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Has the world exploded yet?


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Alright. I for one think the world has exploded by now, or it is completely unlivable.

Post here if you think it has, and only if you think it has. It will be a growing poll, and the replies will state how many people vote for a reroll.

Here's what I view being the stipulations of the reroll. Keep in mind, it's only a suggestion.

1. For a week after the reroll, the map will be at a freeze, and no requests will be made. So basically, your land is safe. Everyone's land stays the same, and if you post saying I'm still active and to keep my land, then you keep your land. That land which has gone unclaimed will be purged. This adds to a reroll feel, also lets up off of the chaos.

2. Treaties, researches, movements, blocs, all history is erased.

3. Nukes will become rarer. This will be at the discretion of the game mods.

Or, we go back to before the war started.

Or, if we do reroll, we can have a complete wipe, and people can claim whatever land they want, but nobody wants that.

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Okay lets face it a lot of countries that are posting aren't posting anything about nuclear fallout right now anyways and as long as no ones complaining about it I doubt that the GMs are going to come around and say...no you can't worry about terrorists or you can't worry about a diplomat coming to your country or you can't worry about building a new great monument cause you have to RP radioactive snow. As long as people continue to RP I don't see a big problem coming out of this, honestly besides minor things like people evacuating their entire countries below ground...which I'm not gonna lie I don't understand in the slightest how you can build these massive underground cities...no ones really RPing disaster and yet people are still going to nuke each other. Honestly with all the new RPs coming up I see a lot of people leaving CNRP to begin with, I don't know maybe not, hopefully not, but I'm really not sure. I say leave the world the way it is, and the next time someone throws a nuke on a city just cause the wanna through a nuke they get told, maybe you want to re-think that.

So yeah, I say we continue doing what we're doing and eventually people are just going to forget about this European War and continue on with their RPing lives. As for CNRP dying, it'll only die when everyone stops posting and I think we're still going strong on the posts :).

Sorry for the rant...I'm not trying to insult anyone that used nukes, but seriously, you would never have that in the modern world, people just wouldn't allow it. If you want to talk about realism, nuclear war, I think that's the furthest thing from realism anyways.

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My land is already taken in CNRP-R, and I refuse to rp anywhere else. I say those of you who seem to care less about CNRP because of the other rp worlds, pleace consider those who are happy with the standard CNRP.

Edit: don't restart cnrp, that is lame.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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The death of CNRP, and the restarting of CNRP will result in the exact same outcome for me. I'd leave. :mellow: Not going to bother doing everything over again if we restart, and don't really care for most of the RPs that are springing up that some people want to lord over on their own authority.

Also I believe a restart is just a long line of "Damn something bad happened that I couldn't control! Someone fix that for me!"

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There is a reroll, it’s called CNRP-R (The R is for Reroll).

3. Nukes will become rarer. This will be at the discretion of the game mods.
Where were you when was Sumeragi annihilated? I wouldn’t mind if nukes were used much less often than they are now, perhaps we should enforce nonproliferation as an explanation.
2. Treaties, researches, movements, blocs, all history is erased.
I like history, if it weren’t for the rich history of CNPR I would be playing something else. If CNRP was ever to reset I would create a continuity where it wasn’t.
1. For a week after the reroll, the map will be at a freeze, and no requests will be made. So basically, your land is safe. Everyone's land stays the same, and if you post saying I'm still active and to keep my land, then you keep your land. That land which has gone unclaimed will be purged. This adds to a reroll feel, also lets up off of the chaos.
I was opposed to the world map from the beginning. If we are ever to reroll, admin forbid, it should be done without a world map as not to exclude newer players.
Or, we go back to before the war started.
Nothing is stopping you from creating your own continuity were this (or any other war) never happened.
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Everything I agree with, it's just the subject of no history that's touchy to me. I'm fine with whatever, but please don't erase the history. That's several years of CNRP down the drain. Nobody wants that.

Since my nation is near several highly active nuke users, I really just want all nukes to go away. Unless the GM's/Mods enact a new rule on nukes (such as "if you are over x amount of tech, you can choose to have nukes or not") then I may quit CNRP altogether and move on to something other CNRP spinoff.

I'm really at a loss on how to RP the fallout because the closest thing I've done is Lynneth over here throwing a MOAB at my old nation, and after that nobody was around. Everything was completely destroyed. I don't read up on how to RP nuclear fallouts before because I've never had a reason to.

I say keep the past, but only erase the nuclear war.

Also, to whoever said the R in CNRP-R stood for realism; taken straight from the CNRP-R thread:

Cybernations Role Play (Realism)

Edited by N Reeki
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