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Imperial Decree

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What damage control is necessary? There are exaggerated rumors being spread of some sort of underhandedness on Pacifica's part, but these are only tools of the populist extremists to attempt character assassination against Pacifica and its Emperor. They do not possess the will or the strength to accomplish their goals in a straightforward manner, and as such have to result to semantic games and trickery.

They aren't rumors, sorry. It would be great if we could make this up, but comedy gold often has the habit of writing itself.

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What damage control is necessary? There are exaggerated rumors being spread of some sort of underhandedness on Pacifica's part, but these are only tools of the populist extremists to attempt character assassination against Pacifica and its Emperor. They do not possess the will or the strength to accomplish their goals in a straightforward manner, and as such have to result to semantic games and trickery.

You really don't read the forums much do you?

Also, trickery only gets so many to follow you...real problems gets a hell of a lot more. And we've got a hell of a lot of people.

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How did NPO receive the intel that Seth had been talking to Demeanor?

Well since I am one of the 2 NPO members that are on damage control, as I have been portrayed oddly enough.

I will say that I do not know that information, you have just as much of a guess as mine. Of course our biases may lay in different camps, thus leading to differing conclusions.

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What damage control is necessary? There are exaggerated rumors being spread of some sort of underhandedness on Pacifica's part, but these are only tools of the populist extremists to attempt character assassination against Pacifica and its Emperor. They do not possess the will or the strength to accomplish their goals in a straightforward manner, and as such have to result to semantic games and trickery.

Capital letters, full stops, grammar, spelling.. Holy mother of God! You're no GGA member at all! It seems trickery is rife from both sides eh, foul demon!

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They aren't rumors, sorry. It would be great if we could make this up, but comedy gold often has the habit of writing itself.

All I have heard is miscommunication, but even with whatever events transpired recently aside, OV has been provided with plenty of opportunity to avoid an outbreak of war.

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Alright since I am fair and a man of logic.

Please give me 1 member of TORN that thinks we are tossing them under the bus. Then we can say your point is justified until then I will ask my fellow pacificans just re-iterate this point.

Ah... I won't name any names off hand, but I'd imagine that when we all wake up tomorrow it will be revealed. Suspense is a fine part of theatre, you see...

I will give you a hint, since you are a man of logic who happens to think fairly enough, although it will seem to just be a reiteration of what others have said recently... Ditch the sinking ship. :)

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Well since I am one of the 2 NPO members that are on damage control, as I have been portrayed oddly enough.

I will say that I do not know that information, you have just as much of a guess as mine. Of course our biases may lay in different camps, thus leading to differing conclusions.

Bilrow would be proud!

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You really don't read the forums much do you?

Also, trickery only gets so many to follow you...real problems gets a hell of a lot more. And we've got a hell of a lot of people.

I read the forums as much as anyone else; I just do not happen to share the addiction to psychedelics that seems to provide the opposition with its viewpoints.

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ok so here goes.......

OV got caught red handed with information that could only have been obtained by spying.

NPO had no treaty of any discription with OV.

posting a DOW on this forum is a courtesy only.

So why all the spleen venting really about.

OV were approached by TORN and TPF, then days later NPO, over one of their members clicking on a screenshot gained by a spy working for Blackstone who queried him with the link. The information was inconsequential. They demanded the expulsion of two members - a deputy [seth], and a triumvir [Duffy].

Duffy was guilty, they said, of telling a member of Blackstone that Gre was leaving Continuum, something Gre itself had told it's entire membership and all of it's allies, thereby spreading it through IRC faster than a match in a can of gasoline. After much bellyaching and threatening, they dropped the "charges" on Duffy.

Logs of the negotiations can be found here, for your viewing pleasure. Tonight, Ordo Verde met with the NPO and TORN to discuss a peaceful settlement. This was to be mediated by The Order of Paradox, probably NPO's longest and most solid ally. NPO/TORN used this as a smokescreen, and declared in the middle of negotiations. TOP was not informed they were being lead on, judging by their reaction.

The truth is out there, and it's not very hard to find.

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Well since I am one of the 2 NPO members that are on damage control, as I have been portrayed oddly enough.

I will say that I do not know that information, you have just as much of a guess as mine. Of course our biases may lay in different camps, thus leading to differing conclusions.

Let me be the first to tell you what a fantastic job you are doing! :awesome:

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Come on, you're telling me moo couldn't have ordered someone to do it in a query? Oh, I forgot, nobody can declare war except, erm, the emperor.

Minutia is fun!

I fail to see what they gain(ed) by waiting, I mean, seriously. This is such a moot point, I'm just tired of seeing it debated over and over when it really doesn't matter. Again go troll some other aspect of Pacifica, there are other things to troll which make a lot more sense than this. -_-

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Ah... I won't name any names off hand, but I'd imagine that when we all wake up tomorrow it will be revealed. Suspense is a fine part of theatre, you see...

I will give you a hint, since you are a man of logic who happens to think fairly enough, although it will seem to just be a reiteration of what others have said recently... Ditch the sinking ship. :)

My comment was made to Orkules in regards to how we are apparently throwing TORN under the bus stating a fact of a DoW being after war declarations. I challenged to find 1 TORN member that felt NPO (as in LoD or myself since we seem to be the ones discussing it) were throwing them under the bus because of those comments.

As for sinking ship, I dont run from war and if this indeed a sinking ship then I will stick around to make sure everyone gets a life vest.

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All I have heard is miscommunication, but even with whatever events transpired recently aside, OV has been provided with plenty of opportunity to avoid an outbreak of war.

I don't think that OV has much to worry about.

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I read the forums as much as anyone else; I just do not happen to share the addiction to psychedelics that seems to provide the opposition with its viewpoints.

But the pyschedelics make the forums glow with pretty colors!

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You're welcome. We don't actually have to let you know what our alliance decides to do really. If we were to declare war on OV, present them with the DoW, and never post it here, what would you do? They know why they're being attacked, we know why they're being attacked, the alliances that actually have relevant interest in the situation know why they're being attacked - who else really has to know?

In a comparison, what would you name an organization who conducts war on a recognized sovereign entity during peace talks and behind their backs. You call certain "groups" terrorists and others evil dictatorships but don't let the similarity escape you.

I can think of a certain nation attacked around 1941 by another, ironically from across the Pacific. It was a surprise attack during feigned peace negotiations conducted in good spirit (if you're really having trouble relating this example, pm me!). I would imagine you would certainly condemn such an attack if it occurred to NPO and sentence such vermin to ZI!

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I've seen those logs. I want tonights logs so badly I'll be nice to Stumpy if someone just relents. Both sides must have face to lose if no one wants to offer them up.

It's a shame you've been so horrible to Vox Populi in the past. Stumpy's a cool cat, I might've done it.

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But the pyschedelics make the forums glow with pretty colors!

True, and I am sure that is a quite pleasant experience. Unfortunately for the dissenters, there will be a time when the hallucinations wear off and all that is left is the stark reality that they have started a war they are unable to win.

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My comment was made to Orkules in regards to how we are apparently throwing TORN under the bus stating a fact of a DoW being after war declarations. I challenged to find 1 TORN member that felt NPO (as in LoD or myself since we seem to be the ones discussing it) were throwing them under the bus because of those comments.

As for sinking ship, I dont run from war and if this indeed a sinking ship then I will stick around to make sure everyone gets a life vest.

One might argue that throwing TORN under the bus could be construed the same as nudging them into the tiger's pit.

^_^ Stick around after, you seem to be a nice enough fellow.

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It's a shame you've been so horrible to Vox Populi in the past. Stumpy's a cool cat, I might've done it.

A little off topic, but I hope you realize the irony of having "Hope" as part of an avatar of a man who died broke and friendless after a hard stint in prison.

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