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Message to ComIntern from the Melvin Republic:

It is most unfortunate that you have decided to turn down this proposal. Many of you cite the lack of diplomatic relations, but what is not understood is that my state is closely tied to those of ComIntern. In fact, if you go to war I feel it almost certain that Dragon Bloc would be there to support you. However, I understand the need to hold on to foreign lands. Diplomatic growth requires a first step, hopefully the Melvin Republic will be in a position to grant you a favor in the future so that we may begin walking this path.

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Hand the Melvin Republic former Xizang

Yes - 3 vote(s)

No - 6 vote(s)

Undecided - 1 vote(s)

To vote: Atlantis, Eritrea

With 50% voting "No", Melvin Republic will not receive Xizang.

Message to ComIntern from the Melvin Republic:

It is most unfortunate that you have decided to turn down this proposal. Many of you cite the lack of diplomatic relations, but what is not understood is that my state is closely tied to those of ComIntern. In fact, if you go to war I feel it almost certain that Dragon Bloc would be there to support you. However, I understand the need to hold on to foreign lands. Diplomatic growth requires a first step, hopefully the Melvin Republic will be in a position to grant you a favor in the future so that we may begin walking this path.

Reply to the Melvin Republic from Canada

For Canada, it is not the lack of relations with your nation, it is the fact that Xizang was a friend of ours and we wish for the people to govern themselves, not coming under the rule of others. 
Simply said, we want the people to form their own nation, eventually.

Edited by Lynneth
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With Canadian and NRP-soldiers going into Alaska, it now is officially a ComIntern protectorate, unless someone wishes to object.

Are there objections?

Note: Manchukuo's signature will be turned into that of the Northeast People's Republic.

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Viniland requests a join protectorate of Alaska with Canada. Quite honestly, although the People's Republic is party of the ComiTerm with Canada, we're unsure why it took immediate action to secure the area given it's far away from their homeland and they never had any relations with USNA.

Still, we're solely interested on the stability of the area and hope that the whole of it ends in good hands.

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Viniland requests a join protectorate of Alaska with Canada. Quite honestly, although the People's Republic is party of the ComiTerm with Canada, we're unsure why it took immediate action to secure the area given it's far away from their homeland and they never had any relations with USNA.

Still, we're solely interested on the stability of the area and hope that the whole of it ends in good hands.

Canada would approve of Viniland taking part in the protectorate.

Regarding why NRP-soldiers moved in: They simply were nearby, on an exercise and when they got the note of Canadian men moving, they got there first, that is all.

Since... Aisin Guido has deceased new signatures will be neccesary:


Edited by Lynneth
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"We wonder if we can vote to suspend Northeast People's Republic from the Comintern for the uneeded war in Antarctica or at least make them remove all troops from Helzan and pay reparations."

From what we know, the NPR already withdrew all their forces. And they hardly did any damage at all according to our intel, though that may of course be wrong.

Edited by Lynneth
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"Under very suspicious circumstances, we think they should pay reparations for the blown barracks."

While we do not feel this to be strictly necessary, it would at least serve to calm Helzan and others. Thus, we agree that the NPR should pay these reparations.

Also, we propose that the optional Aggression-part of the treaty be struck from it. This would turn the ComIntern into a purely defensive pact, the only "aggressive" actions we would need to take being the honouring of the Amendment. It would serve to shut the Nordic idiocy of ComIntern "warmongering" up and calm the world.

Yes - 1 vote(s)

No - 0 vote(s)

Undecided - 0 vote(s)

To vote: Osea, Yuktobania, Cainette, Alvonia, New England, Vaule, Dragonisia, Annihilation, NPR, Atlantis, Eritrea

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We are undecided on this matter.

OOC: So we are voting to scrap the oA part, minus the Amendment :huh:

OOC: Exactly. optional Aggression goes, and we only take action in one of the following cases:

1) A ComIntern member is attacked.

2) A nation on the world is attacked without a legit/valid Casus Belli.


Scrap optional Aggression

Yes - 3 vote(s)

No - 0 vote(s)

Undecided - 1 vote(s)

To vote: Yuktobania, New England, Vaule, Dragonisia, Annihilation, NPR, Atlantis, Eritrea

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OOC: Exactly. optional Aggression goes, and we only take action in one of the following cases:

1) A ComIntern member is attacked.

2) A nation on the world is attacked without a legit/valid Casus Belli.


Scrap optional Aggression

Yes - 3 vote(s)

No - 0 vote(s)

Undecided - 1 vote(s)

To vote: Yuktobania, New England, Vaule, Dragonisia, Annihilation, NPR, Atlantis, Eritrea

OOC: Gotcha

IC: We change our vote to Aye

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Vaule's Rep returns to the ComIntern.

Vaule votes Yea on the proposal to remove the Optional Aggression clause, and is glad to see that the ComIntern has taken the example of the Treize Doctrine.

Vaule would also like to table a motion for the ComIntern to consider a normalization of Diplomatic ties with the Greater Nordic Reich and the members of the Nordic Coalition. We stress the importance of communication and diplomacy even among countries with ideological and political differences. It is with this in mind that we ask members of the ComIntern to vote on this motion. We have already taken the first step and normalized diplomatic ties with the GNR, and we hope that other members of the ComIntern shall do the same.

(This is technically a non-binding motion as the ComIntern doesn't have the authority to control a nation's Foreign Affairs or mandate diplomatic ties)

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"As to Vaule's motion, we say no- we say no because, they have done nothing to help our relationship, after the brisbane conference they have done nothing to follow the treaty, they always try spin lies to make us the agressors and unless they manup to their mistakes, we shall vote no."

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OOC: Exactly. optional Aggression goes, and we only take action in one of the following cases:

1) A ComIntern member is attacked.

2) A nation on the world is attacked without a legit/valid Casus Belli.


Scrap optional Aggression

Yes - 3 vote(s)

No - 0 vote(s)

Undecided - 1 vote(s)

To vote: Yuktobania, New England, Vaule, Dragonisia, Annihilation, NPR, Atlantis, Eritrea

New England votes Yes on this.

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