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Federation of Buccaneers Announcamundo

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Ahoy mateys,

Again tis time for th' Federation of Buccaneers t' deliver t' th' cyberverse, news which will inspire several comments and cheers.

Th' Dark Evolution and Th' Federation o' Buccaneers present th' new and improved Mutual Defense Pact.

T' th' Dark Evolution

T' th' Federation o' Buccaneers

Enough said,

Whereas the alliances known as The Federation and Buccaneers and The Dark Evolution wish to remain sovereign and independent alliances comprised of independent sovereign nations;

Whereas both alliances recognize the benefits of inter-alliance cooperation;

Whereas The Federation and Buccaneers and The Dark Evolution are both committed to the survival, growth and prosperity of one another;

Let the following be agreed upon:

I. Henceforth, member nations of The Dark Evolution shall NEVER attack members of the Federation of Buccaneers and member nations of the Federation of Buccaneers shall NEVER attack members of The Dark Evolution . Reparations, for illegal attacks, may be requested by the defender via his alliance leader. Such reparations, as well as any subsequent punishment for the infringing nation shall be discussed and agreed upon by the leaders of both alliances, with the ultimate aim to restore harmony between the two groups.

II. When either signed alliance (being The Dark Evolution or Federation of Buccaneers) is attacked by an outside nation and/or alliance, the other signed alliance will help the defender(s) defeat the aggressor(s) using a reasonable amount of resources. This will be at the discretion of alliance leadership. Both alliances recognize that their ultimate duty is the survival of their own membership and hereby agree not to deem the other party negligent in their assisting duties if doing so would pose an imminent risk of destruction to their alliance. For these purposes, both parties agree that World wars, Chained wars, and odds of six or more to one are to be considered overwhelming.

III. Engagement in all significant inter-alliance Wars shall be shared between leaders of each signed alliance before hostilities ensue. Failure to do so is cause for cancellation of this contract. Minor hostilities need not be reported between the alliance leaders. For these purposes, "significant" will be defined as "any incited hostilities where more than 25% of the respective alliances membership is involved." Important international information must be shared between the two alliancesï½´ leaders; failure to forward vital information can result in the cancellation of this treaty.

IV. Whereas aid is central to the growth of new and developing nations, both alliances recognize the need for each alliance to have control over their domestic affairs and as such Inter-alliance Aid shall be given only if both rulers agree. The primary source of aid for new and developing nations shall be from their own alliance. Demands for aid, from individual nations will be ignored and reported to both alliance leaders.

V. This Military Defense Pact is broken if any of the above clauses are not followed correctly and/or 7 days notice and an explanation as to why the agreement is to become void is submitted to the other alliance. Such notice shall give the other party ample time to present arguments as to why the cancellation should not take place, and the party seeking cancellation agrees to take their positions into consideration before the final decision for separation shall be made.

The Dark Evolution

x The Hate, Emperor

x Joey67500, Imperial Officer of Foreign Affairs

x Reign of HavoK, Imperial Officer of War

x UacYuri, Imperial Officer of Justice, Left-Hand of Foreign Affairs

x pAngInooN of TagLoG, Regent of the Evolution

Federation of Buccaneers

x Mamazlilmistake

x Sagha

x Care_Bear, Speaker of the Mast

o/ our love to DE. Viva la Evolucion!

Edited by Mamazlilmistake
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