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The Republic of Amed

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I heard from Bob Sanders who heard from BigWoody, who heard from Shan, who heard from FinisterBaby, who heard from DarkMistress that this war is either about someone stealing DarkMistress' nutella or the constant tipping of Moo-Cows. Remember folks, you tip your waiters and waitresses, not Moo-Cows.

Edited by Bilrow
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Nonononono. You got it all wrong.





You want to know the REAL reason behind all wars in CN?


Edited by Tolkien
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I heard from Bob Sanders who heard from BigWoody, who heard from Shan, who heard from FinisterBaby, who heard from DarkMistress that this war is either about someone stealing DarkMistress' nutella or the constant tipping of Moo-Cows. Remember folks, you tip your waiters and waitresses, not Moo-Cows.

That nutella was on my PZI list. She shouldn't have been harboring criminals. :jihad:

Also, I don't recommend stealing her nutella. It can't possibly end well.

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Because you're a nerd.

I rofl'd at this...

I know the reason though, ready?

Aliens will come and tell us Earth is dying. We all get sucked into our computers and flee to the CyberVerse. Some stayed behind and fought for control of the now pathetic existence of our current planet.

This is happening in 3... 2... 1... BOOM!!!!!

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OOC: good reason were Bord :P

IC every alliance has their own individual reason to go to war, asking this question isn't going to give you a direct answer

besides giving most alliances have are maintaining radio silence those that do know arent likely to post in public much less the OW

there are after all

Edited by sircrimson
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i think this topic concludes to all you rumor starters that there will be NO war....:)

Actually it further confirms the fact that, yes, there will be one. Where there is smoke, there is fire usually.

As to why it's going to start: Who cares; that goes by the wayside the moment the tanks roll. All that matters later is who wins--their story will be the only one told; besides by those of Vox who attach their donkey cart to any three ring circus that happens to roll through the ghettos of Planet Bob.

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Actually it further confirms the fact that, yes, there will be one. Where there is smoke, there is fire usually.

As to why it's going to start: Who cares; that goes by the wayside the moment the tanks roll. All that matters later is who wins--their story will be the only one told; besides by those of Vox who attach their donkey cart to any three ring circus that happens to roll through the ghettos of Planet Bob.

Yes well there will be no winner if there is no reason!

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The winner is... the one who wins. There is always a winner in war.

We're all losers in war since we lower our morals with disgusting tactics such as launching nukes, cm's and not too mention the evils of peace mode.

At first I didn't get it. Then your post helped me get it.

Then I laughed because that whole thing was hilarious.

Best apology ever tho :3

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Guys im seriouse

WHAT is the REAL reason.

In 1995 a series of Sino-Soviet border conflicts expanded into general war between the Soviet Union and China. The Sino-Soviet war rapidly escalated from conventional warfare into exchanges of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons. In 1996 a cabal of East German and West German military officers sought to reunify their country. Unified German forces staged a coup d'état against the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany. The US and NATO allies initially attempt to stay out of the war, but were quickly drawn into the European conflict.

Between 1996 and 1997 a largely conventional war was fought between NATO and Warsaw Pact forces throughout Europe. There were limited exchanges of battlefield nuclear weapons, and chemical and biological weapons. During Thanksgiving 1997, the Soviet Union launched a surprise first strike against targets in the United States and Europe. The US and Great Britain launched retaliatory nuclear strikes against the Soviet Union.

In the aftermath of the nuclear exchanges, both blocs struggled to recover from the damage. The war continued - despite increasing shortages of men, equipment, and fuel. In the United States there was a breach between the civilian government and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. An open rift develops between "Civgov" (the civilian government) and "Milgov" (the military government), which lead to a low-intensity civil war.

By the summer of 2000, the European theater of operations had been fought to a near stalemate. In one final effort to break the deadlock and end the war NATO forces planned a summer offensive across Northern Poland and into the Baltics, but the offensive ground to a halt in the face of a Warsaw Pact counterattack. Several divisions & corps on each side were virtually eliminated. In the chaotic aftermath, supply lines were lost, high level command broke down and armies in the European theater lose cohesion beyond the platoon unit. Some went “native’ and integrated with the militias of independent “free cities", others turned into gangs of marauding bandits and some small groups of surviving soldiers sought to find their way home.

Alternatively, you can safely assume that various alliances have banded together in common cause into blocs and that there are two groupings of blocs now opposed to one another in more or less equal strength. One seeks to preserve the current world order while the other seeks to create a new one. It doesn't matter so much who is right and who is wrong--neither side is without sin. However, if you have been paying attention at all to these forums over the past three months or so, any number of clues have been dropped suggesting which alliances belong to which blocs and if there are any alliances that trying to maintain some sense of neutrality. Do not be deceived however. Some alliances have been pleasant to others simply because they wished to avoid the appearance of being a part of one collection of blocs, when in reality they favor the other.

I hope this answers your question in some way without being too specific. I could be more specific, but I also enjoy a good roleplay and do not wish to spoil things for others who do as well. Wars like those that are about to happen are rare in this game. You will be able to look back on this time and recall exactly where you were when it broke out, what your role was during the fighting and what your alliance did during the war. Some alliance may well dissolve during or as a result of the fighting, as has been the case in every case previously.

Good luck to you as you learn more about the game and I hope that you are still around in a year or so and have many warrior's tales to tell to the n00bs that come after you.

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Well evreyone is talkin about WW3 but no one is giving any reasons.

what do you think is the reason.

Make it sensible and Real reasons..

Because I am making it so! HA HA HA



Edited by Kzoppistan
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