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Eagles, Wolves & Dragons!


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The Freehold of the Wolves and The Legion have built up a friendly relationship recently. It is by the welcomed coming together of these two fine groups that we do hereby present the following treaty in the spirit of friendship and mutual understanding.


The memberships of both signatories do recognize each other as sovereign entities with complete political and military independence from each other.


Both signatories do agree to a state of non aggression between each other. It is through this promise that we shall foster a safe environment for the associated members and continue to flourish together as friends into the future.


Intelligence is the foundation for a strong and enduring relationship. Now and into the future both parties do hereby agree to share intelligence with each other for where there is mutual benefit for both alliances.


While recognizing each others political and military Independence this article allows either signatory of this treaty to request the aid of the other if attacked. If a request for aid is received the alliance that received it is encouraged but not required to provide the requested aid.


While recognizing each others political and military Independence this article allows either signatory of this treaty to request the aid of the other in their offensive wars. If a request for aid is received the alliance that received it is encouraged but not required to provide the requested aid.


If either Freehold of the Wolves or The Legion wish to terminate this treaty at any time they must privately inform the leadership of the opposite side. This treaty will be terminated 72 hours after the notification has been sent.

Signed for The Legion

Imperator: deathbiter
Consul of Defense and Foreign Affairs: Tom the Pit Leader
Consul of Economics and Internal Affairs: Alexander Kerensky
Elected Imperator Emeritus: Konkrage
Elected Imperator Emeritus: Regeant Pancras


Signed for Freehold of The Wolves

Mad King: Canik
Hand of the King: Taco
Archon of Foreign Affairs: The Dark Lord Sauron
Archon of Internal Affairs: Joseph "Muddog" Black
Deputy Archon of Internal Affairs: Lord Draculea
Archon of Military Affairs: Daario
Archon of Harmony: Smitty
Deputy Archon of Harmony: Wing Zero

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