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This, full stop.

Not recognizing any army attached to Sumeragi, especially of that size. <_<

Here's the problem, Sumeragi never had that many soldiers to begin with, can't have armed them all, and doesn't even have a nation in RP. It's complete BS if you ask me.

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Has someone already suggested averging the tech together for the nations merging? Hurting the bigger nations and only helping the smaller ones.

I've already explained why this makes no sense. Its simple economics, bigger tech nations also make up a bigger proportional part of the merger. They are more likely to rise up the smaller nation than fall down themselves. If you merged Matt Miller with a 2 day old nation, it'd make zero sense to average the two, Matt Miller would have resources to absorb much more of the small nation than vice versa.

Edit: Also agreed on the Sumeragi front.

Edited by Triyun
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(Sorry Sumer) I agree, she can't have that many soldiers. I am RPing that a large number of former Ageans are rising up to fight, but it's a small fraction of my former army as Agea, and probably within the numbers that Nova Roma has total. Some soldiers is fine, a whole army, sorry, but no.

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(Sorry Sumer) I agree, she can't have that many soldiers. I am RPing that a large number of former Ageans are rising up to fight, but it's a small fraction of my former army as Agea, and probably within the numbers that Nova Roma has total. Some soldiers is fine, a whole army, sorry, but no.

Im not even sure how you're able to pull that off since you have a new nation now. Rp'ing your nation + the population of your former nation = im not buying it.

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Im not even sure how you're able to pull that off since you have a new nation now. Rp'ing your nation + the population of your former nation = im not buying it.

I really just RPed the group of former soldiers leaving their homes, and meeting with the Nova Roma/ Magna Europa people, and saying that they wanted to contribute to the war effort, it's all for Jed to control now :awesome:

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On the nation issue: Look; I'm with Sumer on this one. I've rp'd my nation as having traversed the globe as a traveling warrior tribe, starting in Ireland, to two locations in America, to Acre for a rousing crusade, and finally here to NZ. My nations history is basically wandering from territory to territory looking for a "Homeland". Also, her population was heavily militarized/heavily indoctrinated...and BESIDES, our good friend LVN already set precedence for this. Before Shan started the de-brainwashing process, even though IW didn't exist any more, the population did, and you had to basically kill yourself just to get a beachhead. Remember that?

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But 440,000 troops? I'll give her maybe something like 30,000... but there is no way in hell I, or anyone else, should be recognizing a military that is almost the size of mine. I mean, I actually HAVE a nation and my military is only like 580,000.

This is my point.

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On the nation issue: Look; I'm with Sumer on this one. I've rp'd my nation as having traversed the globe as a traveling warrior tribe, starting in Ireland, to two locations in America, to Acre for a rousing crusade, and finally here to NZ. My nations history is basically wandering from territory to territory looking for a "Homeland". Also, her population was heavily militarized/heavily indoctrinated...and BESIDES, our good friend LVN already set precedence for this. Before Shan started the de-brainwashing process, even though IW didn't exist any more, the population did, and you had to basically kill yourself just to get a beachhead. Remember that?

Her population was carpet bombed and nuked.

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On the nation issue: Look; I'm with Sumer on this one. I've rp'd my nation as having traversed the globe as a traveling warrior tribe, starting in Ireland, to two locations in America, to Acre for a rousing crusade, and finally here to NZ. My nations history is basically wandering from territory to territory looking for a "Homeland". Also, her population was heavily militarized/heavily indoctrinated...and BESIDES, our good friend LVN already set precedence for this. Before Shan started the de-brainwashing process, even though IW didn't exist any more, the population did, and you had to basically kill yourself just to get a beachhead. Remember that?

the nation of Kyokujitsu did not exist until a couple months ago, where it declared its existence in PNG, not to mention that her industry and military defenses had been rolled at least twice BEFORE the last war, ending it's existence.

As I rp Neo Japan as the successor state to RL japan, with most of RL japan's history behind it, and I deny Sumeragi's history. I was here first, so what of that history now?

also, Triyun said it for me ^_^

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You know what I find to be the strangest part of this entire KT thing, is that I still remember when I first joined RP, that KT occupied the top half of New Guinea, and didn't cause any trouble for anyone. As far as I can tell, she didn't start causing trouble until after Triyun gave her viceroyship of Korea.......


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On the nation issue: Look; I'm with Sumer on this one. I've rp'd my nation as having traversed the globe as a traveling warrior tribe, starting in Ireland, to two locations in America, to Acre for a rousing crusade, and finally here to NZ. My nations history is basically wandering from territory to territory looking for a "Homeland". Also, her population was heavily militarized/heavily indoctrinated...and BESIDES, our good friend LVN already set precedence for this. Before Shan started the de-brainwashing process, even though IW didn't exist any more, the population did, and you had to basically kill yourself just to get a beachhead. Remember that?

She didn't leave her old lands because she was RPIng nomads she left because her nation was blown up. She fought a war and lost that means people, especially military were killed. Why should she be able to still RP with the same number of troops as she had before the war?

Like I said on IRC by that logic if I am ever attacked I will be able to launch nukes until the end of the RP because my in game nation will always have nukes.

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Look, the whole problem with an armed population argument is it totally undermines play by stats. Sure you can have one, but having a 400, 000 man army is pretty foolish. This army would not be highly trained by any remote stretch of the imagination. I do not see what is so hard about Sumeragi just playing by what she has in game, and probably less considering her present situation. Not to mention I should have her general officers all in custody. Organizing an army is not a simplistic process.

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How did she transport all of those men to Europe anyways?

all 8 million were whisked away on the wings of fancy, bypassing enemy fleets, transporting from one end of the world to another before the already-invading forces of the pacific could stop them

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