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Looking for an old War Horse

Republic of Roma

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/pats his WRC and MP

To the OP thanks for providing our young nations with much needed experience. The rogues I fought post GPW provided me with the most valuable experience I ever had in this game. Now rather than having to fight random rogues we have FAN, and Vox doing the full time scout team work for the NPO.

FAN and Vox the Brooklyn Brawlers of CN.


Except the only ones that fight back are the ones who you actually give money to so they can build camps and barracks. I have gotten PEACE from a few of your nations that just refused to fight.

The ONLY NPO'ers that have actually retaliated against me are those that have had superior odds against me, and even they failed to ZI me, and I yet again sit in peace mode, waiting to switch government so I can go at you all yet again.

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Except the only ones that fight back are the ones who you actually give money to so they can build camps and barracks. I have gotten PEACE from a few of your nations that just refused to fight.

Good! God forbid we end up like legion with a thousand fair weather members. You aren't hurting us. You are helping us. You help us weed out the undesirables. You give our young nations combat experience. You encourage top to bottom aid flow. You are no different than a small pox vaccination. You hurt the young ones a little but in the end they are much better for it.

You formed with the grand desire of changing the world. Yet in the end you have become the permanent scout team of the NPO. It rather quite pitiable. I mean really when you started did you think that all you would amount to was a training ground for new NPO nations?

The ONLY NPO'ers that have actually retaliated against me are those that have had superior odds against me, and even they failed to ZI me, and I yet again sit in peace mode, waiting to switch government so I can go at you all yet again.

Rudy Rudy Rudy ... Make sure you give our boys a good look. They are going to need it come game day.

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You guys keep swaggering around here like your !@#$ doesn't stink

Pot meet kettle.

they are going to need a lot more practice than we'll ever be able to give them.

Ah yes the veiled threat. You know what I say is true sponge. The attacks and wars don’t hurt the NPO at all. You have been on the top. You know how important it is to get new nations combat experience with so few rogues in the world to deal with. You know how hard it is to weed out the hangers on. You know how hard it is to get top to bottom aid flow. Yet here we sit with Vox supplying all of those very very important things with little more than an annoying pinprick in return.

I know damn well that you didn't intend to become our scout team when you started this but that’s what happened.

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I think Crohl´s boxer wins the thread. I will post a picture of Salernoland´s finest boxer; a dog who coldn´t win a fight against its own tail, much less the NPO war-machine.

I present Cinderella.


As for this thread: Good luck to those fighting on both sides. Anyway you look at it, those stats and charts are kind of impressive...

And to those saying "ZOMG!!! He declared on someone without wonders!!!"... Well, if you don´t want to fight, or to risk fighting bigger nations, you can always change your "War/peace preference" to "I do not want to be attacked".

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Why is this hard, and why do you consider it to be so important? I would think larger nations would naturally do that, either in tech deals or to help make their AA stronger.

The funny thing is, they are. I've hit many a nation receiving a tech deal. Actually the NPO currently has an aid program known as "Operation Grincalicious" which they have been employing to build up lower tier nations, BEFORE Vox even hit them.

His arguments are based on flawed premise. He honestly thinks those lower tier NPO nations are going to know how to fight when the aid runs low, or that they know how to fight at all. It's pretty sad that I've fought 15 days straight, and the only thing he can disguise his failure with is "Well you're teaching them."

Doesn't matter. The student has yet to surpass the master, and at this rate, they never will. We can teach them all we want, and they will never get better than us. Why? Because we are in permanent war.

GTT: You admit it yourself. The more they war, the better they get. It's the same for us. I hope you understand how much training we're getting too. I personally can't wait to see the paper tiger fall.

Edited by MegaAros
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Global War 3 ended about 690 days ago, 160 out of 911 NPO nations have seniority of 690 days or more for GW 3, and 140 have been around since GW 2 (about 750 days ago), and 85 for GW 1 (about 885 days ago). Now those figures are gonna be somewhat off, when alliance seniority was created in fall of 07 it defaulted to when the nation was created, and it doesn't include people who were re-rolls or fought in it under a different banner or were in NPO and came back. But still the vast majority of the alliance was not around at that time.

Azaghul, how many times has your alliance been bested by the NPO in war? The fact is MK has surrendered to NPO twice by my count. There is no doubt that MK has a SICK military and could have held out longer (especially in the last war) but for you to constantly deride NPO as a paper tiger type alliance after being beaten by them seems like sour grapes to me.

My boyfriend kingsrqt seems to be the only one who understands why Roma could carry on beating up small NPO nations indefinitely. The only real answer is to have a large NPO nation or two sell off their infra and get down to his level. Then I think we could see a fair fight and I'm very confident Roma would not be starting bragging threads.

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My boyfriend kingsrqt seems to be the only one who understands why Roma could carry on beating up small NPO nations indefinitely. The only real answer is to have a large NPO nation or two sell off their infra and get down to his level. Then I think we could see a fair fight and I'm very confident Roma would not be starting bragging threads.

Unless I'm mistaken, he already fought larger nations when his initial wars started. If they didn't beat him then, why would they beat him now? I have no personal feelings for the NPO either way but I certainly like to see a war machine in action.

Edited by Captain Flinders
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Unless I'm mistaken, he already fought larger nations when his initial wars started. If they didn't beat him then, why would they beat him now? I have no personal feelings for the NPO either way but I certainly like to see a war machine in action.

If Arcades or Crohl sold their infrastructure to get down to his level, sorry, but my money is on NPO. I admit to not knowing the history of the wars at play here but fransjosef was the original architect of this sort of fighting with an all level 9 airforce against level 1s and 2s. Its basic math man.

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If Arcades or Crohl sold their infrastructure to get down to his level, sorry, but my money is on NPO. I admit to not knowing the history of the wars at play here but fransjosef was the original architect of this sort of fighting with an all level 9 airforce against level 1s and 2s. Its basic math man.

If this and if that. Show me some cold hard facts (as seen one page back) and we'll talk.

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The funny thing is, they are. I've hit many a nation receiving a tech deal. Actually the NPO currently has an aid program known as "Operation Grincalicious" which they have been employing to build up lower tier nations, BEFORE Vox even hit them.

His arguments are based on flawed premise. He honestly thinks those lower tier NPO nations are going to know how to fight when the aid runs low, or that they know how to fight at all. It's pretty sad that I've fought 15 days straight, and the only thing he can disguise his failure with is "Well you're teaching them."

Doesn't matter. The student has yet to surpass the master, and at this rate, they never will. We can teach them all we want, and they will never get better than us. Why? Because we are in permanent war.

GTT: You admit it yourself. The more they war, the better they get. It's the same for us. I hope you understand how much training we're getting too. I personally can't wait to see the paper tiger fall.

You are no more of a threat than GKC and Everton were two and a half years ago. You are our scout team nothing more. Our guys fight you and move on. Continue to think that you are hurting the NPO you are only helping us. Every low level rogue or ax to grind group aids the Order. Just as I was aided by the diabetus in my early days Vox aids our new members.

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You are no more of a threat than GKC and Everton were two and a half years ago. You are our scout team nothing more. Our guys fight you and move on. Continue to think that you are hurting the NPO you are only helping us. Every low level rogue or ax to grind group aids the Order. Just as I was aided by the diabetus in my early days Vox aids our new members.

As I said, it'll help us just as much. Also, tell me when your lower levels get better, so I can fight them.

Until then, stop talking about results that don't exist. I haven't seen a single good NPO nation in that range, and I engaged a guy who was 100+ years old, and who's only purpose in the NPO was lower level war (I actually addressed such an incident on the first page of this thread, do try to keep up). Stop trying to seem tough without a single proof. You've got nothing.

And if you want us to fight those nations in the higher ranges, why not just let us grow?

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Azaghul, how many times has your alliance been bested by the NPO in war? The fact is MK has surrendered to NPO twice by my count. There is no doubt that MK has a SICK military and could have held out longer (especially in the last war) but for you to constantly deride NPO as a paper tiger type alliance after being beaten by them seems like sour grapes to me.

What is this second time? MK has only fought NPO once.

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What is this second time? MK has only fought NPO once.

LUE, MK,....MK, LUE, all looks basically the same :lol:

Also when at that note, some members of MK got far more then 2 times defeated by NPO, I wonder who holds the record.

There were some that got beaten from naac times also obviously lue times, etc.

Do you keep score, and who has the most defeats at the hands of the NPO in MK?

I do wonder, if you can tell me

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LUE, MK,....MK, LUE, all looks basically the same :lol:

Also when at that note, some members of MK got far more then 2 times defeated by NPO, I wonder who holds the record.

There were some that got beaten from naac times also obviously lue times, etc.

Do you keep score, and who has the most defeats at the hands of the NPO in MK?

I do wonder, if you can tell me

See, I was originally going to add "Unless you were trying to make an oh-so-hilarious LUE 2.0 joke, I don't get it." to my post, but took it out because I thought (ever so slightly) more of the posters on the OWF. Looks like I should have left it in!

my count is one

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You are no more of a threat than GKC and Everton were two and a half years ago. You are our scout team nothing more. Our guys fight you and move on. Continue to think that you are hurting the NPO you are only helping us. Every low level rogue or ax to grind group aids the Order. Just as I was aided by the diabetus in my early days Vox aids our new members.

Tchah, I have no allusions about my war's effect on the NPO, but I know that one Pacifican is having a bad week and will continue to until he surrenders, and I know that one tech deal got screwed. And that's all I need.

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If I told you I would ruin it to a degree and its going so well thus far. :D

Sometimes the best you could do is to sit down, relax and let the magic of things work for you on its own.

If you are sticking with the cloak and dagger fun then I guess I'll have to flat out suggest something: I think you are implying that you use these types of threads to unmask NPO haters in the hope that it will discourage any form of public criticism of your alliance both in this thread and in future. If you are not implying this feel free to put the record straight.

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Unless I'm mistaken, he already fought larger nations when his initial wars started. If they didn't beat him then, why would they beat him now? I have no personal feelings for the NPO either way but I certainly like to see a war machine in action.

They did beat him proved by his incredible low infra to wonder count.

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They did beat him proved by his incredible low infra to wonder count.

Not quite. A true beating would have put him a bill lock, and then allowed those lower level nations to continue the throttling. They knocked him down to a range where he has significant power though.

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Not quite. A true beating would have put him a bill lock, and then allowed those lower level nations to continue the throttling. They knocked him down to a range where he has significant power though.

Too long in TOP I guess. We have a lower threshold for Dowing people since we simply lack numbers in the lower tiers.

Edit: He must have fought someone a lot stronger and lost one way or the other. Wasn't the OP NV member and such not really a target of NPO when it all started ie NPO would have issues with locking him down back then when he was someone elses priority?

Edited by alpreb
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Too long in TOP I guess. We have a lower threshold for Dowing people since we simply lack numbers in the lower tiers.

Edit: He must have fought someone a lot stronger and lost one way or the other. Wasn't the OP NV member and such not really a target of NPO when it all started ie NPO would have issues with locking him down back then when he was someone elses priority?

He's been fighting since New Year's in Vox. He was in peace mode before that. He was NV before that.

And yeah, he lost strength, but he clearly wasn't "beaten" as indicated by him still fighting.

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See, I was originally going to add "Unless you were trying to make an oh-so-hilarious LUE 2.0 joke, I don't get it." to my post, but took it out because I thought (ever so slightly) more of the posters on the OWF. Looks like I should have left it in!

my count is one

Yes, well it was an honest mistake by TruHartBrakN as you can see,.....I kid I kid :lol:

Yes, you are a good one, only one, but what of the other veterans among your ranks I do wonder.

If you are sticking with the cloak and dagger fun then I guess I'll have to flat out suggest something: I think you are implying that you use these types of threads to unmask NPO haters in the hope that it will discourage any form of public criticism of your alliance both in this thread and in future.

No, no you got it wrong.

If you are not implying this feel free to put the record straight.

Your trying to trixs me to tell what I said I dont wish to.

Sneaky. :D

Edited by Branimir
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They did beat him proved by his incredible low infra to wonder count.

Some loss is to be expected in war and certainly in the kind a Vox member would find themselves in. The fact that he can still create and maintain nukes speaks to the level of damage (or lack thereof) he's taken.

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