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the final straw

tyler kaiser

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i will currently list my position for the last two days

Date: 2/19/2009 8:15:48 AM

Subject: Bad Move

Message: Tyler Kaiser,

You have attacked a member of the Grämlins. At the request of our Härmlin brethren, prepare to face the wrath of the Mostly Harmless Alliance.

By copy of this message to our Minister of Destructor Fleets, I authorize the full force of the MHA military to reduce you to zero infrastructure.



Mostly Harmless Alliance

From: Ejayrazz Date: 2/19/2009 8:28:31 AM

Subject: RE: you!!!

Message: huh?

Oh, you are dead by the way.

Good luck on the field.

From: jerdge Date: 2/19/2009 9:00:08 AM

Subject: You may even save your Nation...

Message: Hello!

You attacked a Grämlin, and that is the one of the two ways to ensure your Nation is soon wrecked beyond repair (the other way is to sell everything, anarchy yourself and delete your Nation).

Do you know what you're doing, or was it only a mistake?

If it's the second, please PM me: you could even save your future in CN (though I can't promise).



From: Gunther Date: 2/19/2009 11:59:29 AM

Subject: Make Room for the Bypass

Message: By order of the Mostly Harmless Alliance, a bypass is to be created in the location of your nation. Please make room. Sorry for any inconvenience, but improvements must be made to this wretched area for everyone’s sake. I’m sure you will understand.


1st Fleet Commander

Mostly Harmless Alliance

From: David Merton Date: 2/19/2009 1:37:28 PM

Subject: too late

Message: Dropping our AA will not help you. You are going to be destroyed.

From: jerdge Date: 2/19/2009 3:58:54 PM

Subject: RE: You may even save your Nation...

Message: I need that you do all of the following:

1. Send a sincere apology to Ejayrazz.

2. Stop all your military activity against your opponents.

3. Promise you will sell Tech to Nations of Grämlins choosing for all the time they will request it.

Note that 3 is the only way you can repair the damage you did, and it will also help your Nation's recover.

I am going to send all our conversation to Ejay. He will judge whether you deserve a second chance, or not.

Good luck!


From: jerdge Date: 2/19/2009 5:34:59 PM

Subject: RE: thank you

Message: It would be nice if you joined the MHA. At least you would (hopefully!) stop attacking our allies!... :P

If you're really interested please note that our board is www.mostlyharmlessalliance.com



From: David Merton Date: 2/19/2009 6:55:11 PM

Subject: RE: what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Message: Alright.

This is between you and the Gramlins.

From: Count Rupert Date: 2/19/2009 7:27:39 PM

Subject: Greetings

Message: Glad you enjoyed the message show we put on for you this afternoon. Curious way to get us to stop though, ghosting an AA implying you're a member of my alliance. Not one of the methods I would have chosen. but then, who am I? I'm only one of the triumvirs of the Mostly Harmless Alliance with the authority to decide whether we stop or not. If you're serious about getting out from this, I'd advise an AA change. Or Ejay could be the least of your worries.

Count Rupert

Triumvir, Mostly Harmless Alliance

From: Ejayrazz Date: 2/19/2009 7:55:33 PM

Subject: RE: make it quick

Message: Talk on forums in thread.

From: Gunther Date: 2/19/2009 8:18:50 PM

Subject: The Bypass

Message: Looks like the bypass may go through afterall. I've ordered my nations to stand down. Not to offer/accept peace but to not attack you until your issue with Gramlins has been resolved. But I assure you, we will not tolerate a rogue ghosting our Alliance, even as a bogus AA as MHA Applicant. So even if your issue with the Gramlins is resolved, but making that your AA, you still have to deal with us. I'm sure Count Rupert has warned you as well. My guys have itchy trigger fingers too.


1st Fleet Commander

Mostly Harmless Alliance.

From: Count Rupert Date: 2/19/2009 8:51:47 PM

Subject: RE: Greetings

Message: As I understand the situation, you attacked Ejay who is in Gre. We are treatied with Gre. They requested our help in dealing with your attacks on Ejay as they have no other members in your range while we have an assortment. Gre and the MHA are like brothers. So attacking one is the same as attacking the other. We each come to the other's aid when called upon.

Now there's been a call for a ceasefire while things get ironed out. There is the possibility that we'll be asked to peace out with you and your war with Ejay can be a one on one affair. Depends on what is decided by Ejay and the Gremlins. However, you're posing on an AA to appear to be a member of the MHA which you are not. We will not refrain from continuing the war while you sit on an AA giving that impression. In other words, you have made matters worst. Even if asked, we will not give you peace while you're implying you are a member of the MHA. Clear enough?

From: Count Rupert Date: 2/19/2009 9:03:46 PM

Subject: RE: Greetings

Message: I see Ejay is going to give you peace. We will as well. However, before we do, you need to change your AA to something else that doesn't imply you are a member of the MHA. Once done and Ejay is peaced out, we will follow suit.

From: Gunther Date: 2/19/2009 10:07:57 PM

Subject: Change your AA

Message: Change your Alliance Affiliation ASAP. If you fail to do so, the attack resumes regardless of the conditions Gramlins have given you. Do not wear the Mostly Harmless Alliance or MHA Applicant AA.

From: David Merton Date: 2/20/2009 3:50:02 PM

Subject: your AA

Message: You need to change your AA.

You are not getting into the MHA.

first i thought it was stupid to post this but then i realized that i don't care i'll just start a new nation. suggestions?

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To be quite honest, those messages sound like you've been dealt with more than fairly, I'm actually surprised you received such leniency. The best advice in a situation like this is to comply with the latest orders given to you. If you do that, I'm willing to bet you'll be allowed to pay your penalty and move on from this.

Note: I'm no authority, this is just some advice I hope you find helpful, I like to see situations handled as best as possible.

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As far as I know you just need to follow these terms

3. I agree to contact government if a supposed 'imposter' is bearing their alliance affiliation.

4. Send a sum of 50 tech to a nation or nations announced within the next day or so.

and you're free to go...

You've dropped the MHA AA so there shouldn't be anything on their end...

What's the problem then?

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Dude next time read about the game before you go all Rambo and attack the first nation you see. Unlike alot of the many nation/ war games on the net this one is the closest you can get to harming you in RL.

What? Really?

Andrei da Silva hides behind his computer desk chair. Little does he know that someone behind him does so simultaneously

Edited by Count da Silva
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Based on the messy looking wall of text you provided, I'd say... looks like you made some mistakes? Seems like they explained it to you pretty well too.

A cordial job they have done imo, Tyler Kaiser be thankful this wasn't TPF or a similar militaristic alliance, the messages would have been quite different :P

I dont exactly get what you are trying to achieve by making even more threads about it.

Attention Whoreitus, it's a dreadful disease :P

Yes I have it too, although I am being treated :P

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You will predominantly be receiving peace today mate, I am trying to figure a few things out. MHA had their own separate problems because you flew their alliance in your AA at one point. We talked through Private messages (forums) and forums because I understand you are not a native English speaker, the messages are confusing you and thus confusing me by mere 'descriptions' of them.

We are letting you off with sub par reps. However, I will not give you peace until I find a nation which will take a second or two. Please remember, I have been extremely sick and my activity is not as concrete. We have been patient thus far, chillax and keep it to private communications my friend.

Edited by Ejayrazz
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Not sure I understand this PM dump. The terms you were given by Ejay and MHA were extremely favorable. Seems you want to delete now?


Also I wish I had tech raided Gremlins to become a tech farm. That would be an amazingly quick way to grow even after being hit on some many ends. :lol:

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Your peace has been granted.

Sorry it took a day or so, my fever is steadily declining. However, do note I never 'lured' you in. I wish your nation the best of luck, it seems there are a few things you still need to learn within the game and its political dynamics. If you need to learn some dynamics or have any questions, please don't hesistate to contact me Tyler, I am more than willing.

God Speed.

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