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Trouble Maker


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'MuffinmanAiS' of 'Kingdom Of Meland'

He was previously a member of Scotland Forever and he started to cause problems. He started causing problems for Oceanic Kingdom as two of nations were acting as ghosts for them then declared war on him. Instead of turning to his alliance for help he retaliated by attacking another member of Oceanic Kingdom who was a genuine member.

He then sent a message to I Lupus Maxamus of Oceanic Kingom saying:

"SF hates Oceanic Kingdom im at your strength range and my leader wants this alliance destroyed so I want a payment of $2m and i have already gathered information attack if you want ill be waiting"

Our alliance had and has no problem with Oceanic Kingom whatsoever and was working with them at this time to resolve the issues caused by this member.

He then conducted a spy operation on another SF nation which was the final straw. We saw him as a rogue and got 2 SF nations and 1 Oceanic Kingdom nation to attack to prevent any more trouble.

Since then, he has attempted to join WAPA and The Foreign Division (only 2 we know of at current) although both thankfully contacted SF about this member and we informed them of his trouble making previously.

This thread is to simply inform all alliances of CN and to warn you that this guy is trouble and you should not accept him into your alliance if you want to avoid trouble! :)

Thanks :)

Perth Lady

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Scotland Forever

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He has aluminum though :(

3,000,000 to anyone who can re-educate , this lost soul and have him switch to maroon and enter into an exclusive trade circle

Keep the emphasis on re-educate, I wont send a dime till that jobs complete.

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Hey I am fairly new to the game. I see references to ZI listing troublemakers. What exactly is ZI listing? Please don't laugh. :rolleyes:

Sometimes if you cause significant damage to an alliance, spy on an alliance, go rogue on an alliance, engage in excessive flaming, commit OOC attacks, etc.... the alliance's leadership will decide to respond by placing an edict of ZI upon you. ZI stands for zero infrastructure, and it means that you will be attacked by their alliance until you have no infrastructure left. There are three kinds of ZI - single ZI, permanent ZI, and eternal ZI. A single ZI means that you will be attacked until you have no infrastructure left, then left alone and allowed to rebuild. A permanent ZI, or PZI, means that you will be attacked until the alliance which is attacking you decides to quit. PZI sentences have been known to last years in some cases, but they usually end one way or another. Eternal ZI means that any nation you create, even if you delete your first nation, will be attacked forever if your enemies catch you.

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Sometimes if you cause significant damage to an alliance, spy on an alliance, go rogue on an alliance, engage in excessive flaming, commit OOC attacks, etc.... the alliance's leadership will decide to respond by placing an edict of ZI upon you. ZI stands for zero infrastructure, and it means that you will be attacked by their alliance until you have no infrastructure left. There are three kinds of ZI - single ZI, permanent ZI, and eternal ZI. A single ZI means that you will be attacked until you have no infrastructure left, then left alone and allowed to rebuild. A permanent ZI, or PZI, means that you will be attacked until the alliance which is attacking you decides to quit. PZI sentences have been known to last years in some cases, but they usually end one way or another. Eternal ZI means that any nation you create, even if you delete your first nation, will be attacked forever if your enemies catch you.

Thanks for the lecture Londo! ;)

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Sometimes if you cause significant damage to an alliance, spy on an alliance, go rogue on an alliance, engage in excessive flaming, commit OOC attacks, etc.... the alliance's leadership will decide to respond by placing an edict of ZI upon you. ZI stands for zero infrastructure, and it means that you will be attacked by their alliance until you have no infrastructure left. There are three kinds of ZI - single ZI, permanent ZI, and eternal ZI. A single ZI means that you will be attacked until you have no infrastructure left, then left alone and allowed to rebuild. A permanent ZI, or PZI, means that you will be attacked until the alliance which is attacking you decides to quit. PZI sentences have been known to last years in some cases, but they usually end one way or another. Eternal ZI means that any nation you create, even if you delete your first nation, will be attacked forever if your enemies catch you.

Thanks to all for the instruction.

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Sometimes if you cause significant damage to an alliance, spy on an alliance, go rogue on an alliance, engage in excessive flaming, commit OOC attacks, etc.... the alliance's leadership will decide to respond by placing an edict of ZI upon you. ZI stands for zero infrastructure, and it means that you will be attacked by their alliance until you have no infrastructure left. There are three kinds of ZI - single ZI, permanent ZI, and eternal ZI. A single ZI means that you will be attacked until you have no infrastructure left, then left alone and allowed to rebuild. A permanent ZI, or PZI, means that you will be attacked until the alliance which is attacking you decides to quit. PZI sentences have been known to last years in some cases, but they usually end one way or another. Eternal ZI means that any nation you create, even if you delete your first nation, will be attacked forever if your enemies catch you.

This is the most comprehensive description of ZI I've ever read. Mind if I put this on the Wiki? :P

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Sometimes if you cause significant damage to an alliance, spy on an alliance, go rogue on an alliance, engage in excessive flaming, commit OOC attacks, etc.... the alliance's leadership will decide to respond by placing an edict of ZI upon you. ZI stands for zero infrastructure, and it means that you will be attacked by their alliance until you have no infrastructure left. There are three kinds of ZI - single ZI, permanent ZI, and eternal ZI. A single ZI means that you will be attacked until you have no infrastructure left, then left alone and allowed to rebuild. A permanent ZI, or PZI, means that you will be attacked until the alliance which is attacking you decides to quit. PZI sentences have been known to last years in some cases, but they usually end one way or another. Eternal ZI means that any nation you create, even if you delete your first nation, will be attacked forever if your enemies catch you.

isnt the last one eternal ZI a bit harsh i mean cant you forgive somone?

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isnt the last one eternal ZI a bit harsh i mean cant you forgive somone?

I agree it's harsh but Londo swears by them. He doesn't even offer ZI or PZI anymore, you mess with Londo, you get EZI! :P

In all seriousness, the debate about ZI/PZI/EZI is one that is still raging... it's up to each individual to make their decision about if they like it or not.

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isnt the last one eternal ZI a bit harsh i mean cant you forgive somone?

There are some in the cyberverse that do forgive. There is the ZI peace pact, that some alliances are signatories to. Further discussion on what is or what is not EZI can get a bit OOC, so we shall discuss that via PM if you so wish.

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  • 6 months later...

'MuffinmanAiS' of 'Kingdom Of Meland'

He was previously a member of Scotland Forever and he started to cause problems. He started causing problems for Oceanic Kingdom as two of nations were acting as ghosts for them then declared war on him. Instead of turning to his alliance for help he retaliated by attacking another member of Oceanic Kingdom who was a genuine member.

He then sent a message to I Lupus Maxamus of Oceanic Kingom saying:

"SF hates Oceanic Kingdom im at your strength range and my leader wants this alliance destroyed so I want a payment of $2m and i have already gathered information attack if you want ill be waiting"

Our alliance had and has no problem with Oceanic Kingom whatsoever and was working with them at this time to resolve the issues caused by this member.

He then conducted a spy operation on another SF nation which was the final straw. We saw him as a rogue and got 2 SF nations and 1 Oceanic Kingdom nation to attack to prevent any more trouble.

Since then, he has attempted to join WAPA and The Foreign Division (only 2 we know of at current) although both thankfully contacted SF about this member and we informed them of his trouble making previously.

This thread is to simply inform all alliances of CN and to warn you that this guy is trouble and you should not accept him into your alliance if you want to avoid trouble! :)

Thanks :)

Perth Lady

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Scotland Forever

That was an exxageration, bonnet done a spy attack on me first and I nevr knew the two people I attacked were rouges. One day we'll destroy SF

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Yeah, statements like that will work wonders for you. :rolleyes:

Yeah specially on a 6 month old thread started by a player that has left the game in an alliance that's been disbanded? :huh:

Edited by emily
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