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A Statement from the Red Cross

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The Red Cross has spent much of the week organizing itself and has recently constructed a home in Geneva, Planet Bob-Switzerland; Headquarters of the Red Cross.

We even have our own telephone number! #RedX.

Having experienced a week-long peace since the announcement of our existence, we would like to cordially invite friends and diplomats to visit.

However, since we are a brand new Red Team alliance, we would appreciate your patience if delays of any sort interrupt our masking.

In other news, we have also remixed our charter since our last one was more Panic at the Disco! than Rise Against!

So, without further ado and bands who have names ending with exclamation marks, we present to you the International Charter of Red Cross Affiliated States and the foot-tapping song Audience of One.


The International Charter of Red Cross Affiliated States

Our Mission

The mission of the Red Cross is to improve the welfare of the Red Team by mobilizing the power of humanity to provide for a stable and free sphere resistant to persecution and corruption.


The Red Cross is an independent coalition of Red Team states which provides for the humanitarian organization of assistance to the vulnerable and opportunity to the disadvantaged.


Our actions and decisions shall be based upon:

  • Humanitarian values, as expressed by our Fundamental Principles;
  • The dedication of our interrelated resources to establish the fulfillment of our mission and vision,
  • Constant vigilance for the welfare of our sphere.

National Affiliation

National affiliation with the Red Cross is contingent on Red Team membership and clearly specified requirements as established by the Committee; the validation of such national affiliation is expressly contingent on the prohibition of congruent membership by an affiliated nation with any other alliance.

National affiliation is segregated between candidacy and membership for the purpose of evaluation; candidacy shall be probationary and membership shall be permanent unless involuntarily removed or voluntarily forfeited.

National affiliation, by default, implies default agreement to the fundamental principles and the articles of this charter.


As an independent coalition of sovereign nations, national affiliates are subject to the administration of the Red Cross with regard to matters of military action and membership-related economic coordination; the executive authority of such administration shall be reflected by the presence of the Committee.

The Committee is the executive and legislative authority of the Red Cross; the Committee shall be comprised of the President, who shall directly administrate domestic policy, retain authoritative discretion over internal and external affairs and appoint the Director, who shall directly administrate matters of economic and military concern, and the Chancellor, who shall directly administrate matters of foreign policy.

The Parliament is the electoral component of such administration and shall hold legislative authority over the establishment of foreign agreements; Parliament shall be comprised of Staff who have been directly appointed by the Committee. In addition to assisting with administration, Staff shall have the Franchise to participate with during Votes of No Confidence, Presidential Elections, Speaker Determinations and the establishment of foreign agreements; the latter with which shall be subject to the exception of the issuance or acceptance of conflict-related articles and terms. Parliament shall popularly determine a Speaker who shall arrange for the administration of Votes of No Confidence.


For the purpose of withstanding corruption and incompetence, any member of the Committee or Staff may be removed from his or her position by way of a successful Vote of No Confidence; Parliament may witness a Vote of No Confidence against the Committee or Staff if the Speaker decides that such an action is warranted. Through a transparent vote which shall be ruled by a simple majority, Parliament shall either accept or deny the validation of a Vote of No Confidence if it is presented; once passed, the affected individual must be removed from office if a guilty verdict is rendered. Parliament may witness a Vote of No Confidence against the Speaker if the President decides that such an action is warranted.

Every Parliamentary Voting Period shall last no longer than seventy-two hours unless a non-verdict is rendered; in the advent of such a circumstance, a Voting Period shall continue in forty-eight hour increments with the two leading nominations until a verdict is reached. Presidential Elections shall be held every six months; elections to determine the Speaker shall be held every three months.

The Committee shall have the authority to issue discipline against any individual who wilfully violates the integrity of the Red Cross or uses subterfuge to hinder this charter; such action shall be in accordance with the Fundamental Principles and shall be restricted to the extent of membership removal and/or limited engagement.

Fundamental Principles

The Fundamental Principles allow the Red Cross to provide help immediately to any person who needs it, wherever they are, whatever their affiliation, political beliefs, religion, social status, or culture.

Born of a desire to bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield, the Red Cross shall aid the defence or reconstruction of any Red Team nation or alliance to the best of its ability.

Endeavouring to relieve the suffering of individuals, the Red Cross shall be guided solely by their immediate needs of the vulnerable and give priority to the most urgent cases of distress.

In order to continue to enjoy the confidence of all, the Red Cross may not take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature unless the stability of the Red Team is threatened, an ally is endangered, or the integrity of the Red Cross itself is endangered.

The Red Cross is independent. The freedom of its members to engage in humanitarian services on the Red Team is its sovereign and innate liberty.

The Red Cross is a voluntary relief movement not prompted in any manner by desire for personal gain.

The Red Cross is committed to the furtherance of civil game play and shall not entertain methods of game play which prohibit the ability of an individual to play CyberNations.


This charter may be amended with the consent of a two-third majority vote by Parliament.



We're here to stay; we have chosen to keep the others unaffiliated until we get our feet wet. Our HQ is cooler than the sewer used by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and our receptionist is really hot.


Also, Red is free!

EDITED: Had to include IRC. :)

Edited by ModusOperandi
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The more distractions the better.

The question boils down to will Karma force NPO to remove their doctrines as part of their surrender terms.

No surrender terms are necessary. Too much paperwork. Complete destruction.

Edited by Druid
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