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What can a Lone Nation amount to?


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Well, some extreme nations like Matt Miller and such could probably take down the top ranks of very weak alliances. But really this is a game of alliances between nations, the best way to matter is to become politically active and help steer an alliance of dozens or hundreds of nations. Because no matter what happens 10 high level nations will always be bigger and tougher than 1 high level nation.

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My question is this: Can a single nation of any size in CN hope to stand against any alliance?


Can they stand alone and achieve the kind of victory an alliance can with reps after?


With a Man Pro, SDI, CIA, Pentagon, WRC and $1 billion plus in the bank you can do enormous damage to any alliance, especially when you drop below 30k NS. You wont get a traditional victory but if you continue to collect you will continue to exist giving you a victory of sorts.

Edited by Alterego
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You can fly solo, but there will be problems:

1. You are vulnerable to rogues and have no protections. Even being not active for ONE day will ground you a rogue, and there are rogues who will attack anyone who isn't in any alliances, even if the victims are active. Don't believe me? Look at the list of unallied nations, Anarchy seems to be a popular type of government.

2. You won't able to get any start up money from many alliances and many alliances have nation building guides. Expect nations who are in good alliances to grow faster than your nation.

3. You won't able to get help in your trades and tech deals from good alliances. I have already set up a trade circle for my alliance and is working on two trade circles.

4. Many CN players who attempted to fly solo end up quitting CN after being dog piled by rogues non-stop.

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There are a quite few mid-high level 'unaligned' nations but almost all of them are either sitting in red for NPO protection or have direct protection from an alliance which they're effectively a part of.

Then there are a very few mid-high level genuinely unaligned nations who try it for the challenge, but you can guarantee every one of these only got where they are by being in an alliance first. To even stand a chance you'll need a full set of nukes which will deter many opportunists, but there are still enough raiders who don't mind losing the infra and will risk the overall loss, so almost nobody stays unaligned for very long without being raided to oblivion.

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Yes, the chances of you slipping unnoticed thru all the tech raiders until you are large enough to take care of yourself are very slim, and as noted previously you will have to test out game mechanics and find out the best strategies by yourself.

So the short answer is; yes even thought this game is called cyber nations it realy is cyber ALLIANCES.

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With the vast alliances present on the site, it's a wonder the place is called Cyber NATIONS instead of Cyber ALLIANCES.

My question is this: Can a single nation of any size in CN hope to stand against any alliance?

If they are exceptional at war, treason, or political manipulation then yes they could

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I think he's asking if he can go it alone without an AA. I'd say it's possible to exist, but the measure of that existence is... you won't "go as far."

Yeah, you'll exist, but you'll get tech raided to death. Between other unaligned nations and alliances that are okay with unprovoked raiding, the majority of nations in CN in your strength range will be able to consider you a target if they happen to come across you, and the odds of anyone caring enough to help you are pretty small.

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The trick'd be to keep your nation growing, or atleast staying at an even NS, while fighting three defensive wars. If we keep nukes out of the equation (because they are the automatic "everybody loses" option), I do see possibilities to do something like that. It'd be hard, and require a very well balanced nation, but seeing as how in 1 on 1 combat the defensive nation has the advantage, it'd be possible if you're a better fighter, more active and have the discipline to stay focussed on the defense, rather than thinking offensively, because the trick, again, is not to destroy your opponent, but to survive a theoretically unending combat.

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My question is this: Can a single nation of any size in CN hope to stand against any alliance?

Tech raiders, likely... but alliance, no. Though you could always seek protection from an alliance while remaining unaligned.

But would he try it on a different colour?

Actually, Assimilator has been in the red team way before the alliance started protecting red nations.

I think that if you started out way back before there were a lot of tech raiders, you could probably survive as an unaligned. There used to be an unaligned nation in Purple, and he was the strongest one there for the longest time.

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