poor country. Nearly 2 nukes a day and a general ravaging of my poor nation. Would I claim some fallacious title of grandiose meritocratic service and some enhanced sense of maleness for being able to dish it as good as I got, even though I didn't?? I could if I were some of the small minded people here who wanted to see their opponents in ashes as the only sign of victory. Unrealistic and in Freudian babble, a clear manifestation of an weakened, underdeveloped and insecure ego, with a severe need for healthy stimulus.

To those who feel the need, as a member of TOOL, I say you can go ahead and claim absolute domination of my nation. See if my rebuilding efforts are any different. Sheesh! I'm so glad that my opponents had so much more chivalry in them, even as they beat the snot out of me.

o/to the armistice, white peace, victory stealing defeat or whatever you want to call it. People did what they thought was right, and I applaud all the gents and ladies out there. Without you few classy people, this planet would suck monkey ballz

NOTE: This post is not to be seen as condescending to those who are questioning the "legalisms" or interpretations of the treaty. That to me is just curiosity manifested and is clearly a very good thing on the forums.


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