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Boy, that sure m,akes me feel valuable... :P

Always glad to help boost your ego. :v:

Heck. LVN did it when he was still Rp'ing as Imperial Wellington. But even he RP'd only having a few dozen, at most, iirc.

Wrong. His "robots" were basically:

Treads, a weight, ammo and a gun. And some software so it could drive on its own, recognising possible threats, etc, but they were mostly directed by a human operator.

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Wrong. His "robots" were basically:

Treads, a weight, ammo and a gun. And some software so it could drive on its own, recognising possible threats, etc, but they were mostly directed by a human operator.

And LVN's robots (assuming you're talking about the SWORDS in his factbook) exist today.

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So Mars Colony's will be coming soon so how will we explain that in CNRP terms seeing as we tried but it died and as Sargun said it should be dicussed before they arrive. I mean maintaining a colony would too expensive with modern technology no?

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I for one would like the following:

Moonbases are allowed, with LOTS of Roleplay. First of the appropriate spaceprogram, then getting materials into space and to the moon. I'm talking about 5+ forumpages worth of RP, and no one-liners.

Marsbases should not be allowed, but Marsmissions should be allowed. Sending people up so they return with samples? Sure.

Actually building a permanent outpost? No, thanks. Way out of our technology range.

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I for one would like the following:

Moonbases are allowed, with LOTS of Roleplay. First of the appropriate spaceprogram, then getting materials into space and to the moon. I'm talking about 5+ forumpages worth of RP, and no one-liners.

Marsbases should not be allowed, but Marsmissions should be allowed. Sending people up so they return with samples? Sure.

Actually building a permanent outpost? No, thanks. Way out of our technology range.

I totally agree with you here. I really don't wish to see any Mars Bases as it is as you said way out of our technology range until we can get some sort of faster propulsion for our space rockets. Anyway just posting my agreement with you.

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The wonders are here, the basic rule that has just been reinforced with gms abolishing saved stats is ig equals ic on most levels as such I will play what I have in-game. Required roleplaying acceptable of course but once my nation screen says I have a mars base I will have one.

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I have a question regarding old nations and characters.

If I wanted, could I use one of my old (non-dead) characters, such as Aaron, Markus Wilding and Natalie for instance? I know the general rule is "once it's gone, it's gone" but what if Aaron escaped the USB and decided to create a sucessor state to it? And the same thing with Markus. What if he decided to create a new nation to pursue Hidolf's dream?

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I have a question regarding old nations and characters.

If I wanted, could I use one of my old (non-dead) characters, such as Aaron, Markus Wilding and Natalie for instance? I know the general rule is "once it's gone, it's gone" but what if Aaron escaped the USB and decided to create a sucessor state to it? And the same thing with Markus. What if he decided to create a new nation to pursue Hidolf's dream?

Wouldn't see why not, do the same my current nation still has all former leaders.

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I could have sworn that in the RP Rules and Guidlines thread it said once you reroll, you can't have anything to do with the old nation...

That part of the rules is just a big piece of !@#$%^&*, while it is there no one can force another to stop playing a character certainly if left unclaimed.

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The wonders are here, the basic rule that has just been reinforced with gms abolishing saved stats is ig equals ic on most levels as such I will play what I have in-game. Required roleplaying acceptable of course but once my nation screen says I have a mars base I will have one.

Then please explain how you have the technology to reach mars and maintain a fully functioning Mars Base then.

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Marsbases should not be allowed, but Marsmissions should be allowed. Sending people up so they return with samples? Sure.

Actually building a permanent outpost? No, thanks. Way out of our technology range.

This is very untrue, the technology definitely exists. However, if a nation is considering a step in space coloninzation they will have to drastically cut military, education, social, etc. spending.

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Yikes! *shudders*

The wonders are here, the basic rule that has just been reinforced with gms abolishing saved stats is ig equals ic on most levels as such I will play what I have in-game. Required roleplaying acceptable of course but once my nation screen says I have a mars base I will have one.

Actually, the ruling on that isn't set in stone yet...our GM's STILL haven't annunced their decision on that.

I have a question regarding old nations and characters.

If I wanted, could I use one of my old (non-dead) characters, such as Aaron, Markus Wilding and Natalie for instance? I know the general rule is "once it's gone, it's gone" but what if Aaron escaped the USB and decided to create a sucessor state to it? And the same thing with Markus. What if he decided to create a new nation to pursue Hidolf's dream?

I could have sworn that in the RP Rules and Guidlines thread it said once you reroll, you can't have anything to do with the old nation...

The nation, yes. Specific characters you create are all yours unless you kill them or let another player have them.

This is very untrue, the technology definitely exists. However, if a nation is considering a step in space coloninzation they will have to drastically cut military, education, social, etc. spending.

This is what I tend to agree with more, rather than saying we don't have the technology, it is possible, but would cost a lot in terms of everything else.

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This is very untrue, the technology definitely exists. However, if a nation is considering a step in space coloninzation they will have to drastically cut military, education, social, etc. spending.

Considering the extreme cost of the Mars Bases in the first place, if you're going to be doing it you'll be paying a lot of in-game money so I'd assume you have RP money to do it.

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The wonders are here, the basic rule that has just been reinforced with gms abolishing saved stats is ig equals ic on most levels as such I will play what I have in-game. Required roleplaying acceptable of course but once my nation screen says I have a mars base I will have one.
This is very untrue, the technology definitely exists. However, if a nation is considering a step in space coloninzation they will have to drastically cut military, education, social, etc. spending.

Have fun sending missions to Mars that need 9 months TO Mars, 9 months BACK and a MINIMUM staying time of...I think it was 6 or 8 months.

Basically, Mars Missions may be possible, but simply not feasible until we have a way to keep the people alive up there for 9+9+6=24 or more months, or 2 earth years. The ISS already needs regular resupplying, on a weekly basis.

Mars missions simply are a waste of time until you find a better drive than what we currently have. Fusion torches may be of use, but it's not sure if those would actually work that well. And any ship sent there would have to be immense in size.

That part of the rules is just a big piece of !@#$%^&*, while it is there no one can force another to stop playing a character certainly if left unclaimed.

That part of the rules was added to prevent abuse.

Technology etc generally is gone, so new nations can't for example pick up my old railgun-defense network in Canada.

Population still exists, but due to Sumeragi, previous GMs enforced that your old population can no longer be RPd by you in any way. You can direct what way they'll go, but if you completely reroll and later want to make the first nation again, it's a no-no.

Single characters being reused I have no problem with, though.

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