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The republic Nations of Apollo

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Hello from The Republic Nations of Apollo!

The Republic Nations of Apollo, on the day of April, 10, 2009 declares its existence under a new Triumvir and improved charter. RNA is a dedicated brown alliance whose purpose it to provide protection and prosperity to its members. Any and all nations are welcomed. For the larger nations, we have government positions available, including Triumvirate position.

Republic Nations of Apollo


The Republic Nations of Apollo hereby declares re-existence under a new Triumvir, on the hour of 7:00 PM. RNA is formed to bring peace and prosperity for each nation who wants and needs it. RNA is a dedicated brown team alliance.

Article I.

Application Process:

To Join RNA you must be part of or be willing to change to the brown team. Only exceptions are nations with a full trade circle. Applicants must change their AA to The Republic Nations of Apollo. Accepted Applicants are given Academy Member status. To be a full member of RNA you must be active on the forums at least once a week and pass the mandatory test in the Academy Section.

Article II

a. RNA Government Stature:


The triumvirate is a life time term until one of the triumvirates resigns, then the triumvirate must choose another person who he feels is the most fitting for the position. A triumvirate member may be expelled and or taken out of the position with a 75% majority agreement from the alliance membership. The Triumvirates is in charge of making sure that the alliance runs smoothly and that the ministers do their job. If ministers ever need help they can ask Triumvirate for it or get a deputy.


The Minister will be elected every 3 months. A member of the minister may be expelled if the triumvirates agree that he has done the alliance wrong or is not doing his job correctly. Any blank position in the ministry will be held by either Triumvirate until a legitimate replacement can be found. The Minister Positions Includes:

Minister of Internal Affairs

The Minister of Internal Affairs is in charge of making sure that their is forum activity at least once a week by every nation in RNA. The CIA is also in charge of getting every nation full trades if asked to do so by a member.

Minister of finance

The Minister of Finance is in charge of making sure that each nation who applies for starter aid gets it, and knows how to use it accordingly. The Minister of Finance is also in charge of The World Wide Tech Center, he will help make sure each nation in alliance gets tech deals, and continues to grow. The Minister of Finance needs to also make sure that each nation sends out the tech accordingly.

Minister of Foreign Affairs

The Minister of Foreign Affairs will make sure that RNA is in safe hands, and will make sure that all our allies are being constantly talked to, and remain close. The CFA must make sure to continue to make diplomatic relations with others, and hire diplomats from RNA to help him if need be. The CFA can only get a treaty if him/she has gotten the treaty approved from the 2 High Ministers.

Minister of Recruitment

The Minister of Recruitment is in charge of recruiting non aligned nations and making sure they go to the correct alliance affiliation. If membership is down the Minister of Recruitment can start recruiting drives without permission and can make monetary prizes. The Minister of Recruitment if doesn’t perform well may lose his government position in the alliance.

Minister of Defense

The Minister of Defense is in charge of making sure each nation is in the war battalions. He wil decide whether or not to do a Declaration of War or switch to peace mode during times of with approval of the High Minister. The Minister of Defense must be an experienced Minister of Defense or get a vouch from one of the High Ministers.


All Ministers can appoint Deputy Positions for each one if they need help. They can appoint when and on the spot without permission from the High Ministers.

Article 3:

Tech raiding

Tech raiding is not allowed, no exceptions. If an RNA member tech raids, it will result in expulsion, reps, and a possible ZI.


Anyone in RNA can be ZI’ed for tech raiding, which could also result in expulsion from RNA.. Nuclear attacks without permission will result in auto ZI and expelled from the alliance.


A) Any Amendments to the charter must be agreed upon by all the Triumvirates of RNA

We can be reched here: http://s1.zetaboards.com/RNA/index/

or on #rna coldfront server

Edited by guapo rican
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CoIN now protects these little guys, give them a chance.

The Big Brown Brothers Accords


Republic Nations of Apollo [RNA] and The Coalition of Independent Nations [CoIN] come together to show friendship and to allow RNA the opportunity to grow into a prosperous alliance on Planet Bob. All signatories agree that they shall retain their independence and shall maintain a non-aggressive stance towards one another.

Article I: Military

1.An attack on RNA is an attack on The Coalition of Independent Nations and will be met with the full force of CoIN's armies.

2.Should either party begin an aggressive action, neither party is obligated to support but it is strongly suggested.

3.In any attack against the Coalition of Independent Nations, RNA is not obligated, but strongly suggested, to assist.

4.Should RNA begin an aggressive action without CoIN's approval, these accords may be terminated.

Article II: Aid & Intelligence

1.Both parties agree to share all information pertaining to the safety and stability of each other.

2.CoIN agrees to support RNA economically when necessary at their request, but is not obligated to do so.

Article III: Trading

1.RNA agrees to sell tech to CoIN first and foremost, however should all the needs of CoIN be met, they may sell externally to whomever they choose.

2.RNA agrees to participate in CoIN trading partnerships prior to utilizing external sources.

Article IV: Advice

1.RNA agrees to accept a growth & leadership adviser chosen by CoIN whom will advise and assist in any internal and external situations that may arise.

2.RNA intends to reside primarily on the Brown Sphere and shall vote for the brown Senate candidate chosen by CoIN.

Article V: Cancellation/Upgrade

This agreement may be upgraded when both alliances see protectorate status no longer necessary. All signatories agree to provide 96 hours notice prior to any cancellation of this agreement.

For the Coalition of Independent Nations[CoIN]:

Jerry Wagner ~ Triumvirate of CoIN: Foreign Affairs

Slicer845695 ~ Triumvirate of CoIN: War

sulli90 ~ Triumvirate of CoIN: Finance

For the Republic Nations of Apollo[RNA]:

Guapo ~ Triumvir

Edited by jerry wagner
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We are very happy to give a little brotherly help to RNA, we have faith that they will do well.

Uggh, brown. Good luck recovering from that first poor choice.

Yet it's still a step above choosing pink. <_<

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