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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1295583504' post='2587761']
Enforcing rules via IC consequences is a dumb idea. With rare exception, people will generally not do the long term RP needed to sufficiently punish someone.
Not enforcing OOC rules IC. What I'm saying is that if people do not want weapons in space, the limitation should be suggested IC, not OOC. Similar to bans on certain weapons of mass destruction in RL.

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[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1295588068' post='2588351']
What are you questioning? It generally helps to form complete sentences.
Uh, just wanted to know how I came to lose Ontario. Up until earlier tonight I still possessed it.

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[quote name='KingChris' timestamp='1295580434' post='2587653']
"Welcome to the International Broadcasting Radio Station of the Republic of Ontario. And now, please tune in for the President's State of the Republic Speech."

"Good evening, my fellow On-"

Listeners would then hear static, followed by an extremely high pitched voice that sounded like the result of a genetic experiment gone wrong.

"Ontario shall burn to the ground. The awful tyranny that overran Disparu out of Ontario had ended. 20 bombs were dropped on the location of the President's speech, effectively killing all government members that could take over the country in such an accident. Freedom for the native Ontarians!!!

"Ok, now I honestly don't know what to do. I guess that since I hijacked the government's access to all communications, I'm in charge now...Bah, @#$% it. Those Imperialist swine down in New York can take this place, I guess. I'm gonna go and dive down Niagara Falls. See all you suckers later. Ayayayayayayaya!!!!"

Meanwhile, soldiers stationed all across the country simultaneously facepalmed in shock. They would not notice any foreign armies marching in.

OOC: Re-roll

Not anymore, according to you.

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[quote name='KingChris' timestamp='1295590234' post='2588563']
Uh, just wanted to know how I came to lose Ontario. Up until earlier tonight I still possessed it.

You were never on the map, never saw you post, etc. You can't complain about not being noticed by people when you aren't on the map and aren't active. Both are your responsibility, not mine.

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1295768868' post='2593555']
I think Lynneth mentioned in passing somewhere that he cured AIDS, though I don't believe him :v:
Just make a new strain of the virus, and have it mutate to the point where it becomes airborne! :ph34r:

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1295768868' post='2593555']
I think Lynneth mentioned in passing somewhere that he cured AIDS, though I don't believe him :v:
My shenanigans (medicine and genetics) did a lot of stuffs. Included in this was the capability of curing several strains of AIDS (by no means all) and the capability of removing practically all cancer from a person's system [b]and[/b] making them more resistant to it, effectively defeating it.
However, the secret to this was never shared with other nations, but kept relatively secret. Treatment was also expensive as $%&@.

At the moment I'm not RPing that because I a) don't feel like it and b) the appropriate data-'vault' brought in one of the lolrefugee ships back then hasn't been opened yet. :v:

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[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1295772987' post='2593665']
No need to [i]worry[/i], someone will send an operative to [i]accidentally[/i] sink or light your lolrefuge ship ablaze.


On serious note, there was a man who was cured of HIV. However, he barely survived the cancer treatment (bone marrow transplant, chemotherapy and radiation) and the cure was deemed too risky for public's use.


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[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1295792270' post='2593863']
No need to [i]worry[/i], someone will send an operative to [i]accidentally[/i] sink or light your lolrefuge ship ablaze.


On serious note, there was a man who was cured of HIV. However, he barely survived the cancer treatment (bone marrow transplant, chemotherapy and radiation) and the cure was deemed too risky for public's use.

That "lolship" has been emptied of everything ages ago.
The HDDs and whatnot are in some kinda underground bunker, most likely :v:

Also, yay curing HIV.

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