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Declaration of War from the Multicolored Cross-X Alliance

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I will not lie when I say that last night, our government made a tremendous mistake - one that occured in dozens of other alliances - of seeking to take ourselves out of harm's way at the expense of throwing one of our longest-standing allies under the proverbial bus.

Shame you guys failed to make this recognition when you betrayed Polaris and BLEU all those months ago. With any luck you guys will pay for your past crimes in this war. o/ Karma

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We do not seek forgiveness or absolution from Pacifica; we do not seek leniency or respect from Karma.

I imagine you'll see the respect from Karma, but that's about it.

We were very close, too, weren't we Fresh? tis a pity.

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I approve. Manning up, admitting a mistake, and then rectifying it is something I can get behind.


o/ VE

See you on the battlefield

oh wait

I already did!

Hi there! Oh btw, NeuralLink, thanks for having the balls to really go all out on me, I was getting bored!

edit: spelling suffers greatly when I'm tired

Edited by Azriel Cameron
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hey gopher, my skinning knives are coming out just for you!

I'm on it, Gopher, KingEd and Bryn (their Minister of Finance) have all declared on me. Bring it, boys!

Oh, and hail MCXA for having the balls to defend their allies, and to admit their mistakes last night.

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I'm on it, Gopher, KingEd and Bryn (their Minister of Finance) have all declared on me. Bring it, boys!

Oh, and hail MCXA for having the balls to defend their allies, and to admit their mistakes last night.

That's very good. When they are done with you nothing but dust will be left.

Happy Birthday MCXA :D

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Wow MCXA grew balls, shame this didn't happen 6 months ago when MCXA had some kind of staying power. Still better late than never, but war calls and now VE shall finish what TSO started. RIP MCXA, it was good while it lasted.

Oh lol @ MCXA govt dogpiling Fran, come on guys no love for me?

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