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Run your own CN inner alliance Cabal thread


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\m/ pretty much. Didn't the guy who was like "You're never allowed to ever live again" get kicked out of office? Didn't basically everyone who was involved in the war against \m/ blow up the guy who, as the DoW stated, coerced the very same coalition to fight \m/, their previous allies, in the first place?

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\m/ pretty much. Didn't the guy who was like "You're never allowed to ever live again" get kicked out of office? Didn't basically everyone who was involved in the war against \m/ blow up the guy who, as the DoW stated, coerced the very same coalition to fight \m/, their previous allies, in the first place?


You won't find Sponge's signature there. People like to paint him as the grand architect of the UJW and I'm sure he loves the credit, but \m/ had more enemies than just Polar.

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I love that I get to see all these people saying FAN. FAN doesn't want to be free. Over the past two years they've devoted themselves to pushing an 'anti-oppression' rhetoric. They enjoy going out of their way to find unconventional ways to surprise NPO and co, and quite frankly, they kick $@! at it. What happens if they get peace?

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Gato because I found the reasoning behind the war to be very sketchy at best Viceroy use seem rather dirty,FAN I am for because although I was not around for the war against them I like many others feel that two years is enough NPO let them go....

Polaris well simply because the surrender terms were quite rediculous and seemed out of place considering they were seen as sister alliences

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oh my - I missed this post - funny Dr Dan :P

Well played sir - I take it I pushed a button? Anything you want to share with the class?

Alignment issue over Universalis & Legion is what I meant, of course! Then we might still be best buds.

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Genmay, they where alright

All the red alliances that would have existed.


Ok I'm being greedy but I never got round to joining these alliances and heard good stuff about them :\

Oh and most of all: Realm of Titans.

Edited by Jens of the desert
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You know we'd just sign the same treaties over again, right?


I really do find it cute that this OP here seems to think he knows what's best for everyone else, or that perhaps if the non-Q Citadel alliances were "freed" from TOP and Old Guard's ball and chain we'd do something completely different.

Guess what? We don't want to be freed. Umbrella isn't some sort of beacon of goodness trapped in a cage. We are what we are, and we are happy with our political position, our alignment, and our allies. If we weren't, we would set ourselves free. You do know that we have that capability, right?

Edited by ochocinco
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I love that I get to see all these people saying FAN. FAN doesn't want to be free. Over the past two years they've devoted themselves to pushing an 'anti-oppression' rhetoric. They enjoy going out of their way to find unconventional ways to surprise NPO and co, and quite frankly, they kick $@! at it. What happens if they get peace?

With all the flack they've taken over the last couple years , I'm sure that CN would be a "target rich environment" after a short rebuilding period . Let's face it , alot of alliances that would never have had the testicular fortitude to get up in FAN's face before Vietfan , have become quite outspoken in the time since . NPO doesn't really have anything to worry about from FAN at this point . Some others would most likley get a crash course in the term " FANPILE ".

I'm sure admin misses the good old days when FAN could shut down the server with a midnight blitz of epic proportions .

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I love that I get to see all these people saying FAN. FAN doesn't want to be free. Over the past two years they've devoted themselves to pushing an 'anti-oppression' rhetoric. They enjoy going out of their way to find unconventional ways to surprise NPO and co, and quite frankly, they kick $@! at it. What happens if they get peace?

Well I have to disagree here, as FAN has stated they are still looking for peace, white peace actually. The powers that be refuse to give this peace to them to they devote time towards attacking, and kicking NPO with alternative methods of war until NPO gives in (the first NPO'er to quote this and say OMGNPOWILLNEVARGIVEIN get's sucker-punched). So yes, they are good at it, but how else should they do this? They've been stuck at war for longer than any alliance should be and if they'd all been fighting conventionally they'd all be ZI'd by now. We know this, because even though the worst FAN fighter would maul the best Pacifican fighter in 1v1 matchup, that's never the case. It's a 6v1 matchup where NPO get's an unconditional aid source and bigass ego.

If they get peace, nothing bad will happen. FAN will go back to playing the game normally, Pacifica will watch them closely also doing their own thing, etcetera. They've already set a high standard for unconventional war, and this is shown by NPO being too scared to let them go.

Thar be my 2 cents.

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You know we'd just sign the same treaties over again, right?


I really do find it cute that this OP here seems to think he knows what's best for everyone else, or that perhaps if the non-Q Citadel alliances were "freed" from TOP and Old Guard's ball and chain we'd do something completely different.

Guess what? We don't want to be freed. Umbrella isn't some sort of beacon of goodness trapped in a cage. We are what we are, and we are happy with our political position, our alignment, and our allies. If we weren't, we would set ourselves free. You do know that we have that capability, right?

It was a simple comment, and I see no reason for anyone in Citadel to be so upset at such a simple discussion of ideas from the viewpoint of people outside of Citadel. Everyone else who contacted me got a good laugh about it - I'm sorry it upset you so. :lol:

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It was a simple comment, and I see no reason for anyone in Citadel to be so upset at such a simple discussion of ideas from the viewpoint of people outside of Citadel. Everyone else who contacted me got a good laugh about it - I'm sorry it upset you so. :lol:

Paradigm meet Ochocino. Ochocino meet Paradigm.

As far as the OP I don't really have too much to say. Alliances that are stuck in unending war are there because they made decsions that put them there. If someone was being kept down due to MDPs (like TDSM8 and MK for some recent examples) then I'd feel differently, however right now I see instigators being fought due to their instigating.

EDIT: Oh yeah, Genmay needs to come back THIS NO SHEN.

Edited by defroster
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