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Vaule Parliament deadlock over Slavorussia conflict

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Vaule Parliament at deadlock over Slavorussia conflict



After the shocking events unfolding in Europe, the Vaulian Parliament met for an emergency meeting in the capital Sygh-Varthys. Having completed a long negotiation and signing a Non-Aggression Pact, the government is now in a precarious position as it is tied to both sides of the conflict by the NAP, and RUSSIAN. The debate in the Parliament was extremely heated with accusations hurled at MPs and the Government. Prime Minister Ivanov bore the brunt of a number of scathing attacks by the Republican and Democratic Parties.

***Cut to Parliament***

“Because of the lack of foresight of our own Prime Minister, we are now in a situation where we are tied to both sides of a major conflict. Mr. Ivanov has effectively destroyed years of co-operation between Vaule and the RUSSIAN pact. Mr. Speaker, as a member of the Democratic Party I demand the cancellation of the NAP at once. We also demand the immediate resignation of the Prime Minister and his entire government”-Democratic MP

“Prime Minister Ivanov led a move to expand diplomatic ties in the name of peace. We have signed a treaty and we should stand by it. Unlike the Democratic Party MPs who are willing to discard treaties as easily as they discard principles, we demand that our nation stand by the treaties that we have signed.”-Nationalist MP

“The only course of action that the nation can take at this critical moment is to remain neutral in the conflict. We cannot break either treaty, nor should we. We signed a treaty in good faith, and the government fully intends to honor it. I have no intention of resigning, and I welcome an attempt by the Democratic Party to force the end of my government. I am certain, that should Vaule head to an early election there will not be a Democratic Prime Minister returned. I make this promise to the people of Vaule.

If the Opposition makes any attempts to undermine my government I shall petition President Rokossovsky to dissolve the Parliament and call an election. As I am certain that a number of MPs from the Opposition parties are not very popular in their own constituencies, they have very few guaranteed win seats. I say to the Opposition, take the necessary Parliamentary procedures and have a vote. However when you lose the no-confidence vote, be prepared for an election. And be prepared for the biggest defeat at the polls ever suffered by the Democratic Party.”-Prime Minister Ivanov

(Nationalist MPs applaud and start shouting “Ivanov!” “Ivanov!”)

***VNN Studio***

The Vaulian Parliament is expected to vote on three measures in the next few days which will decide the direction the country will take. The first measure is a Democratic Party sponsored bill that would cancel the NAP with the Nordlandic Confederacy. The Second measure is a Socialist and Nationalist backed proposal that would declare neutrality for the duration of the conflict then “immediately re-evaluate the status of the treaties signed”. This bill also included a provision under which the government would “do everything in their power short of aggression to attempt to halt the fighting”. The third and final proposal is a vote of no-confidence in the government of Dmitri Ivanov, sponsored by the Democratic, Republican and Communist parties.

Regardless of the outcomes of these three proposals, Prime Minister Ivanov has announced that he will raise the issue personally at the RUSSIAN summit being held in Moscow and will consult with other RUSSIAN pact members.

In other news, President Rokossovsky, in a rare break from Prime Minister Ivanov has issued a demand that the Parliament cancel the NAP as soon as it is possible to do so. The President has implored Prime Minister Ivanov to “locate his spine and start leading the country”. The President is reported to have held an hour long meeting with General Kalinovic of the Army in which it is claimed that the President said “If Ivanov doesn’t step up and take action, he’ll have to step aside for someone who can”. Should the Parliament approve the cancellation of the treaty, Prime Minister Ivanov would be urged to withdraw his signature. Should that happen, then the Parliament will petition the President to remove his signature and the Monarchy to remove their signature. Only if all three signatures are withdrawn, will the cancellation go ahead. The entire nation is watching with bated breath as the Parliament continues to debate.


-Prime Minister Ivanov meeting with the Cabinet

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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A public letter addressed to the Parliament of Vaule with a request it be read before the assembly.

"I understand that you have non-aggression pacts on both sides of this war.. and indeed, this war is significantly unfortunate. The problem is that you have clearly signed a non-aggression pact with aggressors in the spirit of stability, and they have breached that spirit. If they lied to you in the beginning then isn't the treaty itself for the most part invalidated? You should protect your neighbors from aggression, for the moment you do not, and you share your borders with aggressors.. it may next be the lives and land that are on the line. If the people of Vaule need our support in this matter, though this is a regional concern with which Dragonisia has no direct dealings, they only need ask. Dragonisia lends you our support in this time."

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Message to the Vaule Government:

The Imperial Government of the Slavorussian Empire realize the predicament Vaule is facing, however an MDP, especially one as old as the RUSSIAN MDP, should override a NAP sighed hours before war was declared. The aforementioned NAP signatories are in fact the aggressors, and have attacked Vaule‘s old and loyal ally, and have in essence violated the very spirit of the NAP.

Slavorussia and the entire RUSSIAN Coalition aided Vaule when it was invaded by foreign powers and our combined might quickly repelled the invaders. We fought together to rid Europe of the first Nordland and offered our aid to Vaule during the various uprisings in Outer Mongolia. For these reasons we ask that Vaule suspend the NAP and aid Slavorussia in our defense. We are not asking you to destroy the Nordic Confederacy, or anything of such a sinister nature. All we ask is for the support of one of our oldest allies to defend our homeland from the onslaught of foreign aggression. During our time as allies Slavorussia has always had faith in Vaule’s resolve as an ally and partner in global affairs, please do not abandon us in our greatest hour of need.

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A public letter addressed to the Parliament of Vaule with a request it be read before the assembly.

"I understand that you have non-aggression pacts on both sides of this war.. and indeed, this war is significantly unfortunate. The problem is that you have clearly signed a non-aggression pact with aggressors in the spirit of stability, and they have breached that spirit. If they lied to you in the beginning then isn't the treaty itself for the most part invalidated? You should protect your neighbors from aggression, for the moment you do not, and you share your borders with aggressors.. it may next be the lives and land that are on the line. If the people of Vaule need our support in this matter, though this is a regional concern with which Dragonisia has no direct dealings, they only need ask. Dragonisia lends you our support in this time."

This is true. They violated the spirit of the contract by attacking someone whom you are obligated to defend. This should in itself nullify the agreement with them.

"We did not lie. Vaule knew exactly what was coming and specifically wanted a NAP understanding what would happen."

Pardon us for calling you out...but we believe you ARE lying. Or misled, at the very least.

Message to the Vaule Government:

The Imperial Government of the Slavorussian Empire realize the predicament Vaule is facing, however an MDP, especially one as old as the RUSSIAN MDP, should override a NAP sighed hours before war was declared. The aforementioned NAP signatories are in fact the aggressors, and have attacked Vaule's old and loyal ally, and have in essence violated the very spirit of the NAP.

Slavorussia and the entire RUSSIAN Coalition aided Vaule when it was invaded by foreign powers and our combined might quickly repelled the invaders. We fought together to rid Europe of the first Nordland and offered our aid to Vaule during the various uprisings in Outer Mongolia. For these reasons we ask that Vaule suspend the NAP and aid Slavorussia in our defense. We are not asking you to destroy the Nordic Confederacy, or anything of such a sinister nature. All we ask is for the support of one of our oldest allies to defend our homeland from the onslaught of foreign aggression. During our time as allies Slavorussia has always had faith in Vaule's resolve as an ally and partner in global affairs, please do not abandon us in our greatest hour of need.

Indeed, Slavorussia makes a good point, one we agree with. RUSSIAN, being a bloc for regional stability, having been signed long ago, and of a more severe ranking (OOC: MDoAP being above above NAP/OOC), should take precedence over a treaty with nations not in your region that was signed only very recently.

Say it isnt so...

It isn't so. Just more of their propaganda.

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OOC: Just quoting two relevant posts from the war thread...

Once that the Moscow Railways became a means for Russia's allies to send troops, a Cruise Missile was shot to land within Russian Territory, hitting a section of the railway and making a big crater.

OOC: Please note what is quoted is not the full post.

OOC: Wouldn't that railway need to pass though Vaule, who is neutral?

OOC: This one immediately follows.

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OOC: He hit the railroads in Slavorussia. Nothing wrong with that.

The point Uberstein was bringing up is that Mykep won't be able to reach Slavorussia on his train because it goes through neutral territory.

OOC: Added appropriate tags.

And no, he didn't say Slavorussia. He simply said Russian territory, without specifying a specific area. And it's a godmod, as he gave no chance for missile defenses to stop it.

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OOC: Added appropriate tags.

And no, he didn't say Slavorussia. He simply said Russian territory, without specifying a specific area. And it's a godmod, as he gave no chance for missile defenses to stop it.

OOC: In every convo i've had with Martens about his war with Slavorussia, he calls it "russia". He never said R.U.S.S.I.A.N territory. Stop trying to use OOC inaccuracies and nitpicking to get people to RP a diplomatic incident. Let them RP their own !@#$@#$ war or do something IC.

Edited by BaronUberstein
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*Private Letter to Vaulian Government*

As a long standing ally to you, we only know a fraction of the distress this conflict is causing to your nation. Standing and doing nothing, is of course, not the best course of action. Yet, in these days, your nation must choose who you're going to stand by... your traditional allies or the Nordic Confederacy. This NAP in our opinion is a gross violation of the other significant treaty you have, which is RUSSIAN. Tanis will wait for your decision, remember, if you do go to arms, we're ready to answer the call if needed. However, your decision will drive future relations between use.

General Jaio Makvel, Interim Head of Government

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We are unhappy that Vaule parliament is still wondering which side to pick. Pick the agressors and you have lost all the respect you have worked for as RUSSIAN is valuable and one of your oldest treaties then this Sigh-Varthys Accords which is clearly a pact to isolate Slavorussian allies from fighting.

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"Dragonisia is wondering if Vaule can be trusted in closer future relations if it chooses NAPping over an MDP. It's not only a matter of stopping aggressors and preserving peace and stability.. it is about the very word of the Vaule government." stated Tom Clark both critically and with a bit of slight humor.

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"Dragonisia is wondering if Vaule can be trusted in closer future relations if it chooses NAPping over an MDP. It's not only a matter of stopping aggressors and preserving peace and stability.. it is about the very word of the Vaule government." stated Tom Clark both critically and with a bit of slight humor.

It is the weak PM Ivanov and the subversive Nationalist Party who prevent Vaule from honoring the older, more important of these pacts, RUSSIAN. They are actively seeking to prevent a participation of Vaule in this war, making them traitors of both RUSSIAN and Vaule itself. Ivanov should be replaced, and there should be immediate elections in Vaule. Only this will show what the People are thinking.

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Vaule's President intervenes

President Yuri Rokossovsky has withdrawn the signature of the Presidency from the NAP. (OOC: It isn't canceled. For it to be canceled the signatures of the Monarch and the Prime Minister would have to be removed.) Taking this step has illustrated the urgency of action by Parliament on the measure. In the upcoming vote, if the nationalists can remain united, their two seat majority would ensure that the Parliament will not force the Prime Minister to withdraw his signature.


-The Imperial Palace

Also a group of protesters numbering in the 10 thousands has surrounded the Imperial Palace, demanding that the Princess-Regent explain her actions. Princess Azleya has refused to issue any statements regarding the matter, but the crowd outside the palace is growing increasingly impatient.


-Protesters marching on the Imperial Palace

In a clear message from the Vaulian Military to the Prime Minister and the Princess, two Vaule Air Force MiG 29s overflew the Imperial Palace and the Parliament. Two T-90 Tanks have moved out of the Sygh- Varthys military base and are heading towards the Parliament. As the planes passed over the Parliament, they dropped fliers.


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A foreign ministry aide stated today, "Vaule and RUSSIAN allies have brought sharp criticism upon the government of Vaule over the NAP. While Tanis and Vaule are close allies, and the criticism is harsh, it does have it's limits. Make no mistake, Tanis does not support the NAP treaty with the Nordic Confederacy, let Vaule sort this issue out. But time is running short... and Vaule's political and foreign prestige will be severely damaged. We only hope they can make the right choice."

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Protesters attack the Parliament Building

After the failure of the no-confidence vote against Prime Minister Ivanov, (by only two votes) angry protesters marched on the Vaulian Parliament building. It is estimated that more than 70,000 people have surrounded the building demanding that Prime Minister Ivanov resign.

Riot police attempted to push the crowd away from the Parliament however they were outnumbered by the protesters and served only to infuriate them. Shouts of “We stand with RUSSIAN” were soon replaced by shouts of “Down with Ivanov, Down with the government!”.

When the riot police fired tear gas into the crowd, it lit the fuse of an extremely dangerous powder keg. The protest then quickly turned into a riot as the students attacked the riot police with rocks and bottles, and hurled Molotov $@tail bombs at the building. There are reports of 10 police men injured.

It has been confirmed that 200 protestors managed to force their way past the riot police into the Parliament building before they were stopped by Internal Security Forces. The riot is still on-going and Prime Minister Ivanov is trapped in the building. Sources inside the building have claimed that the Prime Minister has requested additional riot police, but the requests have been blocked by President Rokossovsky who reportedly said “Ivanov claims to represent the people. Representatives of those people are standing outside the Parliament building. He needs to answer to them. Until he does, I see no reason to expedite the arrival of additional riot police. I am constitutionally bound to order the police to the Parliament building, and I have done so. The Riot police are walking the 10 miles to Parliament as we speak and should arrive by tomorrow morning.”

There is a similar scene at the Imperial Palace where protesters are demanding action by the Princess Regent to remove the monarchy’s signature on the treaty.

In light of the angry crowd outside of the building, the Parliament speaker has called another vote on withdrawing the Prime Minister’s signature from the treaty. This vote is expected to pass this time around as four Nationalist MPs have defected. If the vote goes through, only one signature will remain to be withdrawn, that of the Monarchy.

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Moscow, Slavorussia

The Foreign Minister comes into Premier Belyakov‘s office with some bad news. “Your Excellency”

“Yes Mrs. Titov?”

The FM turns on the television showing the scene outside of the Vaule Parliament. “It appears out diplomatic pressure is starting an uproar in Vaule. They may need help should I contact Vaule on this matter.”

Vladimir frowns, “If they would assist us they wouldn’t be in this mess, and we would have a free hand to help. Say nothing on this issue unless violence breaks out.”

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