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Micro Alliances: The CN Version of Reality Television


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I love what Micro-Alliances bring to the game; its very refreshing to see some passion and people standing up for themselves. They, like many of us medium-sized alliances, are in this to enjoy their communities rather than "win" the game. To this purpose, I see many of them as being very honorable and holding steadfast to their principles; imo and from my experience, a smaller alliance is much more likely to honor its treaties than a larger one.

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Smaller alliances do a lot more. They keep people active and interested in the game. They give people goals and a purpose. It's a risk, and when you take a risk failure is a possibility. Amazingly these people don't think joining an established alliance built on the work of others is an achievement. Shocking I know.

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To this purpose, I see many of them as being very honorable and holding steadfast to their principles; imo and from my experience, a smaller alliance is much more likely to honor its treaties than a larger one.

My experiences have led me to the same conclusion, and I can recall numerous examples of small alliances holding firm at my side when larger, supposedly more powerful ones went weak at the knees.

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To all the haters out there, you can mock those little guys all you want, but without them, truly we'd have utter stagnation forever. I think their daily affairs are far more interesting then the endless circle of treaties and cancellations.

May Admin bless those small fries! :awesome:

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To all the haters out there, you can mock those little guys all you want, but without them, truly we'd have utter stagnation forever. I think their daily affairs are far more interesting then the endless circle of treaties and cancellations.

May Admin bless those small fries! :awesome:

What this guy said.

Except the admin part. Blasphemer )):

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I tend to see the micro alliances as perfect examples of Planet Bob's version of natural selection. With the exception of the ones who form after their founders get some good diplomatic and leadership training, it seems that most of these small newbie alliances flounder around, for all appearances somewhat aimlessly, blissfully ignorant of how close they are to getting picked off. They feel this giant pull to the OWF and create some drama for the lulz, then are amazed when they are crushed after epically failing at spying/raiding established alliance members/trying to topple the "powers that be".

Don't get me wrong, I know all alliances have to start somewhere, and it is good to see active nations, especially the newer ones. It's just a little hard to take some of them seriously when they post a new topic on a daily basis, with often highly incoherent content and seemingly contradictory stances to what they had announced the day before.

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And that's what Cyber Nations is all about, after all! Sitting back and begging entertainment from the ones who are actually willing to stick their e-necks out for something rather than reclining in a treaty-weave armchair and whining.

so...you're suggesting suicide for the sake of lulz? Sounds suspiciously like something we've seen before

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LOL Cobalt! You hit the nail on the head. I was saying last night that this is a bad trainwreck. I want to look away, but I can't. It's actually become physically painful for me to watch all this, yet I cannot stop.

That and I secretly love it. Like a guilty pleasure thing (what guilty pleasure movie would you bring if you were stranded on a desert island.) Except it's like what guilty pleasure alliance are you secretly routing for.

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To the cynics, the Grand Lodge of Freemasons was a micro alliance and we now have over a hundred and twenty members, many close friends, a tradition of honoring our agreements, are among the fastest growing alliances, and started with,.. erm... 1 person. Plus we have never had a protectorate.

I have more respect for people who actually try to do something, even if they fail, then for those who sit comfortably in numbers and shirk their noses up at others.

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Hey! I was pretty experienced and my alliance conducted itself well. I was just insanely corrupt in the background :P.

But yeah, if you think its fun watching micros you should actually try to run one. Then you either not get a protectorate or get one with a less well known and less powerful alliance. It allows you to have to rely on the other micros for community and acceptance since no matter how good you are very little large alliances will take you in as an equal.

Its really fun though. I did it for like 10 months (9 months and 1 month) and I don't regret it. On the reroll I would love to make a new one but I'll just be way too weak to command respect from new players who are unfamiliar with the game.

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To the cynics, the Grand Lodge of Freemasons was a micro alliance and we now have over a hundred and twenty members, many close friends, a tradition of honoring our agreements, are among the fastest growing alliances, and started with,.. erm... 1 person. Plus we have never had a protectorate.

I have more respect for people who actually try to do something, even if they fail, then for those who sit comfortably in numbers and shirk their noses up at others.

I can attest to this statement. I remember when we first made diplomatic contact with you all, and how impressed I was. It's been an honor to be allied to you all.

GLOF :wub:

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I just wish people would berate them less in their entertaining threads and instead route them on. So what if they don't do it as well as some of you? Have they had the experience of you?

If all these new alliances are going to exist they might as well provide the entertainment since there is little of it anywhere else unless you are one of the superprivilaged few that spends every night in IRC playing diplomacy.

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Perhaps this just serves as a reminder of the old days when two "macro" alliances could create just as much drama without fear of dragging in the entire treaty web. The reason that micro alliances do what they do to one another seems to be less out of inexperience and more out of lack of perceived consequences, though I'll admit that there is probably a fair amount of both involved. When the stakes are lower, more players will take a gamble.

Edited by Penguin
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I think what some people are forgetting is that there is a difference between people leading small alliances that don't understand the game, people leading small alliances that understand the game, and idiots in charge of small alliances that have no clue nor inkling to listen to advice from those that do. Take a look at the small alliances that approach others for advice and pointers and take a look at small alliances that have been in larger alliances and have learned the basics and maybe even the intermediates of how this game is played. Now look at the drooling mouth-breathers that run small alliances and the loldrama that they bring to the forums. I'm sure you notice the difference.

Don't pity the idiots because they are. You aren't doing any service to them. Let them do what they do and either enjoy it or ignore it. They'll wind up merged, rolled, or deleted soon enough. It is the first two groups that will bring whatever diversity is allowed to this game. There are competent small alliances out there that don't have protectors and are rubbing elbows with big and small alliances alike. They just understand the difference between public displays of stupidity and measured speech.

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And after nearly five hours, nobody has pointed out that those numbers don't add up. :awesome:

Its kind of like in his other post where he thought posting the address that he could be reached at was newpacificorder.net. It's not that big of a deal and pretty obvious he meant to do such in an attempt to get someone to say something about it. I guess you scratched that itch.

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