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SSSW18 Election Results

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We at SSSW18 would like to make the following announcements:

We have voted in a new government, and there are a few old faces, and a few new ones. I would like to announce that it will be the first time we have had dunno and Enterprise in our Government, congratz to both players and we welcome you.

President: Jipps

Vice President: Neforatu

Minister of Defense: Warrior19

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Taget

Minister of Internal Affairs: jftsang

Minister of Recruitment: Blackrose

Senate: dunno, Silly Putty, Enterprise, ivanctl, Kittiquel

It was a nice run as president, but the better man won the election. I know you will do well Jipps and I know you will keep us running strong, and I am still beside you as your right hand man. Good luck man. ^_^

To our allies and friends, we know you have our backs and we will always be there with you. o/

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Nef has done a fine job as president and I really look forward to working with you for the next 2 months.

Hopefully we can move to make some broad reforms, so please stay tuned guys. Congrads to the newly elected gov, a great group of people that I'm proud to work with.

So I humbly take the Presidency to try and help all members of SSSW18. A thank you to all of our allies and friends, who are invited to join #SSSW18 for beers on the house.

Edited by Jipps
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Is this where we hail your disbandment? lol :P

Congratulations to everyone involved here. I know that Jipps will do a moderately decent job as President here and I would be happy to work with SSSW18 in the future.

o/ SSSW18

Edited by Kyle Smith
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While why Jipps let the guy who posted in the wrong forum be VP is beyond my comprehension, congrats to our new government. :P

Now that I'm not in gov, I can focus on doing nothing and not feel bad about it. :lol:

Edited by Brandon Simonson
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Despite the fact that this gov has Nef I like it.

Good thing Kitti helps cancel out Nef's fail. :P


I agree. Having a godess as senator pretty much makes up for having a heathen as vice-president. ^_^

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