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A Question about Events

Overlord Shinnra

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Yeah, I think that's true too. And most events are positive anyway.

Well, I have already had 4 negative events and 1 positive events.

Plus, some people are complaining that they are even getting double of the same negative events, and events that are exactly different! :angry:

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Oh wow, another negative event for me!

Now I had/have 5 negative events and 1 positive events. I think I am one of those "cursed" CN nations that will mainly have negative events.

How does the CN server decides which CN nation should get which event?

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Finally I got a positive event, that only gets me 1 population happiness, and my other negative event that takes a chunk of $5 out of my citizens' average income...

3 positive and 5 negative events so far

Edited by HHAYD
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I've been getting events one after the other, lately... five in the time frame of a month and a half. As soon as one expires, I get another one. 'Tis pretty crazy.

I can't complain a lot, since four of them were positive and only the one I got right now was negative. Although it's pretty frustrating how "bad" the negative events are compared to the "good" ones, a negative easily outclasses two or three good ones at once.

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