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Declaration of Re-Existence (DoRE)...


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First I would like to introduce ourselves. We are The New Roman Military!

In the last week we have been through a restructuring and rebuilding phase!

Here is what we're we stand!

A New Life

The NRM has been an multi-colored alliance in which has had a little rough past to be a small scale alliance.

So I want to start this off my making a public apology to the United Purple Nations.

I dont know the details or do I want to really know, but I have heard about the previous history between these alliances.

I would like to let UPN know that NRM is not the same alliance it was. (You'll see a little later in this announcement)

I would like to ask that the NRM and UPN can work on patching up the past and work on building a new friendship!

The NRM is

A New Look

The New Roman Military has a couple new things to go with a New Look...

New Color: We're now a blue team alliance!

New Forums: http://s1.zetaboards.com/New_Roman_Military/index/

New IRC: #cn-nrm

and a New Flag thanks to SeipherCaim!


New Structure

To continue the fun we would like to announce we also have a new charter and government!

Preamble: The New Roman Military is based of the principles of Friendship, Honor, Loyalty and Respect.

Article I -- Membership

1. To become a member of The New Roman Military, a nation must not be affiliated with any other alliance and petition the Department of Internal Affairs for membership. The petition may be denied by the Chamberlain or the High Council.

2. The New Roman Military is a blue team alliance. As such, all members are highly encouraged to relocate their nations to the blue sphere. Team color exemptions may be handed out at the discretion of the Chamberlain or the High Council.

3. Upon entrance to The New Roman Military, every member renounces the right to maintain his or her own foreign policy, including all military action. All foreign policy for nations of The New Roman military shall fall under the jurisdiction of the alliance.

Article Two -- The NRM Government

1. Structure and Duties

Triumvirate -

The 3 supreme powers of the New Roman Military. The Triumvirate has authority over all of NRM.

Triumvir (Lifetime position)

Triumvir (Lifetime position)

Triumvir (Lifetime position)

High Council

Commandant (Elected) -

A. Organization of member nations into units based on nation strength.

B. Appointing commanders of the alliance's military units.

C. Preparing and maintaining guides to the conduct of warfare for the alliance.

D. Establishing recommended and mandatory military wonder purchases based on nation size.

Ambassador (Elected) -

A. Provide information & guidance to the government regarding relations with other alliances.

B. Appoint diplomatic personnel and supervise their performance.

C. Draft necessary treaties with other alliances, subject to ratification by the Cabinet and Emperor

Chamberlain (Elected) -

A. Screening new members for eligibility, background checks, and approving applications.

B. Mass communication with alliance members.

C. Reporting alliance news and information.

D. Monitoring forum participation of members.

E. Conduct nation audits

F. Organize and supervise a mentor program for new nations.

Advisory Council

Advisers (Appointed by the Triumvirate) - The object of the Advisory Council is to help the alliance grow and prosper with ideas and suggestions. These members are made up of former government members and other alliance members/leaders. This does not count as a "dual-membership" and is not in anyway interfere with their alliance. The Advisory Council has no member limit.


Tech Deal Coordinator (appointed by the Chamberlain) - Organize all alliance tech deals

Trade Circle Coordinator (appointed by the Chamberlain) - Organize all alliance trade circles

Recruitment Coordinator (appointed by the Chamberlain) - Organize all recruitment programs

II. Decision Making

1. The final decision, in all matters, will be decided by the Triumvirate.

III. Elections

1. Elections are held every 3 months.

2. All members of The New Roman Military in good standing are eligible to run for a position in NRM's elections

3. The elections will be held the last 4 days of the month and the new Ministers will be seated and go into effect the first of the month.

IV. Removal and Leaving Office

1. Any member of the government can be removed from office at any time at the Triumvirate's discretion.

2. Any member of government who decides to relinquish their position is asked to give the Triumvirate seven (7) days notice, to give them time to find a suitable replacement.

3. Replacements will be appointed, not elected.

4. Should a single Triumvir leave office, the two (2) remaining Triumvirs shall appoint a new Triumvir.

5. Should two (2) Triumvirs leave office at the same time, the remaining Triumvir will choose a member of the High Council to replace one (1) Triumvir. The existing and newly appointed Triumvir will then jointly appoint the third Triumvir.

6. A Triumvir can only be removed from office by a majority vote, which will be held by the High and Advisory Council.

Article III -- Team Color

New Roman Military is an Blue team alliance. As an alliance of unity, we highly encourage all members to use this team color.

Article IV -- War

The New Roman Military will go to war at the discretion of the Triumvirs.

Article V -- In-game Spying

The New Roman Military sees in-game spying, whether destructive or non-destructive, as an act of aggression. Such acts of aggression may also be considered an act of war.

Article VI -- Tech Raiding

Whilst The New Roman Military does not condone or encourage tech raiding, we recognize the sovereignty of our nations and allow them to tech raid, subject to the following rules:

1. Members are strongly advised not to start fights they cannot finish.

2. Members are strictly forbidden to raid any nation on the Blue team or the Red team.

3. Members may not tech raid any nation that is part of an alliance. NRM defines an alliance as a group of five (5) or more nations.

4. NRM, as an alliance, is under no obligation to assist a nation who has decided to tech raid.

5. Members involved in a tech raid must immediately send a peace offer to their target if requested to do so by any member of government. Members may not get in "one last attack" before offering peace, period.

6. Should a member be attacked after sending a peace offer, contact a member of government and await instructions before retaliating.

7. These rules are subject to change at any time at the discretion of the Triumvirate, particularly during a declared time of war.

8. Failure to comply with the above rules may require the offending nation to pay reparations, or lead to expulsion.

New Leaders

Here is the group to lead the NRM onto the next stages of life! God we're doomed!

Triumvir ~ Helix

Triumvir ~ General Grievous

Triumvir ~ Sir Zachs A Lot

Chamberlain ~ BradenB09

For those who dont like to read all of these announcements!!!

NRM apologized to UPN for the previous bad relations

NRM is now a Blue Team Alliance

NRM has new forums, irc, government, charter and flag!

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