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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1294372648' post='2566763']
Well done EM, that last post in "This is not a Drill" well written.

I'm glad SOMEONE enjoyed the suffering and devastation wrought on the innocent little Nodic babies with that attack.

[sub]Ty. And not californian.[/sub]

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*Points at the patheticness of this thread and laughs with great hilarity.*


1. You wish physics works in some of the ways you have described.
2. Taking 4 nukes would devastate any nation and the assumption of losses only in the hundreds of thousands in cities that might contain millions is fairly absurd.
3. Assuming a nation has set firing mechanisms to go off too deep based on geography is even more.. well.. I can't think of any other word than sad.

I'm sorry, all I am seeing is an attempt to mitigate the damage via meta-ing out the effects of the weapons and making broad sweeping assumptions about how and where the nukes went off and on what. You do not have control over this. IG you would have suffered extremely significant damage. In RL you would have suffered extremely significant damage. I will respect you far more as an RPer if you properly RP the tragedy that has affected your nation instead of attempting to belittle the unparalleled destructive capability of a nuclear device. It is also an insult to Japan and all survivors of nuclear weapons either in use, testing, or development.

[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1294373827' post='2566777']
I'm glad SOMEONE enjoyed the suffering and devastation wrought on the innocent little Nodic babies with that attack.

[sub]Ty. And not californian.[/sub]

Not only enjoying, benefiting from. Remember, I'm playing a Bane in the WoD thread that parallels CNRP. I fully encourage the destruction of Gaia in all her forms.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1294374928' post='2566798']
Not only enjoying, benefiting from. Remember, I'm playing a Bane in the WoD thread that parallels CNRP. I fully encourage the destruction of Gaia in all her forms.

I don't know what you mean, but I'm flattered?

Also, I'm saying this here. I cannot do diddly with regards to anything that has to do with Ty's Lollercoaster antics.

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1294375594' post='2566813']
[i]/msg nickserv register PASSWORD EMAIL

[/i]Essentially, get on "Shatner" and type that above. Replace password and email with your preferred password and email address. Once it's confirmed, type:

/ns identify PASSWORD

And then join #cnrp.

Thanks. It's weird, I've never had to do this before.

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1294376099' post='2566825']
It has not been anywhere near a few weeks, it's been four days.

Time passes quickly.

The point remains I need to talk something over with some RPers. It's not like I was banned for any reason this time. Except for talking back to Saarkin, who was kicking me immediately every time I joined.

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1294374928' post='2566798']
*Points at the patheticness of this thread and laughs with great hilarity.*


[b]1. You wish physics works in some of the ways you have described.[/b]
2. Taking 4 nukes would devastate any nation and the assumption of losses only in the hundreds of thousands in cities that might contain millions is fairly absurd.
3. Assuming a nation has set firing mechanisms to go off too deep based on geography is even more.. well.. I can't think of any other word than sad.

This. SDI rolls were made, time to properly RP the damage.

Edited by iKrolm
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Brought this into the OOC thread...

[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1294795026' post='2572465']
OOC: What would Dalmatia's IC reason be for using ludicrously flimsy evidence to occupy a country half a world away?

Ask him as I am not Malatose. But imperialism is, by all accounts, a legitimate [i]casus belli[/i]. Whatever it may be, that's up to Dalmatia's IC reasoning, not my own justification. I was just clearing up the fact that real life wars have been fought over very flimsily-based false flag operations.

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Yes I do Sal: http://books.google.com/books?id=74Zmct-7hGIC&pg=PA364&lpg=PA364&dq=continuation+of+the+state+treaties&source=bl&ots=h0vdgTCv9U&sig=X-B3wKjp-TUgw_SpK87osgevHEE&hl=en&ei=XSUtTZiKKYH48AasxoHwCA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CBcQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=continuation%20of%20the%20state%20treaties&f=false

Yes the People's Republic of China is broadly recognized as a continuation of the previous state, which was the Republic of China and prior to that the Qing Empire. The People's Republic of China was granted the Republic of China's seat on the UN Security Council. It was given back Hong Kong after a 99 year lease signed between the United Kingdom and the Qing Dynasty. It is the successor state of China and retains the treaties of the previous states unless it specifically renounces them.

If you believe that the People's Republic of China should have the permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council and if you believe that it regaining Hong Kong was legitimate, than you believe that it is the successor state. It is fact. Now granted I'll admit that its a grey area in international law just how much this normally applies, but looking over recent history it does in fact seem to apply especially in the Chinese case and one could make a case as such.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1294805264' post='2572681']
Yes I do Sal: http://books.google.com/books?id=74Zmct-7hGIC&pg=PA364&lpg=PA364&dq=continuation+of+the+state+treaties&source=bl&ots=h0vdgTCv9U&sig=X-B3wKjp-TUgw_SpK87osgevHEE&hl=en&ei=XSUtTZiKKYH48AasxoHwCA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CBcQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=continuation%20of%20the%20state%20treaties&f=false

Yes the People's Republic of China is broadly recognized as a continuation of the previous state, which was the Republic of China and prior to that the Qing Empire. The People's Republic of China was granted the Republic of China's seat on the UN Security Council. It was given back Hong Kong after a 99 year lease signed between the United Kingdom and the Qing Dynasty. It is the successor state of China and retains the treaties of the previous states unless it specifically renounces them.

If you believe that the People's Republic of China should have the permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council and if you believe that it regaining Hong Kong was legitimate, than you believe that it is the successor state. It is fact. Now granted I'll admit that its a grey area in international law just how much this normally applies, but looking over recent history it does in fact seem to apply especially in the Chinese case and one could make a case as such.

The Republic of China still exists. And no I don't believe the PRC should have a permanent seat on the UN Security Council and that Hong Kong should have been given to it. If I did support the PRC's seat on the security council it certainly wouldn't be because the RoC had one.

But which is it? The same state or the successor state?

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