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He just knows that he'll never top the Dilber-Archon-Delta-Duncan show.

Yeah, half an hour of high pitched screams of '**** you guys!' and forced banter, that was really great.

I jest, I jest. The show was... entertaining... at least. I prefer more traditional content though, like actual discussion of CN /boring

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Show will be coming back here in about 2 weeks. I can now sell ad space.

3 mill and 50 tech for me to play your 15 - 20 second pre-recorded spot during a break on the show for 2 weeks.

6 mil and 100 tech for me to READ your 15 - 20 second spot during a break on the show for 2 weeks.

I reserve the right to deny service to ad's I do not think are appropriate.

EDIT: We will have a new radio server for the next show. If for some reason we don't have one, I will record the show and you can listen to it from the archive.

Edited by AirMe
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Show will be coming back here in about 2 weeks. I can now sell ad space.

3 mill and 50 tech for me to play your 15 - 20 second pre-recorded spot during a break on the show for 2 weeks.

6 mil and 100 tech for me to READ your 15 - 20 second spot during a break on the show for 2 weeks.

I reserve the right to deny service to ad's I do not think are appropriate.

EDIT: We will have a new radio server for the next show. If for some reason we don't have one, I will record the show and you can listen to it from the archive.

I know this is a long shot and I'm fairly certain I know the answer already, but as someone with a marketing background I have to ask... do you have any idea as to what percentage of people who listen to your show may be unalligned? No sense spending money and tech to advertise my alliance if only alligneds are gonna listen :)

Though, I would gladly contribute money anyway, so maybe I'll just do it :P

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I know this is a long shot and I'm fairly certain I know the answer already, but as someone with a marketing background I have to ask... do you have any idea as to what percentage of people who listen to your show may be unalligned? No sense spending money and tech to advertise my alliance if only alligneds are gonna listen :)

Though, I would gladly contribute money anyway, so maybe I'll just do it :P

No clue to be honest with you.......but I would say that between the 30 - 40 people who listen when we go live and then who knows how many people download the show I probably have at least 125 - 150 listeners...probably more. I have been messaged by people who are unaligned saying they like my show...so who knows.....and who says you need to make a recruiting message? Maybe you just want to put an ad out for the hell of it...or advertising a flag contest or what not....the sky is the limit.

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No clue to be honest with you.......but I would say that between the 30 - 40 people who listen when we go live and then who knows how many people download the show I probably have at least 125 - 150 listeners...probably more. I have been messaged by people who are unaligned saying they like my show...so who knows.....and who says you need to make a recruiting message? Maybe you just want to put an ad out for the hell of it...or advertising a flag contest or what not....the sky is the limit.

It certainly doesn't HAVE to be a recruiting message, just mine would be :)

Anyway, I'll take a 6m/100t slot.

I'll hit you up for specifics at some point soon.

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This is fun to listen to.

You mentioned electron sponge recorded something?

About a year ago, Sponge did a similar show to this, though it was a one-time thing, and was about two hours long. The site it was hosted at has since been taken down, you'd have to PM him if you want to listen to it.

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Actually, theArrowheadian says he might not be able to make it. Dilber, if you want to go on with Moridin, that would make a good show...PM me if you want to...if not....I have a slot open again....someone PM me if they want it.

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Actually, theArrowheadian says he might not be able to make it. Dilber, if you want to go on with Moridin, that would make a good show...PM me if you want to...if not....I have a slot open again....someone PM me if they want it.

I'll hold of for now, as I have a night class on Wednesdays, and I've never had this prof before.

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