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Official Announcement from The Order of the Paradox


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Why do some people refuse to believe that WE DON'T WANT TO PLAY THIS


We are not joining TOP. Ever.

We did what we did for a reason. And this is the most fun I've had playing

this game. And I'm still bored out of my mind!

Get a dictionary, look up "irony."

Oh, I'm laughing. I'm just laughing at how serious people take this drudgery.

More irony.

Edited by Gustave5436
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Falalalan, falalalera,

De la guerda riera

Quando yo me uengo

De guardar ganado

Todos me lo dizen

Pedro el desposado.

A la he, si soy,

Con la hija de nostramo,

Questa sortiguela

Ella me la diera.

Falalalan, falalalera,

De la guerda riera

Alla rriba, rriba

En ual de roncales,

Tengo yo mi esca

Y mis pedernales

Y mi curroncito

De cieruos cieruales,

Hago yo mi lumbre

Sientome doquiera.

Falalalan, falalalera,

De la guerda riera

Viene la quaresma,

Yo no como nada,

Ni como sardina,

Ni cosa salada,

De quanto yo quiero

No se haze nada,

Migas con azeyte,

Hazenme dentera

Falalalan, falalalera,

De la guerda riera

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WTH Ewat, I thought you were a hot girl, now you're an ewok! WTH? Did NSO kidnap the hot girl and replace her with this worthless ewok?

Ewok is my nickname, plus the ewok in my avatar has a spear so thats even more awesome :D

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I much prefer this.. that sounds ... eh... wussy.

Hey, they can have our battle anthem when we're done with it.

I'm trying to write some new words to go with it. So far, I've got, "Nuuuuukes! NUUUUUKES! Blowing up! Glooooowing!" I don't know, something like that.

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I think they planned on quitting once it was over anyways.

Or maybe I just wanted to be in TOP and thought that after the war was over I could just be a TECH transfer guy and just load TOP up with juice tech trades... Yeah, that's the ticket.


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