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If You Just Joined CN, Which Alliance Would You Join

Aeternos Astramora

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I would base it on OWF presence and personality, in which case I'd go;

1a) Grämlins

1b) Mushroom Kingdom

1c) Vanguard

They are all smallish, tight nit, and active.

Of course I'm leaving out the alliance I'm already in, which are all friends from outside of CN so that is and will be my 1st choice always, but as we are not public and this topic is about public alliances, there you go.

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most probably The International, or GATO.

i remember i wanted to go to a leftist alliance when i first joined but i though CPCN was like another CP in another universe so i went to GATO instead. i think i searched oldest democracy in the wiki or somethin.

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