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It kind of is for lack of reading, but it was an awful lot of reading. This should help http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...p;#entry1268035

Judging from that post presented, it would appear GOD was the one without diplomatic tact.

Then might I suggest shutting the hell up?

Was that really necessary?

Edited by Captain Flinders
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Judging from that post presented, it would appear GOD was the one without diplomatic tact.

Read the whole thing before sticking your foot back in your mouth. I just gave you what I thought was the most important part to things going south between Rok and TPF.

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Flinders as far as the TPF GOD reasoning goes, RoK was upset at the public disrespect shown toward GOD by TPF regarding th recent KM situation what further upset them was the fact that it was done publicly without any talks with GOD in private or without asking for RoK to help with any issues they had with GOD, that situation combined with lack of communication are the reasons for this cancellation.

I hope that is clear now.

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Flinders as far as the TPF GOD reasoning goes, RoK was upset at the public disrespect shown toward GOD by TPF regarding th recent KM situation what further upset them was the fact that it was done publicly without any talks with GOD in private or without asking for RoK to help with any issues they had with GOD, that situation combined with lack of communication are the reasons for this cancellation.

I was indeed very clear on RoK's reason for cancellation which is why that wasn't my initial question ;)

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Hell yes I'm confused. But not for lack of reading.

Have you seen the post before you? Many attest to appreciating the reasoning being posted. This isn't a riddle, it is clearly laid out for you all. ;)

Your parents don't do your homework for you, and I won't be either. But Please remember, when you haven't done the prior reading - Don't raise your hand in class, it waste everyone else's time.

Edited by Gen Lee
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Was that really necessary?

Given the amount of posts in this thread by you, yes, yes it was. You seem to be missing the point that this thread is not to discuss GOD's political stance on anything. The point of this thread is to inform the greater world to the relationship between RoK and TPF.

Edit: spelling is good

Edited by Queen Hoopdy the 1st
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Figured I'd ask a reasonable question but the question kinda got lost in the shuffle.

Yes, your question was reasonable and it did get lost in the numerous rulers' attempts-to-reply-to-it shuffle.

When answers to a simple question end up being convoluted, answered by inter-alliance sources, or on another topic it is time to ...

(*Each ruler/alliance will fill in the blank in their own ways.)

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Yes, your question was reasonable and it did get lost in the numerous rulers' attempts-to-reply-to-it shuffle.

When answers to a simple question end up being convoluted, answered by inter-alliance sources, or on another topic it is time to ...

(*Each ruler/alliance will fill in the blank in their own ways.)

How was a question that has nothing to do with the OP and involves questions about the behavior of an alliance other than those involved with this treaty reasonable?

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The OP very clearly states this cancellation is not about the debatable controversies you are asking about.

The treaty was canceled because TPF decided to take an aggressive and disrespectful stance against our allies without attempting any type of private diplomacy or contacting us to attempt to mediate the situation together. The disrespect shown towards GOD and the complete disregard for seeking diplomatic channels coupled with a less than desirable past communication record from both sides made this decision that much easier.

With all due respect, that's not entirely true. I contacted Xiphosis personally via PM as well as spoke with our other mutual allies Sparta in an attempt to mediate the situation. Interesting that you and others in Rok felt that Xiphosis was wrong in his position, but were backing him because it was his call.

As for GOD, it's not exactly a secret that TPF and GOD are not on the best of terms. Rok and others have known this for months. The real issue was a lack of communication as stated previously.

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I have the feeling that arguing one against the other in this place is not what one would expect from former friends that are interested in repairing their relation.

As I also have a good opinion of both RoK and TPF I attribute this behaviour to the anger of the moment, rather than to incompetency in diplomacy: I hope they will just stop discussing anything until their heads have cooled down.

I'm sure that both would profit more from a renewed friendship (one day...), than from an open conflict that is becoming more and more embarassing at every post.

(Excuse me for being this open in this public place, but I am not happy to see our friends fight one against the other like this...)

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The difference is that TPF didn't come on the forums to baw about how RoK does business.

"baw" about how TPF does business? Hardly. We posted the cancellation and the reason. For many, the reason posted was not a secret, while others would have asked. We simply provided them with the answer we knew they would seek.

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Not really. Whether the rest of PB cares to admit it or not, FA boils down to personal relationships. When there's a leadership change (especially wholesale changes such as RoK and TPF), it's very difficult to overcome. Mhawk has had to build relationships with a number of allies that the old guard of TPF gov had built over a long period of time. I'm sure that Rok had to do the same thing.

There's no conspiracy or ill-will here...it's just the nature of FA on Planet Bob. Perhaps after time and some hard work, TPF and Rok can rebuild their relationship.

Well said Slayer, thank you.

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