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Orion/Invicta/NX Joint Announcement

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Well now that's completely incorrect. Admin has nothing to do with which team Invicta chose to inhabit and as such why would one thank admin for doing absolutely nothing to encourage the movement of Invicta on to purple? Furthermore, the one reason for thanking would be the creation of the game, but that has nothing to do with the topic at hand and ergo is completely irrelevant.

)): Thank Almighty Admin is a figure of speech. Since you did not get it, how about Purple should be glad Invicta chose to reside on their Team. As for the rest of your response, I do not think my post was completely incorrect. Invicta fought bravely against 8 (if I missed any sorry) alliances some of which were twice their NS. They should be commended for that. They fought alongside an ally against overwhelming odds, regardless of what it would do to their Infra, Tech or Land. Such allies are hard to come by.

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Glad to see you guys have peace, you have done purple proud, hold your heads up high my brothers, for you have deserved it.

o/ Purple, a sphere unified..... almost, still <3 you M*A*S*H

Congratulations to Nebula-X and Invicta. Honor and valor remain intact. A speedy rebuild, and you're invited to Rosie's for a few dozen rounds, we'll buy.


And thanks for the shout-out, Pansy.

CN will never have a decent war lasting for more than week since half the alliances on the (supposed/expected) losing side will have peaced out already. Then it's just yet another curbstomp. Yawn.

This isn't a curbstomp in any sense of the word. Have you looked at the Wiki page?

Glad to see Invicta get the white peace they deserve.

Agreed. With the exception of Valhalla, no Purple powers are signatories to either Moebus Accords or One Vision.

Here's hoping for peace across the board and a more unified Purple.

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So, who's up for heading to the bar and getting drunk while everybody else on the planet continues to fight it out? :P

I'd like to reiterate that any member of Orion (because you are great opponents) who comes to Milwaukee gets a tour of our best bars and beers here.

Same thing, of course, for my fellow Invictans.

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I have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for Invicta, always will. And Nebula-X are a good bunch of folks also. Thanks for fighting alongside us in this war, and I respect your decision to withdraw from the fight. You fought bravely, and have gained much honor, on top of which you already had, as honorable alliances.

o/ Invicta and Nebula-X (Good luck)

And to Orion, I salute the honorable white peace.


Good show all around.

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May your alliances soon return on old numerical strength. The moral strength is already on an all time high.

considering we only loss like 20k, i don't forsee it being that hard for us to rebuild beyond our previous point

It was good to have opponents who were as courteous as TCB and TAB were, maybe our next encounter won't be due to a war.

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It has been a pleasure fighting Invicta, not only for they were honorable opponents, but also for they were quite a challenge.

Nebula-X, congratulations. You indeed hit us hard with your initial strike, and everyone of your allies should be glad to call you friends.

Edited by Askar Ivanovich
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