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If I can go back to the saved stats thing for a minute. I don’t have a problem with it. There are things going on in CN that most of us have no control over, for instance the recent war devastated a lot of people in cnrp. Believe me the weakened state of some cnrp'ers is something I'd love to take advantage of, but it just wouldn't be fair. As long as you have the proof of your stats before the war then it shouldn't be a problem.

In other news, I think this nation locking thing is being taken advantage of. It seems like anyone with runny nose gets their nation locked for as long as they want. I feel that unless you are completely unable to reach a computer, your alliance has ordered all members not to post in the forums, or you're hands are broken then you should be able to rp.

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If I can go back to the saved stats thing for a minute. I don’t have a problem with it. There are things going on in CN that most of us have no control over, for instance the recent war devastated a lot of people in cnrp. Believe me the weakened state of some cnrp'ers is something I'd love to take advantage of, but it just wouldn't be fair. As long as you have the proof of your stats before the war then it shouldn't be a problem.

In other news, I think this nation locking thing is being taken advantage of. It seems like anyone with runny nose gets their nation locked for as long as they want. I feel that unless you are completely unable to reach a computer, your alliance has ordered all members not to post in the forums, or you're hands are broken then you should be able to rp.

While I don't really agree with your view on stats, I fully agree on locking. It should only be used in exceptional cases.

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I think we should enforce Subtle's thing, where if you're in game stats aren't built back up to your saved stats, you can't go FORWARD. You stay in the same place technology wise and such. No new discoveries.

I don't make huge technological leaps, so that’s fine with me. One of the drawbacks of rping in real time I suppose.

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I think we should enforce Subtle's thing, where if you're in game stats aren't built back up to your saved stats, you can't go FORWARD. You stay in the same place technology wise and such. No new discoveries.
I don't make huge technological leaps, so that's fine with me. One of the drawbacks of rping in real time I suppose.

What's everyone else's take on this?

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If you are condemned to ZI or PZI that is tragic. However, it doesn't mean you have to stop role playing. There are a slew of role plays that don't depend on you being the biggest and most powerful country on the map.

I dare say one could even make a stab at character role play.

The shock of saying that is somewhat overwhelming.

Regardless, being in the situation of PZI or ZI does stink, but the rules shouldn't be changed for anyone. The same standard of in game tech and infra should be applied evenly to all.

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They Should RP disease, famine, death and destruction. This world is too perfect.

Coming from a someone who's rp deals a lot with trying to eliminate war. :huh:

Fortunately for me the ingame war and the cnrp war happened around the same time, but i still saved my stats so i could rp rebuilding to my former stats.

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Coming from a someone who's rp deals a lot with trying to eliminate war. :huh:

Fortunately for me the ingame war and the cnrp war happened around the same time, but i still saved my stats so i could rp rebuilding to my former stats.

Perfect in the way that none of the listed happened. We have tiny wars and occupation wars, but large wars really dont happen that much. I've RPed war and bombings happening in Central Africa.

Also trying to make an RP way to have war planned out before it becomes a mess.

Edited by mykep
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I RPed the destruction of my nation from the current IG war as a killer plague that decimated my population in CNRP since I could not get in in time to save my stats so I had to RP a series of disasters to explain the death of 98% of my people.

And I had great fun doing it and I will have just as much fun explaining the recovery of my nation as I rebuild in CNRP.

A hellish run of bad luck will be balanced with a period of charmed good fortune.

I like to RP and I can find story potential in any situation be it good or bad.

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It isn't fair for people who are under Eternal/Permanent ZIs. Saved stats should only be used by people who are under E/P ZI, because it isn't fun constantly RPing disasters.

PZI is easily solved by re-rolling under a new character. And as said before if you got yourself on PZI or even EZI means you did something very bad.

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I thought that was how it was now.

No. With your new tech rules, people can research and make new stuff to their heart's content (so long as it is within their tech range), remember?

PZI is easily solved by re-rolling under a new character. And as said before if you got yourself on PZI or even EZI means you did something very bad.

Not necessarily. It could just mean you made some enemies very, very mad... :P

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A long time ago I made the claim that I do not support stat-saves for people who have landed themselves on an alliance's hit-list. Today, I am currently on the world's hit-list, and I still say the same.

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PZI is easily solved by re-rolling under a new character. And as said before if you got yourself on PZI or even EZI means you did something very bad.

"easily solved" by erasing years of hard work and having to come up with a whole new persona

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