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Submarines don't have a "windshield". I would think flying a submarine in the sky would be an extremely large, hard to maneuver target that would essentially be blind. Sure, you could put optics in the sail, but it wouldn't be very effective. How large were you planning on making this thing?

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A more feasible option would be something that was more helicopter than submarine. It would be much smaller and would not be able to go to fill submarine depth, but would be able to travel underwater to sneak into a destination and then take off into the sky. Or vice versa, it could escape beneath the water when in pursuit.

The trades offs still wouldn't make this advisable, it would be extremely expensive. Having an effective pressure hull would limit a lot of the effectiveness of the helicopter missions, but at least there could be some missions where this might be advantageous.

As I previously said, taking a fully operational nuclear submarine (or even a diesel) into the skies is not feasible at any tech level. Even if it was possible, you would be a large, not easily maneuverable target and would easily be taken down.

A submarine's strength is stealth. There is nothing stealthy about a large, slow, metal blimp.

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[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1347537959' post='3029676']
You've got to tell me you guys were joking about that thing flying
Why not? Waste a sub and an aircraft slot to build a thing that sucks at fullfilling any of its roles, only succeeding in earning a collective facepalm from CNRPs military community.

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To answer the questions: Yes Bhutan is landlocked which is why it needs to be able to stay out on operation for long time and I intend to handle the port issue IC shortly. As for size I don't know the actual size of the sub in the anime its from but all I intend is for it to carry three gunships of about Apache size, up to sixty cruise missiles likely of Tomahawk size as well as the necessary torpedoes for underwater combat and all the other essential parts.

Kankou if you could get me a design for a sub which is to or close to those specifications it would be appreciated.

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1347588240' post='3029917']
You're asking if Kim Yun San owns any of Korea. If he's not participating in CNRP, then it's irrelevant as it doesn't matter if he owns Korea or not. He can do whatever he pleases.
I don't quite get why that justifies being rude. But whatever, its not worth it.

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1347586947' post='3029903']
Does this "Kim Yun San" guy actually own any of Korea?

I do not own any of korea's readying the DoE is helpful, my nation is based on Korean ethnicity anyways read the crappy (I mean it is crap because I am not a writer) history in the DoE you will understand.

I am not participating in CNRP ((aka map or whatever)) as Markus Wilding said I simply do normal RP about my nation because I love doing it.

Edited by Kim Yun San
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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1347587261' post='3029908']
It's been said plenty of times before. The fact that it's labeled "Fantasy RP" and not "CNRP" should be obvious enough.
Are you aware, Markus, that you can in fact post in the OOC thread without being a pompous dick?

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[quote name='Gloval' timestamp='1347500606' post='3029505']
I did find the map thread :). Sorry for being new to this, but who are they?
[/quote]Let's srr, off the top of my head, the first two players that come to mind are Vedran and Executive Minister. There are more, but I'm terrible with names.

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